Welcome to my blog!

For some time I’ve been aware that being able to share wealth creation breakthroughs and issues really helps encourage students! It helps you feel part of a very special community (which you are!) – a community that isn’t much evident in the outside world. The M for Mindset in TEM$ is the most important aspect of wealth creation, so keep yours positive, motivated, learning, and talking! Post your blog today!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Self-Motivation Strategies - How to Get Motivated, Quickly and Easily.

Wealth Creators know how to motivate themselves consistently.

Getting the motivation to do something – whether it’s a trip to the kitchen or to pursue your dream career – seems easy enough, but few can sustain the motivation to follow-through consistently.

There’s always too much to do. The task is too big. Tomorrow’s a better day to get started. Right? There are a million reasons we don’t act, but almost always the consequences of our inaction are guilt and regret.

You’ll be glad to discover that you can stop that vicious cycle of inaction and regret and become the self-motivated person you always wanted to be!

Here are some excellent tips on how to motivate yourself, evenwhen you’ve hit a setback, are in a slump, or haven’t even begun to figure out what you want from life:

1. Focus. Focus on just one goal at a time. Even if you’re working toward improving several areas of your life, focus on each goal separately.This helps to keep you from feeling overwhelmed and prevents you from giving up before you get started. Flush out everything else from your mind, and keep your energies focused on the one goal.

  • Develop a tunnel vision focus to tune out unimportant tasks and distractions.
2. Envision results. Remembering why you’re inspired in the first place will refresh your motivation towards attaining your goal.
  • Think of how your life will be changed and improved once you achieve this goal.
3. Apply the Kaizen Principle and start small. Determine the tasks necessary to reach your goal. Now divide these tasks into a series of smaller tasks. Continue this process until you’ve obtained tasks that you know you can accomplish. It’s like bite-size chunks. When the chunks are small enough, you know you won’t be biting off more than you can chew at one time!
  • Attaining many small goals on your way to the big goal keeps you happy and motivated with constant successes.
4. Network. Talk to friends, coworkers, and experts in the area you seek to master. Get them to share tips, advice and experiences they’ve had that can help you to reach your goal. Surrounding yourself with people who have the same goals – or have already attained them – will inspire you to act.
5. Tell people about your goals. By telling people about your goal, you are making a pact that you will follow-through. Tell your friends, family and coworkers to energize your motivation.
6. Dedicate daily time. Dedicate a certain amount of time each day specifically to furthering this goal. Investing time in attaining your goal every day will keep it in your mind as positive action.

  • Positive action propels success and diminishes doubts and regret.
7. Research. Research industry or topic books, blogs and forums. Anything you do to make yourself more knowledgeable about your goal can inspire you to act.
8. Reward yourself. When you accomplish a step or a positive outcome in your goal plan, reward yourself with a nice dinner or something that will make you feel special.
9. Learn from your mistakes. First, recognize that you will make mistakes and accept this. Second, take the opportunity to learn what to do (or not to do) the next time.
  • Analyzing how to fix the error will push you forward with greater confidence.
10. Replace negativity with positive thoughts and actions. We all encounter those negative thoughts that tell us to give up, but knowing how to counteract them will keep you on track toward your goal. Your mindset and attitude determine the positive or negative outcome of any situation. Keep those positive thoughts and actions coming and success will surely follow.
  • Negativity is not reality unless you make it so.

Self-motivation begins with the end in mind, and the only person who can get you there is you! By using this combination of tips and techniques, you can motivate yourself to take action toward your goals. You’ll be proud of yourself for doing something positive to make your life better. Plus, you’ll develop a mindset that will serve you well into the future for achieving more and more of what you want out of life!

Monday, December 29, 2008

5 Ways to Deal with Negative People

No matter what our occupation, we all come in contact with negative, difficult people from time to time. Our primal instinct is to fight back, defend ourselves, and react to their negativity with some of our own. However, we are not animals who are led by instincts. We are human beings with the ability to control our responses.
  • To fight anger with anger merely depletes our own energy and brings us down to the same level.
Why are people difficult?

When people act negatively, it’s a reflection of what’s going on inside them. It’s not about you; it’s about them. It may be a complicated, troubled past or something as simple as a bad day that makes a person angry.
  • People who are bored and unhappy with their own lives will seek out conflict to boost their egos.
Our ego then responds by thinking, “I have to be right. If I don’t respond, I’m conceding defeat.” Then we find ourselves engaged in a conflict that hurts us emotionally, mentally, and maybe even physically.

Ways Wealth Creators Deal with Difficult People

Here are some ways to deal with these difficult people. They may not all be easy (heck, none of them are easy!), but they will give you some peace of mind that you’re doing the right thing.

1. Wait before responding. Our first instinct is to immediately react and retaliate. However, reacting to another individual’s negativity usually only eggs them on. You may even realize that a response is not even needed. Maybe the other person was merely venting and needs to simply be ignored because the attack was not personal at all.

  • If you spend some time cooling off before you respond, you can gain perspective on the situation.If necessary, remove yourself from the room when confronted with a difficult person. Go for a walk outside or walk up a flight of stairs to vent your frustrations.
2. Stop rehashing the situation. This is especially a problem in office job situations where gossip spreads like wildfire. There will always be someone ready to listen to bad things about another. This is a waste of your time and energy.Drop the subject and move on.

  • The longer you dwell on the situation and talk about it with others, the more negative and angry you’ll become. Take the high road and step away from those who are gossiping or speak up and tell others you don’t want to listen to it.
3. Express your feelings. If you simply need to get your emotions off your chest, try writing a letter. Vent all your thoughts, feelings, and hurt onto the piece of paper. Let it all out until there’s nothing left to say. Then crumple up the paper and throw it away. As you do, imagine your negative feelings being thrown away with it.
  • Don’t let your partner or spouse prevent you from speaking your mind. A true partnership is one in which the ideas and thoughts of each partner are heard.
4. Put yourself in their shoes. This can be very difficult, but study the individual who’s hurting you. What’s going on his life right now? Maybe he’s having family issues or a health crisis.

  • Try to look at the situation as an objective observer detached from the situation. This can help give you some compassion for the difficult person in your life.
  • Prayer or meditation can help you stay calm and see a situation differently. Consider the difficulties this other person might be facing in life and think about how you would handle a similar situation.
5. Respond positively. This may not always be possible and certainly won’t be easy. After looking over the situation and trying to understand where the other person was coming from, find something positive to say about him.
  • Remember the phrase, “Kill ‘em with kindness”? Very often responding calmly and with a friendly tone will diffuse a difficult situation.
Negative people are everywhere. Don’t let them take your happiness away or affect your mood. Teach these difficult people by leading a good example, by responding calmly, and by showing kindness.

As a result, you’ll bring more happiness to others and find that you feel a greater happiness yourself.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

5 Simple Brainstorming Techniques to become a Wealth Creator

It happens to all of us. We reach that dead end where we simply run out of fresh ideas and we helplessly fumble for solutions that have escaped us. What can we do to get the creative juices flowing again?

One of the best strategies to resolve this dilemma is to use a brainstorming session. The basic technique is easy as 1-2-3:

1. Think of many ideas in a short period of time.
2. Jot them all down.
3. Go back and evaluate each idea's possibilities.

These brainstorming sessions can be invaluable when trying to come up with fresh, outside the box, ideas so we can work towards an effective solution to a difficult challenge.

Here are five tips to help you make the most of your brainstorming sessions:

1. Get outside input. Instead of going at it alone, get some help. Gather a few of the most creative people you know for a group brainstorming session. After all, two (or three or four) heads are better than one. These other participants may come up with some great ideas that may never have occurred to you otherwise.

• Let people have fun brainstorming. Relaxed people generally feel more creative, so encourage your group to pace, recline in their chairs, or turn it into a game – whatever they need to do to enable the flow of ideas.

2. Write down all of your ideas. Even if you come up with some wild ideas, write them down anyway. They may be more viable than you think! Some of the greatest breakthroughs in history came from ideas that were considered as pretty outlandish at first. Write it all down and revisit it later.

• This is a time for gathering ideas, not for shooting ideas down. Avoid discouraging participants in your group because they won’t participate as freely and they might keep the perfect solution to themselves.

3. Be creative and try something different. If you can’t see a solution right away, think of the problem from a fresh perspective. Look at it from a different viewpoint and maybe a new solution will present itself. Traditional solutions don’t have to be the only way to solve problems, and getting creative may get the ball rolling towards the ideal solution!

• Many successful entrepreneurs have a talent for observing people's wants and needs. Then they find or invent a creative new solution. Watch the world around you and don’t be afraid to experiment with new ideas or unusual solutions.

