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For some time I’ve been aware that being able to share wealth creation breakthroughs and issues really helps encourage students! It helps you feel part of a very special community (which you are!) – a community that isn’t much evident in the outside world. The M for Mindset in TEM$ is the most important aspect of wealth creation, so keep yours positive, motivated, learning, and talking! Post your blog today!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Wealth Insights Newsletter 04 April


1.) New two hour seminar
2.) Why do most businesses struggle financially


Quantum leap yourself to Quantum Wealth – without a struggle

In this two hour seminar you will discover why people do not achieve the greatness they were destined for ... and how you can be different!

Johannesburg 15th April 2008 at 6.30PM (Sorry fully booked)
Cape Town 21th April 2008 at 6.30PM
Pretoria 22th April 2008 at 6.30PM

For more information Or to book your seat go tohttp://www.learn-to-invest-money.com/quantum-wealth.html

2.) Why do most businesses struggle financially?

The bit 99% of people forget when they start a new business – which is why they’ll struggle to become financially.

Unlike what the vast majority of “experts” will tell you, your business should be a success from the word go. I expect any new business to be generating a positive cashflow within the first month. Yes, ANY business! Sometimes it happens within the first few days or hours.

This may seem astonishingly fast.

But I am not surprised. I expect it!


I do not think of a business idea today and then launch it tomorrow. If I did it that way, it would take months or maybe years to get those kinds of results – IF EVER. And meanwhile, it would incur costs (risks). That’s why most new businesses fail – risks (costs).

You see, there is a whole “hidden” stage of starting a business that is seldom thought about, and even more seldom discussed. It’s the stage of the idea, the incubation, the planning, and the testing.

Warning! When you see the word “planning’ do not make the mistake of thinking I mean business plans!

To my mind, business plans are smokescreens and delayers and confusers and intimidators disguised as planning.

Why do I say that?

Well, getting up to your elbows in jargon and paper makes you think you’re doing something constructive, but mostly what this really does is scare you into thinking you need expert help or should stay away entirely;

... or satisfy you and make you think you are really doing something constructive when really you are avoiding doing so!

And if you are a delayer or someone who is dependent on others to tell you what to do, are you a Wealth Creator? No, because you are not taking responsibility AND you are not truly taking action!

So, to a true Wealth Creator, planning and all the stages that happen before you open your doors or your website are not the same things that people who stay stuck in life think they are!

Let’s get back to what it’s really about!

The idea leads to thought, thought leads to design, design leads to implementation – when the time is right. In your head you think it all through. In no particular order all of the below will come into it ...

- Everything your new business or product might be.
- Everything you decide it will not be.
- Who it will appeal to.
- How to gain their attention and keep their interest.
- What it will do for them.
- How it fits with other products or other people’s products.
- Where it leads to next.
- What form it takes.
- How it is structured financially.
- What the risks are and how to reduce them.
- What the goals are and how to get there faster.
- Whether or not your target market is interested.

This takes time. And a lot of it happens in odd moments. While you’re driving. Chatting. Doing something else entirely. It’s a creative process.

The laws of the universe

* There’s a law of the universe called the Law of Gender.

* This law tells us that there are two types of human energy – the yin and the yang.

* Now before you think “new age” let me just tell you that these principles are as old as humanity and that, put through the test of your own mind, they make a lot of sense.

* There is nothing religious about them.

* It is simply that there are two modes of being, roughly similar to the difference between the roles men and women play, as we traditionally see them.

* Although there are problems with this kind of over-simplification, it can be useful to start off learning to understand the principles in this way.

So the masculine or yang is the active, outwardly-focused side of life and the feminine or yin is the more inward-focused side.

I don’t like to say passive, because it’s not at all the right word. When a woman is pregnant she’s not passive, she’s growing a whole new life inside her. She may not be out there hunting, shooting, fishing or running a business, but she is performing the ultimate creative work, without which nothing else happens, ever!

The same kind of misunderstanding is why we also do not appreciate the importance of the stages of a business that take place before its official “birth”!

When it comes to the birth of a business, the pre-launch period can be equated to pregnancy and to the yin principle. It is characterized by inward-looking (i.e. pondering the idea, turning it over in your mind, building it up slowly inside you, seeing it take shape, what it is, what it isn’t, etc.).

This is the important point: from the outside it looks like not much is happening! A dangerous impression! Which leads many people to skip that stage altogether with serious results!

If you do not decide to put yourself through this phase, it is not going to jump out and insist on being noticed or understood! Unlike the active phase, which is out there for all to see, the inward “gestation” period can easily be overlooked! Wealth Creators learn not to make this mistake.

