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For some time I’ve been aware that being able to share wealth creation breakthroughs and issues really helps encourage students! It helps you feel part of a very special community (which you are!) – a community that isn’t much evident in the outside world. The M for Mindset in TEM$ is the most important aspect of wealth creation, so keep yours positive, motivated, learning, and talking! Post your blog today!

Monday, June 11, 2007

Another miracle or just the result of the Powermorphing Process?


My wife and I attended the Powermorphing course on 24+25/02/2007.

Very inspiring to say the least!!!

On our return on Monday our phone rang from a natural healing (naturopath) office telling my wife to come to their office for an appointment!! Amazing - they were booked full for months!!!

We were very happy to say the least because I was home that day from work.

Good things will start to happen!


Francois + Wilna Basson
PS I find the Kaizen Challenge very interesting!! Just keep at it!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just want to say - WELL DONE The Powermorphing is working