4. Try combining ideas. Whether you’re brainstorming on your own or as part of a group, you may need to mash different ideas together. Sometimes great ideas are born as twins – in the course of a brainstorming session you might come up with two halves of a perfect solution. Don’t be afraid to look at the results in an unconventional way.

• Some people have started their own businesses by combining their love of baking with their love of dogs to produce their own brand of doggie treats. It’s not a conventional pairing, but it's one that works!

5. Ask questions. This works especially well in group brainstorming sessions. Encourage plenty of questions about everyone's ideas. Questions can lead to a basic idea being fleshed out into a workable solution, and that, of course, is what a brainstorming session is all about!

• Ask questions, discuss, or even debate. Approaching solutions from different perspectives helps you see a larger and more accurate picture.

Acquiring problem solving skills makes our life so much easier! Use these techniques to brainstorm new ideas and solutions, and you'll discover new fountains flowing with ideas you never knew existed! Problems can become opportunities in disguise. You just may find yourself going from zero to hero in one short brainstorming session.

Try it – you'll like it!

To all your success

Dr Hannes Dreyer
Wealth Mentor

Friday, December 26, 2008

Learn How To Thrive (Part 2)

Wealth Insights: 2008-12-26

This week we are going to concentrate on the last quick tips on how to thrive.

Quiet your mind.

Take time to meditate daily and to slow down if only for a few minutes. Ten to fifteen minutes of meditation will relieve hours of stress and increase creativity and resourcefulness.

I record an instant meditation technique you can use to release and even prevent stress.

Here is the link to download the MP3 recording http://www.learn-to-invest-money.com/bagha-to-all.html

Get resourceful.

The festive season may be a good time to get resourceful.

If it is possible find a place where you can have uninterrupted time... Come up with at least 20 new ideas to grow your income, create new results and improve your life.

You cannot leave your spot until you have twenty. All ideas are good ideas so no editing!

Now take your list of 20 or more unique ideas and pick the three to five most powerful and leveraged ones to put into action.

Pick these three to five based on: ease of implementation, rate of return and speed of return.

Early in the New Year, I plan to teach you how to start a successful Internet Business. If you want to learn how to run a successful Internet business please complete the questionnaire if you haven’t done so already. You will find it at:http://warriorsagainstdebt.com/survey001/view.php?id=1

Make a daily gratitude list.

Focusing on all the good, the gifts and God in your life, puts you in the right frame of mind, which will attract and create more good, more gifts and you will understand God loves you always and unconditionally.

Dr John Demartini wrote a wonderful book called the Gratitude Effect. I will strongly advise that you read his book and then follow his advice.

Change your attitude.

Realize that everything that's happened in your life thus far is here to serve you, teach you and help you grow. If it were not for your experiences you would not be you. Find the lessons in your past results and learn how to apply them to create the kind of life that you want.

Forgive yourself for anything you could have done better and apply the lesson to move forward and create a better future.

Apply the FFR in everything that you do.

Apply the FFR in all seven areas of Kaizen Wealth. They are Financial, Vocational, Mental, Family, Social, Physical and Spiritual.

Not only will you decrease your risks in all areas of life (and therefore minimize your stress levels) but you will also exponentially increase your personal and financial growth.

To learn more about this amazing formula you can go to http://www.learn-to-invest-money.com

A special gift.

Lastly I want to share a delightful video with you. I hope you will enjoy it as much as I did.
Here is the link:http://www.theinterviewwithgod.com/popup-frame.html

Best wishes

From the Wealth Creation Team we wish you a happy festive season and a very happy and prosperous new year.

To all your success.

Dr Hannes Dreyer
Wealth Mentor

PS If you missed the first 5 tips go to http://www.learn-to-invest-money.com/WI-2008-12-19.html
Just a reminder – our office is closed till the 5th January 2009.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Learn How To Thrive (Part 1)

Wealth Insights: 2008-12-19

Apply these quick, easy-to-apply tips on how to thrive – (even in bad economic situations).

Clearly define what inspires you. (What is your Intent?)

There's a big difference between taking action out of inspiration versus desperation.
From a recent survey that I have done most people who wanted to learn how to make money on the Internet wanted to do so out of desperation, but from personal experience I can tell you that unless you take action out of inspiration instead of desperation – it is not going to work.

Use this festive season as an opportunity to define what inspires you. Once you know what it is then take the action to create your life around it.

Feed your mind.

What's your constant mental diet?

Do you indulge your mind with scary stuff like reading newspapers and spending hours in front of the TV watching the news or are you reading good books, attending more positive seminars, watching uplifting DVDs and listening to powerful CDs?

Focus on what you want.

Focus on what you want instead of what you do not want, most people focus on what they don’t want - like not being broke and then they do not understand why it is that they are always broke.

Learn how to control your focus and you will take control of your destiny. The reason why this is true is because energy flows where attention goes.

If you do not get the results that you want in your life simply evaluate what you focus on and then realign your focus with your wants.

Strengthen your vitality.

Your physical health and vitality have a tremendous impact on your performance as well as your mental and emotional fitness.

Exercise releases stress as well as strengthen your body and mind.

What are you doing to increase or maintain your physical strength?

Make an inventory your friends.

Surround yourself with optimists, go getters, friends and people who do not dwell on the negative. Your friends should inspire and energizes you.

Get rid of all those "energy vampires" that surround you – especially during the festive season because as you know doom and gloom attracts more doom and gloom.

I hope you and your family will have a wonderful and peaceful festive season, and at all time please protect yourself mentally emotionally and physically.

To all your success.

Dr Hannes Dreyer
Wealth Mentor

Do you know what the true secret for wealth is?

Wealth Insights: 2008-12-05

Isn’t it strange fat that much of the financial information that comes our way we accept without the shadow of a doubt – even though that information is not independent, not impartial, but instead is designed to influence us.

Yet on the other hand when we encounter ‘a different story’, we are deeply suspicious and do not give it a chance. If a new idea goes against what we are accustomed to (conditioned to) than we are unlikely to accept it.

Now here’s an example of how easily we trust and how society is set up to make us feel 100% confident in certain authority figures – rightly or wrongly.

Remember former U.S. Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan? The darling of the financial world? The man who, being responsible for the effect of his policies on the whole of this giant economy, surely understood everything he was doing?

Well just recently he told the U.S. Congress that he was “shocked” at the breakdown in US credit markets. He admitted that he was “partially” wrong to resist regulation of some securities.
Greenspan told congress that “this crisis . . . has turned out to be much broader than anything I could have imagined.”

So the man the entire economy followed because he was so knowledgeable, so expert – did not have the imagination to envisage the effects of some of his policies.

How wise was it to give him so much power? And not to ask questions years ago? The word “bubble” was applied to the US housing market years ago – when the boom was really only still building – yet all the experts were deaf to such warnings. Now everyone’s paying.

The lesson?

Nobody, but nobody, no matter his reputation, no matter his aura, no matter his rank – should be taken as the ultimate unquestionable authority.

To hand responsibility for anything to anyone else is to take a massive risk that you – not they – are going to pay for.

Okay, you cannot control the way your country is set up to run their financial policies. But in your personal life, you can make your own decisions.

The bank will give you a loan for a too-big house? Or you can sidestep the NCA’s 30% rule by buying an additional property in a trust or a Pty instead of your own name.


The question is - Will you take it, just because they will give it?

What will it do to you?

What risks will you face?

Who will help you if you get into difficulties?

There is always a positive in every negative. In this case, it’s the chance to learn a lesson, hopefully not at first hand, and so lessen your dependence and thus your risk.Before you make your next investment - first learn how to apply the Formula For Riches.

It is the true secret of wealth!

To all your success.

Dr Hannes Dreyer
Wealth Mentor

For more information on products and seminars by the Hannes Dreyer Group go to http://www.learn-to-invest-money.com/HDGroup.html

Monday, November 3, 2008

Pssst - Don’t tell anyone ….

...I have actually learned how to LEGALLY PRINT MONEY, (in any currency :-) )…
Last year I decided to learn how the Internet works and to see if I could use it as part of my marketing strategy. The objective was to see if I could apply the Formula For Riches to Internet Marketing and to be able to do it all myself (Not relying on EXPERTS).

I invested seriously into myself (the 1st Law of a Wealth Creator = First understand before you invest). It took me about six months to do so and I really put in the TEM$ (Time, Energy, Mindset and Money).

I launched my first site http://www.learn-to-invest-money.com/ on the 21st November 2007 just after 15h20 to 652 people on one of my databases.

I was blown away with the response.

Within the first five minutes six people responded. It was as if I invented my own Auto-bank in my lunch room.

