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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Wealth Creators Insights March 12

March 12, 2008


1.) Is your car keeping you from wealth?
2.) NEW – Free Kaizen Wealth Seminars!
3.) Is your risk assurance shortfall a disaster waiting to happen?
4.) Kaizen Success Story - Gerhard van der Merwe
5.) Pass on the news

1.) Is your car keeping you from wealth?

You know, a year ago when I decided to give away a Jaguar XKR as a prize in the Kaizen Challenge ( little did I know that the car would become a lesson in itself.

But I suppose I should have guessed! Because by the time you’ve completed the 49 day transformation, you’ve got to know more about yourself and the truth about wealth ... and why most people never become wealthy.

I thought I’d share a bit about it with you today ...We are 99,99% unaware of how we have been conditioned to want things we don’t need and that keep us poor.

In the 1920s, Edward Bernays and other founders of “public relations” (which, in his own words, was another term for propaganda) set out to help American manufacturers who were making more products than they could sell.

Just like today, mechanization was cutting jobs and jobless people don’t buy much.

So the market was shrinking. Bernays saw that cars (and clothes and shoes and everything else) were advertised in a very rational way. Adverts and articles in magazines and newspapers spoke about how long something would last, how many years of use you could get out of it.

Bernays realized that you would then only buy one new coat every ten say years.

One car might last you much longer!UNLESS you could be persuaded that the car (or coat, or pair of shoes) was going to make you sexy, successful, attractive, admired, up to date, and most of all, blissfully happy!

In that case, you might have several coats, a bunch of shoes, and you might buy a new car far more often!


Sales went up, and this method is still the main way we are encouraged to buy something!And that, people, is the very simple reason why we have been conditioned to love to shop and to think that buying something will make us happy.

It’s why we are using up the earth’s resources as fast as we can, and it’s why we throw away things that still work perfectly well.

It’s why people are wage slaves, it’s why women went out to work, it’s why au pairs and maids bring up children, it’s why we expect to buy the best car and house we can “afford” (actually, get credit for).

Most of us start our wealth creation journey driving the best car and living in the best house we CAN’T afford, and battling financially as a result.

It’s only when we truly “get it” that we can break free of this crazy rat race that is empty and meaningless and that leaves us burned out in the end.

The reason we think a car is desirable rather than just a way to get around, is because we’ve been trained to think of it as
......a status symbol ... a sex symbol ... a lot of fun ... a thrill ... a sign of affluence ... proof that you’ve made it ... a way to impress your friends ... a way to attract attention and envy ... and the opposite sex of course ...

And every single one of these things makes you feel good – and that is what we call selling on emotion. It is the only way you can get people to make decisions that are really bad for them.

At the dealer, we “collude” with the salesman and the bank’s finance guy to convince ourselves we can afford it. These salespeople structure ever more creative ways to hide the fact that you really can’t afford these cars! Residuals, ways to try and get around the Credit Act, etc. etc.

The winner of the Jag worked out that even if he got the car free he couldn’t afford it. By that I mean, yes, he had the money to maintain it, but the effect on his cashflow was going to slow him down from reaching his goals. (This, by the way, is what owning things we can’t really afford does to everyone and it is a major reason behind financial stress and retiring poor.)

Not many people could, in all honesty, have overturned the effect of all those sexy adverts, all that talk of acceleration and torque, all those macho billboards, and all the admiring glances they anticipate enjoying!And that is the power of conditioning.Is your car worth it?

Finding out could be YOUR first step to wealth!

Follow this link: now!



It’s not what you do, it’s the way that you do it that determines your success, wealth and happiness in life!

Imagine how your life would be if you could accomplish anything and everything you want!

Would you buy the house of your dreams?
Would you tell your boss to get lost and go into business for yourself?
Would you take a couple of years off and travel the world?

If I told you ...
... that I know how you can do this

Yes, YOU!

Without special talents, magic or lots of money ...... simply by accepting that it is possible ...Would you do it?

I’ve done this for thousands of people and they have transformed their lives. I find that the main barrier is believing that it can happen to you!Every single thing in your life right now—your bank account, your relationships, your health and fitness and all that you have intellectually, emotionally and spiritually—is your own personal creation.

