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Friday, September 14, 2007

Start a business with infinite return by Johan Stroh

There is an old saying that goes ‘At the end of your life you will regret more the things that you DID NOT DO rather than the things you DID DO’. So wise and I can only say thank you God that I come across this experience in my life and I am living it. I am DOING IT.

For the past 11 years I have been in the retail business. For 6 years I had bakery franchises and for the last 5 years until Feb 2007 I was involved with ceramic products. I really thought I was doing well. End of February my path with the franchisor ended and I started looking for something new. Apart from Pick ‘n Pay, Build-it and other retail groups who contacted me to open up a new franchise, I considered several other options including bringing a completely unique concept to SA from the USA.

In March however, because of my search for new opportunities, I saw the ad for the free seminar by Hannes Dreyer in the Rapport which I attended. I cannot express how my idea of a successful business and the risks associated with it, have changed from then till now.

Several of the BIG opportunities that came up would have been my new line of business a year or so ago. Now, because I am doing the mentoring program, Kaizen Challenge and attended several of Hannes’s other presentations, the selection criteria have changed. I have invested so much time in myself. I live a balanced life.

Certainly the biggest change in my view has been to minimize the risk. The world tells you that if you invest in a well known branded business, you cannot go wrong. I know of several branded businesses that went belly up soon after opening although the owner invested lots of money and time in the business.

Currently I am involved in a business that does simulation training. We have a proven ability to take complex business models and simplify them sufficiently to create a challenging and enjoyable learning experience without turning it into a game. It is absolutely amazing how a person at any level of a company can suddenly ‘see’ how the business works. That WOW or AHAA expressions are often heard.

My reasons why I joined forces with this business are the following:
I did not have to risk anything apart from my time (to get trained)
It is possible
I can make it happen
I certainly have control over it.

I have earned R15000 so far for 6 days’ work. This represents 3 x 2 day courses that I presented to one of the biggest retail distribution centers in South Africa.

Considering that they even paid for my flights, hotels and car rentals, the actual amount earned could be much higher. So my profit was R15000 which is an infinite return.

Accelerator Principle - I am involved in a project for the schools. From the overwhelming reaction from the various schools that we have seen, this should mean a passive income INCREASE of R10000 per month for the next year as from January 2008.

Through Hannes Dreyer, the Formula for Riches, Mentoring program and Kaizen Challenge I am developing my gifts and applying them to the Amazing Formula for Wealth Creation. The only thing that scares me now is the possibilities that are pitching up all over.


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