I was literally printing money.

Each time I looked at my inbox there was more.

Within 24 hours I made more than $2,000.00. At that stage the rand/dollar was about seven rands to the dollar.

My total investment for http://www.learn-to-invest-money.com/ was $128.4. It took me less than 1 hour to offset all my risk.

Within a day my ROI (Return On Investment) was 1,457.63%.

Within a week it was 2,563.8%.

I applied the Roll In strategy about two months ago and launched my second website http://www.warriorsagainstdebt.com/

This time I not only developed a website but I have actually developed my own Website Building SYSTEM - and it cost me not a cent. (Again applying the Formula For Riches.)

My Return On Investment (ROI) on my initial investment today (3rd November 2008) stand on more than 476,551%.

What is the WEALTH INSIGHT lessons?

Invest in yourself and make sure you understand what Internet Marketing is all about before you actually do it.

Don’t trust the experts - or if you wish “trust but verify”. There is a lot of sales-talk out there and less than 1% is really working, the rest will only cost you money.

Learn the Formula For Riches (FFR) and how to apply it. (Chapter twelve of my e-book “The Formula For Riches - The Difference Between Rich And Poor”.)

To all your success!

Dr Hannes Dreyer
Wealth Creators Mentor & INTERNET ENTREPRENEUR :-)

PS I would like you comments…

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Urgent: ABSA bondholders

Some people are getting letters about their ABSA access bonds. (Those who haven’t received them yet – I was informed by the ABSA helpline that they are being sent out in batches. In the meantime I suggest you contact them anyway just to check – Their helpline telephone number is 0860 111 007.)

As you know, I advise people to limit their financial risk and many people – as part of this strategy have put into their bond not only the monthly repayment required of them, but over and above that, any extra money, annual bonus etc.

In other words they use their bond as a savings as well as risk management tool.

Now your access to this extra money – your money - could be limited by ABSA’s latest move!

Apparently they are going to stop people from borrowing the capital they have repaid – you will only be able to borrow the extra money over and above the required monthly repayments and then only on application, which means financial statements, proof of income, etc. Unless your access bond is what they refer to as a 264 and not a 261.

(A Flexi Bond - Outstanding Balance is a 261. A Flexi Bond – Advance is a 264.)

If your bond is a 261 (phone and find out if you don’t know!) and you want to withdraw your extra money you will have to go through an entire application process. At the very least it will be a big hassle. At the worst – well, as you know I recommend that you plan for the worst - and you really need to draw on your emergency funds ... they can turn down your application.

If you have a 264 nothing will change and you will still have access to the extra funds you have “parked” in your bond. They assured me that it will not be necessary to go through an application process if you want to withdraw it. But I advise you to perhaps get it in writing – I do not have an ABSA bond myself – I have been finding out on behalf of my students – so I personally cannot say beyond what I was told on the phone.

As I said, this is my understanding based on two phone calls to the ABSA helpline. They say they are doing this because people who are financially strapped are withdrawing bond money to pay living expenses, or to fund property investments, with money that they do not have, and in doing so put not only themselves but also the bank and their clients at risk. Also, they mentioned that if you do fall behind on a payment, ABSA takes it out of that “bonus” portion – so maybe they want to keep your money as their insurance!

So ...

For the people who received letters saying the date for this change was 15 October, I suggest you go into the branch before then and withdraw all the “bonus” money you may have been “parking” in your access bond as a way of reducing your total interest on the bond, as well as having a convenient place to keep extra money until you want to use it.

Ask the bank to change your bond to a 264.

Once that has been done, you can “redeposit it” in your flexi bond. This will give you the flexibility to have access to your funds and at the same time give you a tax free high interest rate on your investment. (But first make sure about their rules)

For the people who have an ABSA bond but no letter yet, phone the helpline, find out what kind of bond you have, and when you need to do this.

For people with bonds with other banks, keep an eye out for similar moves on their part.

Always remember it is the financial risks - like high interest on outstanding bonds - that kill people financially. Off cause if you do not have a bond none of this is applicable to you.

The only way to build real wealth is to learn how to eliminate RISK by following the Formula For Riches and to apply the principles of the Warriors Against Debt.

To all your success

Dr Hannes Dreyer
PS. If you have not attended one of my Debt Eradication Seminars I will strongly advise you to do so. On the 16th & 28th of October (in Midrand) and the 22nd of October (in Cape Town) I will tell you a story on how a bank tried to stop me from becoming a Wealth Creator. Make sure you book your seat by following this link http://www.hannesdreyer.co.za/FreeSeminarBook.asp or simply phone my office (012) 542 4560/1383.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Some of the secrets of true wealth - from the truly wealthy

Warren Buffett says happiness comes from within. And yet he has so much “external wealth” that millions of people read books about him to find out how it’s done.

Here’s a clue as to what his secret really is:

Warren Buffet doesn’t own his personal jet like the Hollywood stars do – even though he’s far wealthier. He doesn’t own a massive yacht. Or a mansion. Why not?

Because he doesn’t want those things and he’s not going to get them just to impress people.

I don’t think he’d object to owning these things if he truly wanted them. But he knows that a private jet or a massive yacht will not make him happy – and he doesn’t have either of those for his personal use because he simply does not feel the need. He can’t understand why you would want a huge yacht simply because it’s a bit bigger than anyone else’s. He lives in the same small three bedroom house that he’s lived in for the last 50 years.

Why? Because he’s happy like that.

These facts are well known, and they make a good story. But there is a lesson in there for all of us:

Warren Buffett doesn’t care a bit about what other people think. Some years ago when the stock market was going up and up – he wasn’t buying. He was ridiculed for doing nothing. But he knew one of the main rules of wealth – if there is nothing to be done, do nothing. He had the patience and the discipline to sit it out until conditions were right and then he took action – and hugely increased his wealth.

So it is clear that he takes a different approach to investing – one that ignores crazy crowd behaviour, the gurus, fashionable trends, opinion pieces in the financial pages, everything except what really matters. And it works.

The lesson?

Live in the house you want to, even if it is a mansion.

Have a yacht if you want to – if you really enjoy sailing. If it’s really you.

Do what really works for you.

And, importantly, find a formula for wealth that really works no matter what the crowd says. A formula that usually means you’re going in the opposite direction to the masses. A formula that works in any and all economic cycles. A formula like the Formula for Riches – simple, powerful, effective, tested, timeless.

If you do what you love and love what you do, you’ll be productive and happy. If you have the courage to be yourself, you can be all you could ever be. If you have the guts to stick to the truth no matter what others are doing, you will be wealthy.

We’re always asking, why are things getting tougher financially?

But I thought today I’d turn that question around and ask who is benefiting from things being the way they are?

Oil companies – Exxon made $40,610 million in 2007 ($40.61 billion, or nearly $78,000 per minute). Its previous record was $39.5 billion in 2006. Shell, Chevron and other oil companies weren’t far behind. They dominated the list of the top 10 earning companies in the world. Not too surprising though ... since oil prices jumped about 100 dollars over the past few years, where do you think the money would be going to?

Banks and insurance companies are also very, very prominent and come high up on the Fortune 500 list. They make their money out of interest fees and charges. And business has been very good for them for some time now. What does that mean for you?

So ...

If you drive a car or travel in one...
If you have a bank account or loan...
If you have insurance ....

You might want to know why these are the most profitable companies in the world, while your premiums and your interest rates just keep going up.

They may be massive corporations with company jets and glittering high rise head offices, but in the end of the day there is a correlation between your costs and their profits. Don’t let all that financial jargon intimidate you. It’s simpler than you think. Your costs ARE their profits.

Just something for you to think about.

And remember, it is not possible for the consciousness that created a problem to solve it.

The system cannot and will not heal itself. Why would it, when the profits are so good?

So if you are part of the system – by which I mean, if you are not challenging and questioning it, and finding the real, simple, solutions that can set you free, then you are a slave of the system.

The Formula for Riches is a simple solution to wealth creation and everything else you want to address.

The solutions to all problems are much simpler than we have been led to believe. Because the system that depends on us to feed it is hardly going to voluntarily change things, is it?

But you can change yourself. Starting with your mind. That is the way of freedom. Financial freedom and every other kind.

What sleep does for us

We know we need it. We know we feel worse if we sleep badly. We know that sleep deprivation will kill you in the end.

Yet it’s still a time which is very unknown.

During certain phases of sleep your body and brain restore and heal themselves. The best time for this work is before midnight, so you have an advantage if you’re an early to bed type.

While you sleep, your brain mulls over the information from the day before. It files it away, decides which is important and which is not. It “lays down” memories worth keeping and lets go of those it decides are not that crucial. It helps you match information from old memories to your newest memories, seeing connections, matching information that might not seem related.

