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For some time I’ve been aware that being able to share wealth creation breakthroughs and issues really helps encourage students! It helps you feel part of a very special community (which you are!) – a community that isn’t much evident in the outside world. The M for Mindset in TEM$ is the most important aspect of wealth creation, so keep yours positive, motivated, learning, and talking! Post your blog today!

Friday, September 28, 2007

The impossible is always possible

The challenge

On 2 September 2004, I pledged to make over R10 million before the end of 2009, with an investment of less than R1000, by using the Formula for Riches and the other components of my Amazing Formula for Wealth Creation (Mercedes Principle, Accelerator Principle, the Laws of Wealth Creation).

The TOTAL investment was only R0.79

The auditors have just informed me that after two years and three months the investment is worth R10,067,179!

It is quite clear that I have proven that the so called impossible CAN be done!

I’m very, very excited about this because another of the chains that have been used to keep people “in their place” has been broken!

What does this mean? Let me explain, with the help of a couple of illustrations:

The four minute mile

Until 1954, they said it was impossible for a man to break the four-minute mile barrier. Doctors, sports experts, scientists etc. said the human body simply could not run this fast.

According to our anatomy, we were not meant to break this barrier. For more than nine years prior to 1954, athletes had been trying, and failing.

Then, on 4 June 1954, Roger Bannister broke the barrier.

And suddenly, mankind could run that fast. In less than four minutes, by refusing to accept that limit in his own mind, Roger removed the limit in all our minds. And other people soon followed him.

Today it is an accepted fact that man can run that fast. Just as unquestioned as the old belief that it was impossible. So – how reliable are these facts about life that “everyone knows”?

The Wright brothers

Before the Wright Brothers got their plane off the ground for that first powered flight, people said it was impossible to fly.

They said “If man was meant to fly, God would have given us wings”. And who could argue? Clearly, we were not designed to fly the way birds do.

Then the Wright brothers found a way for mankind to fly, and proved all this “conventional wisdom”, and all this “common sense” quite wrong. Proving that one should ask questions about obvious truths and not just accept what “everyone says”.

And this I see as part of my mission in life: to unlock people’s minds so that they see what they can do!

So why I am so excited about achieving this challenge in less than half the time I gave myself, is because now my students can see that they can achieve their challenges too! Everyone is a little more free now.

All they need to do is accept my invitation to open up their minds and leave those chains behind.
And the most important way in which you can take up my invitation is to throw yourself wholeheartedly into the opportunities the BRS offer you.

It is interesting that just as I achieve my challenge, yours opens up!

The question now is "Will you take up this opportunity or are you just going to sit and watch it go by?"

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