It's a direct reflection of who you are and what you continually attract into your life. Overnight, you can start to attract the things you want!

If I said that I would tell you more about this, for free, would you come?

After all, what do you have to lose? It’s free!

Discover the only reason why people do not achieve the greatness they were destined for ... and how you can be different!

Now, your time is valuable, I know that. You must be sure it is worth it!

So, at the end of this seminar, what will you will walk away?

  • The five pillars of true wealth
  • Why most people do not understand the true meaning of balance and why this holds them back.
  • Discover the mindset of all top achievers – the way they think and act regardless of what product or service they are representing, or what their goals are.
  • What Kaizen Wealth can do for you and how easy it is to apply in your own life.
  • A specific plan to achieve exactly what you want out of life - every single time - using quantum physics strategies as discussed in the movies What the Bleep and The Secret...
  • A deep understanding of how you've created the life you have... and how you can easily change it into the life you truly want...
  • Techniques to vanquish stress and fear, increase your energy levels and remove unconscious self-imposed limitations...

Hurry! Only 80 seats are available and demand is high ...this event is worth at least R650 in value - offered for a limited period exclusively to members of my wealth creators’ club for FREE!


Join us afterwards for tea or coffee and a chat!

Date: 13th March 2008; 17th March 2008
Venue: The Shark Tank – New Covenant Church Bryanston, Hornbill Road , Douglasdale.
Time: 19H00 sharpRSVP: Before 12am on the day of the seminar - phone (012) 542 4560 / 1383

P.S. Bring pen and paper along for a mind-opening, interactive session!For a map to the venue please click on the following link:

NB! Included in this presentation on the 13th only will be the following presentation by Ian van Greunen...

3.) Is your risk assurance shortfall a disaster waiting to happen? By Ian van Greunen



These were the headlines that screamed at me a few weeks ago in national newspapers during the course of a single weekend!

What does this mean? It means that should the average South African die or become disabled, the family would be left in dire straits!

According to one article I read, in the age group 31-45 years, the average under-insured amount on life cover was a staggering 53% of what it should be! T

he same age group’s statistics for disability were almost as bad.

Here the under-insured figure was 46%.

So, chances are you are 53% under-insured!

What this means is that if you are in this age group right now, there is a VERY HIGH chance that you are currently 53% under-insured in terms of your life cover needs and slightly more than 46% under-insured against disability.

What should you do next?

Averages and statistics help alert you to the problem, but nothing replaces doing the sums for yourself, taking into account your income and circumstances.

Do the calculations!

This week I had the sad task of handling the death claim of one of my previous clients from my days as an employee of a large corporate. It was my duty to call the bereaved widow.

I don’t know who had the bigger lump in the throat; her or me. But it was some consolation to us both that I was able to tell her that because her husband had done more planning than most, R5.3 million would be in her account by the next morning.

Until that call, she had no idea the policy even existed.

Now R5.3 million sounds like a lot and it is certainly going to be a very great help to the family as they pick up the pieces and carry on with their lives. But I know that because no proper estate planning was done in this case, and no true income need was ever calculated, it may still not be enough.

There is still the chance that the family may be forced to sell their home, downscale their lifestyle, withdraw children from their schools and/or universities and watch every penny from now on.

This is why planning is so important.

So let’s ask a question or two:

  • When was the last time your financial situation was carefully and professionally analyzed?
  • Are you aware that most financial advisors make their living selling products that are not going to work for you? (See to find out why.)
  • When last did your advisor go out of his/her way to explain to you the basic precepts of financial planning?
  • Were the alternative products presented carefully explained to you in writing, so that you could make an informed choice?
  • Are you aware of the fact with Retire Quickly, we can present not one but two alternatives to you, and literally shave millions off your specific needs and cut years off the process at the same time?

Reading the articles on how vulnerable most people are was an eye opener even to me, even after being this industry for over twelve years.

I really hope that it has given you food for thought. I look forward to telling you much more about how you can protect yourself and your family, by doing the right kind of planning!

Join Hannes and myself on Thursday 13th March for a free Kaizen Wealth AND complimentary tax, trust and Retire Quickly seminar. Details as per previous article.

4.) Kaizen Success Story - Gerhard van der Merwe

“The changes I experienced over the past 49 days.