People who work in creative fields know that after a period of intense effort on a task, it’s best then to rest, sleep on it, and wait for one’s subconscious mind to come up with a solution. And very often, if enough work is put into the first phase, and then you take some time off and go and do something quite different for a day or two, it will come to you in a flash.

The answer seems so inspired and yet so simple you wondered how you could have missed it. The answer is, rest and letting your mind get on with it without your conscious interference is the key.

Many incredible scientific discoveries have been made this way. I myself have come up with some extremely important wealth creation formulae in this way, such as the Formula for Riches, which is key to wealth creation and is also the subject of my book “The Formula for Riches, the Difference Between Rich and Poor”.

Different ways to learn

I talk to many, many people, and I learn so much along the way.

For example, the reason I started my property investment courses and the mentorship programme was to help people learn from my experiences – avoid the mistakes, save time and money, and get there quicker.

I’ve always understood the value of paying money to learn in a day or a year what it took someone else many years or a lifetime to develop. The money you pay is always a fraction of the true cost and the true value.

But not everyone learns this way. For example, someone who attended my property course some years back, couldn’t resist the attraction of going with the crowd, following the advice of the ‘gurus’ and buying property during the boom when many deals were overpriced.

He bought at low IRRs and with poor cashflow, but bargain on capital growth, expecting the rising market to cover him. Even though everyone said you can’t go wrong with property, things did not go as expected and now he is out of pocket in a very big way every month. Luckily he is able to survive because he’s highly qualified and has ways to increase his earnings significantly. But of course it has been a strain for him.

He’s someone who perhaps needs to learn by first-hand experience because even when he learns from someone else like me, his nature is to test it out and see what happens. And there is nothing wrong with that so long as you can survive it. It does mean slower wealth creation and much higher financial stress. But the lesson, once learned, is going to go so deep that you will never forget it.

Another student of mine had already bought 14 properties when he attended my property course and learned about the crucial second calculation. He decided shortly after going home and doing the calculations on all 14 properties, that 8 of them were not actually the good investments they looked like when he bought. So he sold them. He sold when the boom was still going, so he got good prices. And he freed up a lot of money to put into truly good investments. And had the calculations not worked out for any new prospects for a few years, then he would have done what I tell everyone to do: if there is nothing to do, do nothing! Two “okay” buys do not add up to one good one. And any mediocre buy is an opportunity cost that is slowing you down in terms of wealth creation. Something that Warren Buffet understood. But it does take guts, to ignore the criticism and to resist the temptation of jumping onto the bandwagon.

As you can imagine, he is doing very well today.

Think about your own style of learning. If you’re like the first guy – that’s fine. You need lessons that go deep. Try and choose lessons that are real, but not too expensive! You should consult the Formula for Riches to find out how to make sure your lessons do not hurt you if they go wrong.

If you’re like the second guy, then learn, learn, learn all you can by studying what other people do. Knowing that the prices for the right kind of wealth creation books and courses are always just a tiny fraction of what the lessons cost when lived through in real life!

However you prefer to learn, I hope you find the lessons you want and need, and the ones that help you grow!

Friday, August 22, 2008

How to avoid a major drain on your time and energy – and in the process, ensure you make better decisions!

Studies have found that the brain finds making decisions particularly taxing. It also finds it hard work to focus.

If you ever get that feeling that switching tasks feels like turning the Titanic – and you can almost FEEL your brain scraping against that iceberg as you do so, creaking and screeching in protest – well, you’re right!

If we fritter our mental energy away making meaningless or small decisions, like we do in a grocery store, for example ... then we are likely to tire ourselves and – perhaps more importantly - make bad decisions.

The brain capacity involved is easily over-used. Especially in today’s world of split-second decision making, fast cars and fast modems, and not to mention, a plethora of often meaningless choices that we are forced to make every time we enter a shop. And yet we are assumed to welcome a greater choice! Notice how many adverts trumpet the wonderful gift of “wide choice”, “huge range”, “so much to choose from”, “a world of choice”, “lots of options to suit you” and so on.

A morning spent in this way can lead to an afternoon of making important decisions – badly.

Even completely unrelated choices. In the morning it’s which of the fifteen coffees to have, the mocha, the latte, the this, the that – and the afternoon it could be what kind of trust to set up, or how to structure a deal. In this case, the deal is going to suffer, thanks to the coffee choices in the morning.

In this way, your brain is like a muscle. And you wouldn’t go for a long run the morning before a race, would you?

Any kind of choice (which magazine, which breakfast, which coffee) will do this to you. Anything that takes conscious effort and has some kind of consequence, even if it’s not terribly important (decaff or espresso). You could end up making a great decision about breakfast at 8am and a bad one about your finances at 3pm.

Knowing this, it becomes clear that you need to cut down on your choices rather than increase them. Windsurfing or golf? Fishing or a family drive? Wealth Creation or carrying on as before? The black shoes or the brown? The blue tie or the grey? All of these decisions have a price to be paid in terms of your mental energy, focus and effectiveness.

Juggling tasks – what we call multi-tasking – is therefore also not a good idea as you use up energy prioritizing and scheduling things before you even get started.

And the end result is that your judgement suffers. Something we really cannot afford to have happen to us! Other effects – you tend to give up easier when faced with challenges; you tend to put things off repeatedly; the quality of your work suffers; and you even tire physically.

Now – if you were a marketer – signing someone up for an account – knowing this, perhaps you would put a whole string of meaningless and unimportant decisions into your application process (what color card?) , and then when it comes time to negotiate the interest rate, you could benefit from this fatigue! On the other hand, you as a consumer, knowing this, could spot and resist any such distractions and make sure you put your own priorities first!

Remember that Freud’s discoveries about how the human mind and psyche function were used FIRST by the founder of public relations, his nephew Edward Bernays, to help companies and governments control the public ... and only then did they go on to be read and known more widely. A little known fact. Those with the knowledge truly do have the potential of power. The good thing about that is – you can inform yourself, and if you take any action(apply it) to improve your knowledge, you will be ahead of the crowd. Your best strategy, always, is to inform (invest in) yourself.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Warning on trusts schemes!

Two things have recently come to my attention and they are a serious danger to those uninformed people who haven’t done their homework.

These people have consulted the kind of “expert” who we could call an “omelette maker”: the kind who has his eggs (he gets paid when he draws up trusts) and then when they break (they go wrong) he has an omelette because now he’s got more work defending you from the consequences of his bad advice, for which he gets even more money out of you.

1. Bare dominium/usufruct

Firstly some people are being advised to go the bare dominium/usufruct route. This is sometimes a route that makes sense when you are transferring a property into a trust. It depends on the circumstances. The idea is that you separate the fruits of use (i.e. living in your house) from the official ownership of the house (which goes to the trust) and, based on your age and other factors, this could mean that as little as 10% of the value of your house needs to be transferred, hence you save on those incredibly expensive transfer fees. It’s also supposed to give you security so you won’t lose your house.

Take care! Do you think for a minute that the banks haven’t worked this one out? In your agreement with them, it will simply state that you cede the usufruct to the bank, and assume security in your personal name, which puts you back in the same position as you would be if you owned the house in your personal name – or maybe even a worse one.

This route is being sold to customers on the basis that in these tough times, it is a way of safeguarding your assets. I’m afraid that is simply not true.

“Personal service trusts”

The second problem involves the Receiver of Revenue, who has noticed that a lot of people think they can put their assets into a trust and then lease them back and in that way, claim them as expenses and thus save on tax.

According to a SARS auditor, the directive from the Taxation Appeal Court (TAC) is that they should be considered “personal service trusts”. In this case, the individual will go back to full taxability on these assets, and who knows, perhaps there will be penalties too. There is a crucial court case coming up in November, and on the results of this, SARS will move to stop this behaviour.

Will SARS win in court? There are no guarantees, but remember that the law, like the educational system, does not operate in a vacuum and is subject to the same pressures by the same powerful sectors of our society.

My trust course

On hearing this, I took a look at my trust course to see how it fitted with what I say, and I found, as I did with my property courses, that it is all entirely in keeping with the legal requirements as well as the current conditions we find ourselves in, even though these have changed since I first started teaching.

The rule, as always? Inform yourself and take responsibility, don’t rely on the “experts”.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Always continue to grow and evolve

Constant development is the law of life” said Gandhi. He was right. It is a law of the universe.

There is no such thing as standing still. Think of life as being a bit an escalator. You may try to stand still but the great cycle continues and carries you along passively with it. You can even go backwards without knowing it. And anything that happens to us rather than by our own design is unlikely to take us where we want to go. Probably, we end up going where others want us to go, other people who do have plans, who do take action. Like marketers.

