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For some time I’ve been aware that being able to share wealth creation breakthroughs and issues really helps encourage students! It helps you feel part of a very special community (which you are!) – a community that isn’t much evident in the outside world. The M for Mindset in TEM$ is the most important aspect of wealth creation, so keep yours positive, motivated, learning, and talking! Post your blog today!

Friday, July 4, 2008

“Be the change you want to see in the world.”

Gandhi said we were mistaken to think our genius was our ability to reshape the world. (After all, that just gave us nuclear weapons and global warming). He said our true genius, not yet really activated, is to reshape ourselves. And I think after a century of thinking otherwise, we are starting to see the wisdom in that.

The Kaizen Wealth Personal Development Program teaches us that we have the power of the universe within us, with the ability to make a massive difference, but only when we ARE that difference, when we live it day to day down to our fingertips. And we can’t do that until we have taken a quantum leap, a shift at our sub-cellular, sub-molecular level. Which is easy to do when we just know how, and that’s what I teach in the Kaizen Wealth Transformational Weekend.

It’s a waste of time trying to change anything else in the world or our lives until we’ve changed ourselves. Everything else is just futile and does no good, long term.

No matter how well intentioned or how much effort you put into it.

The good news is that it takes much less effort to change ourselves than it does to try and change the world – and it accomplishes far, far more!

Wealth Insight

Stop trying to change the world, change yourself instead and then you’ll change the world!

The next Kaizen Wealth Transformational Weekend, takes place on the 30 – 31 August – if you’d like to enquire further, phone my office on 012 542 4560

As always - committed to your success

Dr Hannes Dreyer
Wealth Mentor

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