When I started the challenge I had a daily task of opening the news first thing when I got to the office. This made me wonder why I came back to South Africa as I was in the USA for 5 years, as everything that you read is negative. This also tends to make me negative and grumpy.

I changed this and now the first thing I do when I get to the office at 6 am in the morning is to spend time on ME, and what I can do to get to my goals. I do not read the newspaper anymore as it is only sensation and not helping me in achieving my goals.

After I started with the Kaizen Challenge I have also changed my personality, I am not short tempered anymore, I have more patience than before. I try to give more to the less fortunate that before, I now go out and find a reason to give to someone in a worst situation than me.

What has it meant to me?

I am now a more balanced person. This means that I always try to keep my wheel of life in balance, I work hard, but I also spend time with my family and with my Saviour Jesus Christ.

I will always try to be the best I can be to the glory of God. Money is not the most important thing anymore, I will strive to have abundance in all aspects of my life rather than just reach for money and be miserable. I am a Wealth Creator.

In what ways do I approach life differently?

I do not look at people in fancy houses and cars and think they had to do something illegal to get to that position. I now look at opportunities in all aspects of my life and I also analyze how it will help other people. I lost R270 000 in a business venture that I tried with other people, and instead of blaming them for the failure as before I now take full responsibility for it and I will change this to a class 1 experience.

I WILL recover that amount, I am seeing Philip today and I will get the Receiver to help me recover my mistake.

There are more opportunities than ever before and I like to share them with other people as it is nice to see other people grow and experience a change in their lives.

We had a bad run of incorrect promotional hats, and instead of being mad about the cost associated with it, we gave them to people who really appreciate the gift and it is such a pleasure seeing the gratitude they have for a simple gift like a hat.

My kids enjoy the spirit of giving as well. So we try to change negative experiences into positive ones.

What about my average day?

I now spend an hour every morning with my goals and business ideas and also praising God for what I have become. I question all information I receive and only keep what can help me reach my goals. I try to influence people to take responsibility for their own destiny, but that is sometimes easier said than done.

What will I do to extend this 49 day challenge to a year, and a lifetime? I will always spend time on myself and make my goals part of me. I will set small goals for every day. I work on a structured plan according to the Retire Quickly workshop. I also get my family involved and get them to be part of the planning and include them in the goals as in the end they are our goals.

I begin with the end in mind as I will also one day go to Botswana when I feel like going and not when the corporate world says I can now go for 5 days according to their schedule.

What qualities will I need?

Perseverance and the ability to believe in yourself and your goals. The rest will come when you make your goals part of your existence and are not bothered when people say it cannot be done. The greater good will always persevere. Always try to change for the better, NEVER stagnate or think you have arrived.

Enjoy what you are doing and share it with as many people as possible. Share with people who are in a less fortunate position than you and NEVER be envious of anyone’s achievements, but try to learn from that person as everyone has something to offer.

What IS required on a daily basis?

Goalsetting, alone time and always doing things with the greater good in mind.

Never doubt yourself, and always give to others. Not only money, but maybe empathy or encouragement.

What were some of the challenges?

To stay focused on achieving my goal of finishing the Kaizen Challenge so that I can take it further in my life to constantly change and challenge myself and filter out the noise that constantly challenge us to behave and spend in a certain way according to society. I am grateful for the changes that I could make and experience a life of abundance. I have not made more money yet, but the new Gerhard I have become is priceless.

Thank you for that.

I will also be the best I can be to glory of God as He is the one that is the beginning and the end.

My dreams and expectations and how and why I will achieve them!

I will achieve my dreams by setting goals for myself and also measuring my goals on a daily basis. I will live my dreams before I have achieved them as that will ensure that I can become what I really am capable of becoming!”.


Well, I hope you've enjoyed our newsletter this week. If you did, please feel free to send it to a friend or colleague who may enjoy it too.

All I ask is that you please send the whole thing, not just a portion of it.

I thank you in advance!

Until our next issue, thanks for being a part of our positive, exciting wealth creation journey!

As always - committed to your success

Dr Hannes DreyerWealth Mentor

"The Wealth Creators Club eNewesletter" is Published by Hannes Dreyer,South Africa s number one wealth mentor

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