The result of “standing still” (sliding backwards) is that you shrink. And something about living in a tiny prison of your own making leads to bitterness, anger, regrets, blaming, small-mindedness, sorrow. All of which are tragically unnecessary. Leading to families that are unhappy, people who are lonely and isolated.

But it really does not have to be that way! And it is never too late to make the changes! If you are a little reluctant to push yourself, then choose something small and fun to start learning. It could be a hobby. A different routine in the evenings that does not include the TV. A new language. Following up on an old interest. An old talent. Or just something that appeals on a very undemanding level.

Once the blood starts to flow again you will get the taste for more growth and then you can get more ambitious! You will know by then that the rewards are so great – happiness, fulfilment, growth, in other areas of life too, such as family life. Those are the positive spinoffs.

We do have inner resisters to change because at some deep level, just as it is true that we must grow, we also want to stay the same. These resisters, undealt with, will stop us in our tracks every time. Yet they are so easy to remove when you know how! That’s what I teach in my Kaizen Wealth Transformational Weekends.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Be yourself

Gandhi said …

“Always aim at complete harmony of thought and word and deed. Always aim at purifying your thoughts and everything will be well.”

At a very deep level, we can tell when someone is being truthful, authentic, and well-meaning. In spite of the most honeyed tongue, someone who is a fraud does not fool us forever. We seem to have a kind of ‘radar’ for this.

Our radar gets contaminated and doesn’t always work, though. We may be conditioned to over-ride our instincts. To think so little of ourselves that we do not trust our own reactions. Or we may have had the misfortune to have been influenced by someone who was not authentic at so young an age that we internalized it as being okay, acceptable. (It depends though – the effect is not always the same – it may make us de-sensitized to authenticity – or more sensitized to it.)

Either way, the key to sensing authenticity is first and foremost to be authentic ourselves. Trying to tell the truth even when it is very uncomfortable may be liberating, and empowering. It makes us more authentic. And it clears up that contaminated radar – we become better at sensing the truth about others.

Interestingly, con-men and fraudsters are harder to detect as inauthentic than other people. This is because their body language and the other clues that tell us whether someone is authentic or not, are not out of kilter. This in turn is because they feel no internal dissonance or discomfort when they lie, unlike the rest of us. But even they give themselves away at some point, sometimes because of a kind of flatness or lack of depth.

To see it, be it. You will be far happier and waste less energy if you are authentic and do not try to be something you are not.

And, as I am always saying, why bother to make money (or anything!) dishonestly when it is so much easier to do it honestly!

New website - www.warriorsagainstdebt.com

My new website www.warriorsagainstdebt.com is up and running.

Any comments?

What do you want to discuss in the forum?

Read the latest articles at http://www.warriorsagainstdebt.com/debt-articles.html
and give me your feedback.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

See the good in others – they are our mirrors

Too much ego leads to blindness and arrogance, and ultimately to mistakes. Its opposite is humility. How do we achieve humility? By reminding ourselves of our own failings whenever we get too carried away, too “unstoppable”, or too bothered by the faults of others.

I’m not suggesting a permanent state of low self-esteem! Just that when we see the familiar signs of runaway ego, we apply the brakes! And very often we see those warning signs in others – their reaction to us, or ours to them.

So if we see the bad in others, we know we are due for a “humility correction”. This is a remedy which we can apply ourselves, by going through the exercise of looking within for a fault of the same stature as the one we are observing in someone else. Almost always we will find one, and often it will be something we dislike more than the quality that is bothering us in someone else!

Or, it may be precisely the same fault – which suggests that we dislike it because it is “too close to home”.

Seeing the good in others, no matter who they are, is the best way to become great ourselves. Because at the polar opposite of an overblown ego, is true greatness. Excessive ego does not create greatness. The great are inevitably humble. Look at Mandela. Look at Tutu. Look at Gandhi.

The spin-off from this exercise is a great improvement in our relationships and interactions. We spread positive energy, and it comes back to us.

Have a wonderful, positive week!

Friday, July 25, 2008

You’re human – forgive yourself. Everyone’s human – see it

Even the people you admire most are just people, full of human failings as well as strengths and admirable qualities.

And that’s okay.

If you put someone on a pedestal, you could also say that you lower yourself in comparison. You dig yourself a pit and stand there, looking up.

Is that healthy?

If you’re idolizing someone, anyone, then you’re denigrating yourself. If you cannot see them in all their humanity, then you are making a mistake that is not good for you.

You are undoubtedly better informed, more talented, or in some respect superior to the person you so greatly admire. If you can see that, he or she can shrink back to human proportions – and you can stop dwarfing yourself.

That person may have attracted your admiration for good reason, but I can assure you that he or she is not perfect and there will be some way in which you are their equal - or better.

So be nicer to yourself. Focus less on your bad points and maybe you’ll notice your good ones.

Focus less on the great deeds of others and you’ll stop overlooking what you have accomplished and what you are worth.

Because the fact of the matter is, if you do not value yourself, you cannot progress in life. You cannot be all you want to be and are capable of being.

It’s also unpleasant to watch someone on a high pedestal crash down – which eventually must happen. And then you tend to “throw the baby out with the bathwater” – the failing that you see now clouds everything else. The good gets lost in the crash.

Don’t idolize, don’t denigrate. Yourself or others. We are all equal. Those who have achieved are a reminder to us of what we can be and do. Those who have not are a reminder to us of life’s challenges and our own fallibility.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Free Yourself From Debt In Less Than 8 Years


1.) Get rid of all your debt in less than five years
2.) Life changing events

New posts on my blog

Don’t give up
What Goethe saw nearly 200 years ago
Look after this very moment as if it were gold, and all future ones will take care of themselves
Abundance is a natural law of the Universe

Interesting article on why most people work hard, and get nowhere
A short history of consumer credit

1.) Get rid of all your debt in less than five years

Let me tell you a story!

“In 1984 my life was going well, as I saw it.

I was happily married to Tanja. I had bought her a house. I had bought myself a nice new car. I had put new wooden garage doors on. I was the top-selling Old Mutual salesman in my branch, which was Rustenburg. Tanja was a magistrate. We were a two income family, doing nicely. For a boy who sometimes went to school without shoes, and who failed his matric (Gr 12), I was doing more than nicely – I was doing brilliantly.

You could say we were solidly middle class. We had the cars, the house, the income, the lifestyle.
We also had the mortgage, the debt, the car payment plans. But we didn’t worry ...

Like I said ... middle class.

We felt secure. Like the middle class do. And that house of ours was central to our feeling of security.

As a good salesman I was in a strong position. I knew I could easily bring in enough to pay for all of this, every month.

Until something changed.

One of my clients, who had been buying policies from me for two years, was ready to sign for a new one. We’d discussed his needs, agreed on a product, worked out the figures, and all we needed to do was write out the policy. But before we could do that, a colleague of mine from the same branch knocked on his door and offered to do it for him.

“Did Hannes send you?” the client asked.

“Yes” was his answer.

So, knowing that the client thought he was there on my behalf, my colleague stole the sale. And got the commission.

I was more than a little angry, as you can imagine. I was not going to be stolen from like that. I told my boss what had happened but he was not prepared to reverse the commission. Nor was his boss.

The client was just as angry at being duped. He came with me to the police station and signed an affidavit. I took it to my manager.

I was called into the manager’s office.

Confident that justice would finally be done, I marched in.

He told me to tell the client I had been wrong – or hand over my car keys AND my house keys and leave, because I was fired as of that minute.

I was paying for the car but it was officially a car allowance and therefore theirs. And they were standing surety for my house, so, like the car, while the bond was all mine, the asset was not!

And I only realized it at that very moment!

Well, I went from hero to zero in 10 seconds. Maybe 5.

They had me over a barrel and they knew it. In the short term, it worked because I had to back down.

In the long term, it was a mistake on their part, because in a flash I saw how they worked, and I never went back to my state of “ignorant bliss”. And I try to make sure that I liberate as many other people as I can!

It was the end of me being a donkey in harness, reaping them great profits, and minding my business. I determined that night, firstly, to get back at them in the most positive way I could: get free of them; and secondly, to make sure I could never be controlled again.

How could I do that?

By making sure that nobody could take my car, my house, or anything else. And the only way to make sure of that was to eliminate my debt.

They were controlling me through my debt.

It was my debt that gave me the illusion of wealth, but overnight that would have vanished once I lost my job.

And they encouraged the debt! We were advised to drive the smartest car we could afford to make a good impression.

And I, until that moment, had thought nothing of it.

