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Friday, December 19, 2008

Learn How To Thrive (Part 1)

Wealth Insights: 2008-12-19

Apply these quick, easy-to-apply tips on how to thrive – (even in bad economic situations).

Clearly define what inspires you. (What is your Intent?)

There's a big difference between taking action out of inspiration versus desperation.
From a recent survey that I have done most people who wanted to learn how to make money on the Internet wanted to do so out of desperation, but from personal experience I can tell you that unless you take action out of inspiration instead of desperation – it is not going to work.

Use this festive season as an opportunity to define what inspires you. Once you know what it is then take the action to create your life around it.

Feed your mind.

What's your constant mental diet?

Do you indulge your mind with scary stuff like reading newspapers and spending hours in front of the TV watching the news or are you reading good books, attending more positive seminars, watching uplifting DVDs and listening to powerful CDs?

Focus on what you want.

Focus on what you want instead of what you do not want, most people focus on what they don’t want - like not being broke and then they do not understand why it is that they are always broke.

Learn how to control your focus and you will take control of your destiny. The reason why this is true is because energy flows where attention goes.

If you do not get the results that you want in your life simply evaluate what you focus on and then realign your focus with your wants.

Strengthen your vitality.

Your physical health and vitality have a tremendous impact on your performance as well as your mental and emotional fitness.

Exercise releases stress as well as strengthen your body and mind.

What are you doing to increase or maintain your physical strength?

Make an inventory your friends.

Surround yourself with optimists, go getters, friends and people who do not dwell on the negative. Your friends should inspire and energizes you.

Get rid of all those "energy vampires" that surround you – especially during the festive season because as you know doom and gloom attracts more doom and gloom.

I hope you and your family will have a wonderful and peaceful festive season, and at all time please protect yourself mentally emotionally and physically.

To all your success.

Dr Hannes Dreyer
Wealth Mentor

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