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For some time I’ve been aware that being able to share wealth creation breakthroughs and issues really helps encourage students! It helps you feel part of a very special community (which you are!) – a community that isn’t much evident in the outside world. The M for Mindset in TEM$ is the most important aspect of wealth creation, so keep yours positive, motivated, learning, and talking! Post your blog today!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Update on the first two businesses

Business 1 = $10,440.64 Net Profit so far (two hours to go for the 24 hour period)
Business 2 = $8,8113.29 Net Profit so far (7.5 hours to go for the 24 hour period)

TOTAL = $19253.93 Net Profit


aires justino said...

Well done, that is truly amazing,to make that amount of money in the given time it has taken,wow.I sure hope that we are going to learn how to set up our own internet business in the advance course.Regards Aires Justino

Heather said...

A master of masters - looks like you are on track to meet your challenge, once again! Well done. Look forward to seeing how it was achieved.

cheran said...

Fantasmagodical, congrats to both of you on a amazing achievement! Hope to do the same for myself. We have the tools (basic web design) but what do we sell to achieve this type of internet income? Best Regards Cherry

Richard said...

Unbelievable! Fantastic. I worked until 1am this morning to complete my basic course, and only saw the results of your Live Training now.
I cannot wait to go onto the advanced course so we can all learn how to build an online business.
Thank you!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Hannes

What is the address for his two new websites? It would be interesting to see what you guys created.