So when my boss did that, he exposed the game to me.”

And this is the game, in short:

Employers have a vested interest in keeping their employees in debt. I saw it at that moment! The person in debt has to keep his job or he loses his house, car, etc!

So do advertisers, banks, retailers, the media, even the educational system.

It’s not a conspiracy – it’s worse. It’s a system. Our entire economy is based on it! So every element plays its part:

Our parents pass along the habits – but just in case they remember when it was not normal to live on credit, society has taught us not to value the wisdom of older people anymore – and it’s a short step from there to the neglect of the elderly.

The educational system perpetuates the myths that keep us in debt. Why? Ask yourself who sponsors them? Who do they serve? Increasingly, it’s private enterprise.

Merchants want you to want things, whether or not you need them, and they want you to buy them now, whether or not you can afford them.

The media’s role is to deliver a captive audience to its advertisers so it’s not in their interest to teach the truth - or disgruntled advertisers simply withdraw their money. Most of what they give you is distraction and entertainment even if they call it the news.

Governments, since being persuaded to stop spending money on looking after their people, are partners in fleecing the population.

And then of course banks and other financial institutions make big profits on lending us money.

Everyone in the system has something to lose if we find out the truth. Worse still, even we collude in our own slavery because we prefer ignorant bliss to change! (That’s what Kaizen Wealth™ is all about!)

Do you know that the word mortgage comes from the Old French words mort, "dead," and gage, "pledge." It literally means death pledge. Apparently it was called that because of the doubtfulness of whether the debt would ever be repaid!

How about we start calling a mortgage a death pledge! Might make people think!

What did I do? I took the steps that liberated me, and that I share with you in my Warriors Debt Eradication Seminar

Now is a great time for you to attend, and find out how to live a life of abundance!

Wealth insight: your debt is tying you to your job and servicing it is taking up all your energy – this is wage slavery. Be debt free - with even your bond paid up – it can happen much quicker than you think.

Attend my next Warriors Against Debt Seminar!

Please visit my new warriors agains debt website en tell me what you think

As always - committed to your success

Dr Hannes DreyerWealth Mentor

2. Live Events and Public Talks

**NEW** – Warriors Against Debt Seminar
Get completely out of debt (including your home mortgage) in just 5 to 8 years - and start building real wealth from the first month
using nothing more than the money you already make!

Johannesburg – Centurion - Cape Town

For more information

For bookings
or phone my office (012) 542 4560


THE LAST LIVE - Property Investments in an Uncertain Market - SEMINAR
Cape Town

For more information and bookings
or phone my office (012) 542 4560


Quantum Leap Your Life To Quantum Wealth
Midrand – Centurion - Cape Town

For more information and bookings
or phone my office (012) 542 4560


Kaizen Wealth™ Transformational Weekend
Pretoria - August 30 – 31
Cape Town - October 4 - 5
For more information and bookings phone (012) 542 4560

"The Wealth Insights" is Published by Dr Hannes Dreyer,South Africa s number one wealth mentor

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Don’t give up

It is well known that anyone trying to make a difference, trying to educate people and make changes for the better, is up against a lot of vested interests.

George W. Bush publicly supports the oil industry and trashes the environment, but did you know that at home he chose to build and live in an environmentally friendly, solar heated, water recycling household? So privately his beliefs appear to be at odds with what he believes he must do in his public position. It seems his job depends on it.

There are many people working for corporations that are damaging ordinary people and the world, who don’t believe in what they’re doing but are tied to their paycheque, and so no matter what they personally believe, they will oppose the well-meaning efforts of those of us who are trying to make things better in the world. This can make changes seem slow and heavy going.

Take heart by knowing firstly that they are not as dense or as stupid as they seem – it’s just a matter of having a job to do – and secondly, the truth will prevail. Because it is the truth. There’s a saying, “Nature always bats last” and you could say the same for truth – it always has the last word.

Opposition goes through these stages:
  • they ignore you
  • they laugh at you
  • they perceive you as a threat and they try and clamp down on you and put you out of business
  • they accept the truth, take all the credit and say it was their idea all along.

“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”

If what you are doing is the right thing for yourself, for others, and for the world, then take courage and keep going. Remember you may have inner resisters (see Kaizen Wealth for more on these) and that can make you your own worst enemy. But if this should happen, don’t despair, there are ways – easy ways – to eradicate this kind of obstacle!

On the one hand there is a “gestation period” – like pregnancy – during which results take time to develop, before there is anything to be seen on the surface. On the other hand, progress may seem to be very slow but what you don’t know is that momentum is building up and one day you look around and see how far you’ve come. Don’t make the biggest mistake of all – giving up too soon.

Have a great week and keep going!

What Goethe saw nearly 200 years ago

Goethe warned about the dangers of speed when the fastest man-made things on the planet were trains and steam ships.

He saw this tendency as early as the 19th Century, when he grew concerned that the speed of life (railways, steamships etc.) made communication so rapid that people lost the art of simplicity.

They became over-educated and yet increasingly mediocre.

The pace of life led to a dislocation between themselves and the outside world. The result was that people got “stirred up” too early in life and “carried away” by the “whirl of the times”.

His point was that being stirred up and carried away in a whirl meant you lost yourself in the process. More information, more communication, yet greater mediocrity. We can see this danger in the Information Age – a flood of information, yet less and less wisdom, vision, understanding.

Goethe saw that speed was becoming more and more important and that it was dizzying and disorienting. Being caught up and carried away means you are not in control – you are being swept along by forces you do not see or understand.

· More speed – less thought.
· More speed – less reflection.
· More speed – less conscious direction in life.
· More speed – less balance.

Quality suffers in every area of life. Something we can relate to in our throw-away, mass-produced-in-China world.

“No-one knows himself any longer” he said. Learning does not advance you anymore because the world overtakes the speed at which you can learn and by the time you’ve learned how something works, it’s changed. So you lose yourself. Then what tends to happen is you get out of touch and isolated. You feel as if you are not at home in the world.

He also thought that because of this, anyone who digs deep within will find out that he is only “half a being” who sees less and is blinder than he thought.

How much faster is the world whirling now that it did in 1825? Goethe could not possibly have imagined the pace at which we live our lives today – yet, and this is true of great thinkers – he saw it long before anyone else did.

And because things happen faster today, his words are even more true today than they were when he wrote them.

Wealth Insight

Take the time to reach back to the truths he saw back then, which was a message for the modern world, perhaps we can begin to know ourselves again. Which is a crucial aspect of becoming a successful Wealth Creator.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Look after this very moment as if it were gold, and all future ones will take care of themselves

This is the only time we can be absolutely sure we have – this very moment, right now. Anything could happen to us at any time – there are no guarantees. We expect to live a certain lifespan but there is absolutely no way of knowing for sure what will happen.

It is strange but true that it is often the people who know they’re going to die who really do the most living! Given a year to live, they suddenly they decide not to put their lives on hold one more day. They do the things they always wanted to but kept putting off. We’ve all heard stories like this.

These people get more living done than many a person who lives a full lifespan. And more importantly, they live with more joy, more fulfilment, more richness.

Often it’s also the people who lose something important who then live life to the full. I was told once by a blind man that going blind was the best thing that happened to him. Up till then he had not been a happy man. After going blind he decided to live life to its fullest, and he did.

Many people who’ve gone through a misfortune will say later that they are grateful for what they received because it helped them to see that they were wasting their lives on greed, dissatisfaction, bitterness, lethargy, etc. They replaced these negative emotions with gratefulness, joy, peace, tranquillity, love and appreciation.

Those of us fortunate enough to be blessed with good health and all our faculties are the ones who tend to waste them. Make the decision now to live this moment to its fullest, and you will see – live this day as you mean to live all your days – financially, in terms of happiness, relationships, health etc. – and you will see, tomorrow will take care of itself!

Make today a ‘model day’ and soon all your days will be that way. Take care of today and tomorrow will take care of itself!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Abundance is a natural law of the Universe

The evidence of this law is conclusive; we see it on every hand. Everywhere Nature is lavish, wasteful, extravagant. Nowhere is economy observed in any created thing.

Profusion is manifested in everything.

The millions and millions of trees and flowers and plants and animals and the vast scheme of reproduction where the process of creating and recreating is forever going on, all indicates the lavishness with which Nature has made provision for man.

In my garden stands a palm tree (Cocos plomosa) – it produces in access of 5000 seeds per year. I bought the house seven years ago and each and every year it produces more than 5000 seeds.

Embedded in each seed is the intent to become a grown palm tree , so in the right environment and given the right conditions one tree can produce more than 45 000 trees in 7 years.

Seeking 20% growth means you’re limiting yourself.