Once you understand this, you will also understand why Nikola Tesla, a great inventor who changed the way we live in the world, said this:

“Before I put a sketch on paper, the whole idea is worked out mentally. In my mind I change the construction, make improvements, and even operate the device. Without ever having drawn a sketch I can give the measurements of all parts to workmen, and when completed all these parts will fit, just as certainly as though I had made the actual drawings. It is immaterial to me whether I run my machine in my mind or test it in my shop. The inventions I have conceived in this way have always worked. In thirty years there has not been a single exception. My first electric motor, the vacuum wireless light, my turbine engine and many other devices have all been developed in exactly this way.”

Nikola Tesla’s many inventions ALL went through this process before they appeared in the outer world for us to see. And when you remember what kind of things he invented, you will appreciate that he is not talking wifty-wafty, nebulous New-Agey nonsense!

Tesla is the inventor of the loudspeaker, fluorescent lights, the polyphase induction motor, microwaves, the hydroelectric generator, vacuum tubes, radar, AC power, the rotary engine, and of course the Tesla coil.

Think of him when next you microwave your lunch or switch on a light!

Think of him when you plan your next business or product. Ask yourself whether it is so well planned that it could be built perfectly first time. Ask yourself whether your business is so well planned and designed that it works exactly as intended, from the first day.

THIS let me tell you, is a MAJOR way of reducing risk – because it costs you nothing while it’s in your head. You iron out the problems before they even happen. And if you know about wealth creation you will know that eliminating risk is THE single biggest factor in your success!

By the time a new business of mine actually launches, for me the process is not really beginning – it’s almost over. From now on it’s purely a matter of managing, adjusting and applying the Kaizen principle (constant and never-ending improvement).

And that is why a supposedly feminine principle, involved in pregnancy and creativity, has hard-nosed and very practical implications for the most masculine of businesses and the most active, get-out-there-and-do-it kind of men.

If you understand this you will truly own one of the greatest secrets of a Wealth Creator.

Have a wonderful weekend

As always - committed to your success Dr Hannes DreyerWealth Mentorwww.learn-to-invest-money.comwww.hannesdreyer.co.zawww.referralserver.co.za

A cool story by Bruce Muzik

I heard an amazing story this weekend that will inspire you.

I spent the weekend with a fascinating man called Hannes Dreyer. Hannes is a multi-millionaire property investor and is also one of the MILLIONAIRE MENTORS speaking at my Wealth Blueprint seminars this month.

Hannes told me an amazing story that I'd like to share it with you.

At one of Hannes's seminars, a skeptic in the audience, who was doubting that Hannes's "Formula For Riches" could really work, said "That's easy for you to say, because you are rich! How can I make money if I have no money?"

Hannes, being a man who walks his talk, decided to create an extraordinary challenge to PROVE to this man that it does NOT take money to make money. Hannes announced to the world that he was going to take less than $150 and turn it into $1.5 MILLION in less than FIVE years.

So, what happened next? Well, Hannes did NOT start with just $150. He started with only ELEVEN CENTS!

Within only TWO years, his ELEVEN CENTS had grown to $1.4 MILLION, without Hannes using any of his other WEALTH as leverage.

Within only TWO years, Hannes proved to the world that IT DOES NOT TAKE MONEY TO MAKE MONEY.


Well, it turns out that he wrote an e-book called "The Formula For Riches" that explains exactly the formula he used to make his $1.4 MILLION from only ELEVEN cents. This weekend, I twisted his arm and persuaded him to give you, the most important chapter from the book for NOTHING!

So, go get your 77 page e-book now at www.designer-life.com/hannesbook/. This e-book is going to rock your world.


I have been so impressed by Hannes and his no nonsense approach to creating wealth that I asked him to share the stage with me at TWO public talks (in South Africa) called "Why You're Still Broke And What You Can Do About It". Book your seat at www.designer-life.com/events/WhyYoureStillBroke.html

For those of you outside South Africa, go download his e-book NOW and find out how "The Formula For Riches" works.

Till next time, see you in the front row.


P.S. Hannes will be ONE of the MILLIONAIRE MENTORS who are going to be teaching you how to create real wealth at the Wealth Blueprint seminar this weekend in Johannesburg and next weekend in Cape Town, South Africa. I have only a few places left, so if you are still sitting on the fence, time to take ACTION and secure your financial success. Remember, no ACTION = no new RESULTS. Book your place at www.designer-life.com/wealthblueprint/
Designer Life - Teaching a scientifically proven approach to health. wealth and happiness. http://www.designer-life.com/