Man works in percentages. If our money grows at 20% per year we are happy - BUT a percentage is a portion of the whole. We are limiting our thoughts and because we limit our thoughts we limit the outcome.

The Universe does not do this. The palm tree in my garden produces more than 5000 seeds from one plant. That is 5000 times more than one - or a 500000% growth in one year.

Nature does not think this is impossible, so why should we?

Surely if nature can do it out of supposedly limited resources (soil, water, air, etc), following certain strict rules (e.g. photosynthesis), then we can take our own resources (talent, mind, energy, experience), follow certain rules (e.g. the Formula for Riches™ and get the same kind of growth! Why not?

This possibility is not a way-out fantasy - nature proves it can be done! The limiting factor is our own mindset that pegs us at 20% growth because that’s a “familiar” or “comfortable” or “realistic” figure.

The Kaizen Wealth Transformational Program incorporates the universal laws – laws of inwards investing – cause and effect - attraction – abundance (multiplication) - growth – dynamic balance – gratitude and the law of unconditional giving into a mental process.

To prove the outcome of The Amazing Formula For Wealth Creation™ I am applying one of the techniques you will learn in The Kaizen Wealth Transformational Program called Powermorphing™. In this challenge (started in December 2004) I prove that these universal laws are also applicable when it comes to making money.

I started off with an investment of less than 12 cents. This 12 cents grew to more than $185 478 in the first year because I applied the Amazing Formula For Wealth Creation™. This represents a growth of 185 478 times the initial investment or 18 547 800% growth on my investment over a one year period.

In less than two and a half years the investment value of the 12 cents was more than $1,428,000.00

This challenge is documented and is available for any Hannes Dreyer Wealth Creators Mentorship Programme student to see at http://www.hannesdreyer.co.za.

Why not get 18 547 800% growth yourself?

Friday, July 4, 2008

If you haven’t taken action, you haven’t learned the lesson.

So many people think that attending a course or paying the fees or buying the book = gaining the benefit. But that is just the start. The first step.

In 1984 I paid R2700.00 which was a fortune in those days, and especially for someone like me, at the time a not-very-successful salesman, to attend a one day course run by Alan Pease.

Before I committed to the course I did two things:

1. I researched who he was and found that yes; he was a highly successful salesman who did have a lot of valuable techniques to teach me. (In other words, I did my homework.)
2. I made up my mind to take two weeks of leave afterwards purely to practise the techniques, apply them, and make them my own.

Oh yes – I also borrowed the money to pay for the course. So there’s a third thing …

3. I was committed to the new me I was paying so much to create. From before I even began.

What happened? It went according to plan. I took what I learned and I turned myself from a mediocre salesman into one of the top 0,1% in the world.

Going to the course was just the beginning. Reading this is just the beginning.

It is not WHAT you do that is going to determine your success in whatever you pursue in life but HOW you do it.

The results of the real HOW are always the same – they are guaranteed on condition you follow them. The HOW is always based on Universal Principles. And these Universal principles are timeless, country-less and it is not a respecter of persons.

This simply means if you apply the HOW – no matter who or what you are – YOU WILL GET THE RESULTS.

Kaizen Wealth™ is based on the HOW – if you follow the Kaizen Wealth Transformational System - whether it is in investing in property or developing yourself or starting a business or perhaps working on improving a relationship – the results are always guaranteed.

The next Kaizen Wealth Transformational Weekend, takes place on the 30 – 31 August – if you’d like to enquire further, phone my office on 012 542 4560

“Be the change you want to see in the world.”

Gandhi said we were mistaken to think our genius was our ability to reshape the world. (After all, that just gave us nuclear weapons and global warming). He said our true genius, not yet really activated, is to reshape ourselves. And I think after a century of thinking otherwise, we are starting to see the wisdom in that.

The Kaizen Wealth Personal Development Program teaches us that we have the power of the universe within us, with the ability to make a massive difference, but only when we ARE that difference, when we live it day to day down to our fingertips. And we can’t do that until we have taken a quantum leap, a shift at our sub-cellular, sub-molecular level. Which is easy to do when we just know how, and that’s what I teach in the Kaizen Wealth Transformational Weekend.

It’s a waste of time trying to change anything else in the world or our lives until we’ve changed ourselves. Everything else is just futile and does no good, long term.

No matter how well intentioned or how much effort you put into it.

The good news is that it takes much less effort to change ourselves than it does to try and change the world – and it accomplishes far, far more!

Wealth Insight

Stop trying to change the world, change yourself instead and then you’ll change the world!

The next Kaizen Wealth Transformational Weekend, takes place on the 30 – 31 August – if you’d like to enquire further, phone my office on 012 542 4560

As always - committed to your success

Dr Hannes Dreyer
Wealth Mentor

Friday, June 27, 2008

You are in charge of what happens in your life.

Gandhi said “Nobody can hurt me without my permission.”

He could equally have said “Nothing happens to me without my permission.”

It really takes a new awareness to see the truth in this. We are conditioned to think that many things in life happen “to” us. We seldom see that we created them that way – without realizing it.
We have the lives we have built for ourselves. It often feels like they just happened, rather than that we set out to build them. That’s because we build them unconsciously – we aren’t aware of doing it. Why? Because we are programmed in a certain way and we just do things without thinking about them.

I know people who are programmed to believe, from the experience of their own childhood, beliefs like this one: “women like me end up bringing up our children alone”. That’s their programming. So that’s what they do. And that’s what their daughters do. Others can see that they choose the kind of marriages that are not likely to last. And that they do not pull out all the stops to save those marriages or reconcile. Why not? Because it does not occur to them. Their childhood conditioning led them to expect the marriage to end. And that is what they created. And they do not know that they created this. They think “it just happened”.

That’s just one example. We all hold ideas about money, success, love, meaning, truth. Many of these we are unaware of – just like in the previous example. They were taught to us as children. They are still reinforced today. Some are good … some of these things hold families together, create positive homes, happy hopeful futures. Others keep us stuck, endlessly repeating actions that do us no good.

What creates our conditioning? Our parents. Our teachers. Our churches. Mass media. Public opinion.

We should be aware that some of this conditioning is paid for to make others profits. Financial institutions. Lenders of money. Sellers of ‘investments’. All these companies pay money for advertising and public relations that shapes our thoughts towards what is good for their profits. If we are unaware of the power and pervasiveness of their influence, then we do not know how much of our actions are unconsciously shaped towards their ends, not ours.

This explains high debt levels. Steep mortgages. The consumer culture. The belief that spending money makes us happy. And that material things will fulfil our dreams. Which keeps us tied to a job, stuck in a trap.

The good news is that although our beliefs are often unconscious and always very powerful, once we see what they are, we can easily change them. This is what we do during Kaizen Wealth. We swap limited beliefs for empowering beliefs that work for us in a big way!

The next Kaizen Wealth Transformational Weekend, takes place on the 30 – 31 August – if you’d like to enquire further, phone my office on 012 542 4560

Forgive, let go, move on.

Nelson Mandela said he chose to forgive because otherwise he was giving too much power to the people who had already taken 27 years of his life.

He wasn't prepared to give them one more year. Or one more day. Not even one more minute. And we can understand that - but what is harder for us to understand is that it was up to him - it was his decision.

It was not about being bigger than them, or turning the other cheek. It was about reclaiming his life. Mandela knew what it was like to be in prison, your every move controlled by others. And he wasn't prepared to voluntarily enter a new prison on his release - the prison of hatred, grudges, regrets, resentment.

However, it's easier to complain and do nothing. It takes discipline to develop this strength. And it takes a decision - a commitment on your part - to begin with.

Mandela used his past to learn and move on. We can do the same. We too are often imprisoned by regrets and resentments. What he saw is that these regrets are themselves a prison. By fixating on them, we give away the key to our future. Then we become bitter and small. How likely are we to find happiness that way?

The wonderful thing is that no matter how many years have gone by, you can change your attitude in seconds. Make the decision to let go and move on . make sure that you have removed all internal resisters to this decision ... and you will change your life overnight! This is what we learn during Kaizen Wealth Transformational Weekend.

The next Kaizen Wealth Transformational Weekend, takes place on the 30 - 31 August - if you'd like to enquire further, phone my office on 012 542 4560

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Lessons in Wealth from Flying a Helicopter

This week I am sharing with you lessons I have learned from an unusual tutor – my helicopter. Not that you need to be able to fly to learn! Whatever you do, as a hobby or as a career, at home or at work, even on the road or in the garden, you can see the laws of the Universe in operation.
In my case, I learn a lot from my helicopter!
  • - Perhaps because it is a pleasurable hobby so I’m relaxed and in a receptive mood.
  • - Perhaps because I must concentrate to fly – so I am focused.
  • - Maybe also because there is a ritual you have to follow to fly safely, and that gets your mind into a contemplative, somewhat meditative state.

The other day I stepped out onto the helipad, at the airport, in the beautiful still winter morning, and my plan was to fly.

  1. I was not wondering whether I could fly...
  2. Whether I’d be lucky enough to fly...
  3. Whether I was special enough to have been born with the talent to fly...

I knew that there was a close to 100% chance that I would successfully fly, simply because ...

  • I pay attention to the weather and choose the right conditions;
  • I am a helicopter pilot - I have been trained to fly;
  • I follow a set of safety and startup procedures that allows me to lift the helicopter off the ground and guide it through the air;
  • I follow a schedule of maintenance to ensure that all parts of the helicopter are in good condition;
  • I fill up with more than enough of the fuel I need, which is Jet A1 fuel - the right kind for a turbine engine.

As I prepared to fly, I was thinking about wealth creation which, like flying, is something anyone can do if they have the right training and follow the right procedures. I thought about the 20 or so steps that come before I can lift off. If I omit one, I either do not lift off at all, or I take a risk.

  1. I inspect the helicopter from the outside
  2. I inspect it from the inside
  3. I switch on the battery
  4. I switch on the generator
  5. I switch on the booster pump
  6. I press a timer and wait for 30 seconds before I switch on the starter
  7. During these 30 seconds I inspect all the warning lights to see if they are in working condition – by activating nine different warning bulbs. If a light comes on when I test it by pressing it gently, I know the warning light and therefore the system it indicates, is working
  8. After the 30 second period is up, I flick the starter switch on. Immediately a green light comes on – at the same time the blades start moving – first very slowly but gradually they build up speed
  9. Two to three seconds after the green starter light goes on, a yellow light – for the igniters - comes on
  10. Within eight seconds I hear the igniters ignite – it sounds like that “whump” you get if you throw petrol on a fire!
  11. Once the igniters fire up, the yellow light goes off – signaling that the process was successful. In the meantime the green startup light is still on
  12. I wait for the revs to go up to 14 000 – at that point the green light goes off
  13. Within 90 seconds the blades become synchronized with the turbine and I can physically see, feel and hear when this happens
  14. I slowly push up the fuel lever – pumping more and more fuel into the turbine
  15. As soon as I touch the fuel lever, a big red light comes on
  16. As I slowly push the fuel lever up, I make sure the tail pipe temperature (T4) does not increase by more than 30 degrees
  17. The turbine and blade speed pick up as I slowly push the fuel lever up
  18. At 33 000 revs the governor kicks in and the red light goes off
  19. The main rotor blades are turning at 360 revs per minute (RPM) and the tail rotor blades are turning at 2000 RPM
  20. All the temperature metres are in the green
  21. All warning lights are out
  22. It is safe on the outside
  23. The friction on the collective is still on – BUT I AM READY TO FLY!

Sounds like a lot. But any pilots out there will know this is all simple procedure. Routine.
And you know what? So is wealth creation!

Once you are trained and have put in the TEM$ (the Time, Energy Mindset and some money ($) to educate yourself) – to fit in with the requirements of the law of understanding, then you know that you have educated yourself and learned what you need to know.

· I KNOW I can fly because I learned. Simple.
· It’s not LUCK because I do it over and over and over, and so do all the other pilots and Wealth Creators – because they follow a system.
· It’s not TALENT - for the same reason.

What has all of that got to do with wealth creation?

Wealth creation is not about brilliance, talent, drive, luck or education. It’s about repeating a proven set of steps (a system) in the correct order, without missing one out, every time.
Just like flying, I know it’s not luck, it’s choosing the right moment to take certain actions (for instance, is now the right time to invest in property?)

It’s also following a set of instructions without taking short cuts. (The Formula for Riches™)

And it’s having the training (mentally, physically and emotionally) to know what to do, when to do it and HOW to do it

Of course, most of all, it’s WANTING to.

I love to fly because it makes me feel happy and free. That’s what I like about wealth too.

How about you?

As always - committed to your success

Dr Hannes Dreyer
Wealth Mentor

PS - The interest rates are up. The petrol price is up – and we are again on holiday. This time I am writing this from Marloth Park next to the Kruger National Park.

Over the last four months we have increased our passive income in our property portfolio by R10 875.00 and we have signed another contract that will push it up further to R34 625.00. In my next Property Investment Seminar I will show you for the first time how I have used the Zagger principle in the current economy to lower our risk by increasing our passive income. Make sure you book your ticket now!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

The Poor Go With The Flow


1.) The Poor Go With The Flow
2.) Life changing events

1.) The Poor Go With The Flow.

As I write, I am sitting on a sand dune above Bloubergstrand. Yesterday a cold front swept through the country, and when we left Pretoria it was raining. A great black thundercloud rolled over quite early in the morning, and we had thunder and lightning, the kind we expect in a typical summer Highveld thunderstorm. We enjoyed the unexpected contrast with the usual golden, dreamy, dry stillness of the winter veld.

Today as I look along the beach I see two kilometres of perfection. It’s still. It’s warm. The sea is lapping almost at my feet. When I look up, I see the famous picture of Table Mountain in front of me. I’ve seen a thousand calendars with this picture on it ... I’m sure you have too. It’s the Fairest Cape putting on a show. I wish you could see it. Next time I’ll take my camera and I’ll send you a picture! Or perhaps you’ll be here too, or somewhere just as lovely, because you know how to use the Formula for Riches™ to make your money work for you – and so you can take time off, lots of it, to really live and love your life.

For now, though, I’m not sharing this with anyone. You’d think there would be lots of people out here enjoying a magical day. It’s 10am. It’s balmy. I look up the beach. I look down it. But no. There is not a single soul out but me. I have it all to myself. This is not unusual. I am often playing while others work a 9 to 5 shift, feeling chained to their jobs when they’d rather be kite-surfing or sailing out here.

Tanja and our daughter Lara are now walking down the beach towards me. They’re going shopping just now, and then who knows, maybe we’ll take a drive out to a wine farm to enjoy the perfect weather and the breathtaking Cape winelands scenery. Maybe we’ll have a picnic with a little wine and cheese under the oak trees in front of a Cape Dutch homestead. Or a meal in an award-winning French restaurant in Franschhoek. We’ll see what we feel like.

Just so you know, though it is a gorgeous day, it’s quiet an ordinary one for me. By which I mean, I spend a lot of time enjoying beautiful places during what is usually called “working hours”. Because I can. Because I use the Formula for Riches™ to make my money work for me around the clock. And this has set me free.

In the meantime, I’m looking forward to teaching people how to invest in property at a seminar planned for Cape Town.

“Why property?” you may ask. “Why now? When the headlines say we can expect a huge fall in capital values?”

Well I’m not going to go into it too much right now (I do that in my Property Seminars) but let me just leave you with one thought. I’m watching the waves roll in and out at my feet. I see that they come and they go.

Like fashions...

Like investment bubbles...

Like booms and busts...

Like interest rate cycles...

And I know that most people will change what they do and how they invest based on whether the tide is taking them in or out. They go with the flow.

The reason I am here enjoying the beach and they are not, is because I don’t go with the flow – or not the flow of popular opinion and “expert projections” anyway. I go by the numbers. My properties bring me money, positive cash flow, in good times and in bad. Whether the tide is in, or whether it’s out ... the money comes in anyway. That’s why I’m here, walking barefoot on a beach at 10 o’clock on a Thursday morning.

Have a great week!

As always - committed to your success

Dr Hannes Dreyer
Wealth Mentor

P.S. Do you know that the average South African is has a debt ratio of more than 83% of income? It went up from 77% last month. I am planning a seminar on how to pay off your debt in less than 7 – 8 years, WITHOUT making any more money than you do right now. Please visit my blog (http://hannesdreyer.blogspot.com/) to tell me if you would be interested.

P.P.S. The MOST IMPORTANT THING YOU CAN DO RIGHT NOW for your future is to attend my next Quantum Leap Yourself To Quantum Wealth F-R-E-E Seminar. By applying the principles of Kaizen Wealth™ as explained in the seminar you will have a real advantage in life.

2. Live Events and Public Talks

NEW - Property Investments in an Uncertain Market

For more information and bookings
or phone my office (012) 542 4560


Quantum Leap Your Life To Quantum Wealth
Midrand – Centurion - Cape Town

For more information and bookings
or phone my office (012) 542 4560

Kaizen Wealth™ Transformational Weekend
Pretoria - August 30 – 31

For more information and bookings phone (012) 542 4560