Welcome to my blog!

For some time I’ve been aware that being able to share wealth creation breakthroughs and issues really helps encourage students! It helps you feel part of a very special community (which you are!) – a community that isn’t much evident in the outside world. The M for Mindset in TEM$ is the most important aspect of wealth creation, so keep yours positive, motivated, learning, and talking! Post your blog today!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Second Update to Challenge

The total income at the moment before costs is USD $6375.

We will post the testimonials as soon as we get time to do so.

Remember the next update is: 18:00

We would appreciate your comments...


Unknown said...

Wow! Am watching with keen interest. Wish I was there, must be a great atmosphere.

Jacques Botha said...

This is absolutely amazing. Will we be able to do this when we finish the advance build a web course?

Unknown said...

I knew this would happen, Hannes you and your student are already well beyond my income estimation! Once again, you proved to us that this is possible, with shattering results! I am really scared to open my e-mail at 18:00, where will this end, and tommorrow is yet to come! Thanks for sharing this with us!

Anonymous said...

This is great Dr. Dreyer! I would like to know how you decided on a product that people are willing to pay for - in other words, what are you selling and what type of business is it?

Anton Griessel

Charl said...

Wow...sitting here watching this is such an adrenalin rush. I can understand how this student felt in the past because I have also felt that frustration before, but MAN oh MAN I would love to see his face on this one...!!!!

Unknown said...


On http://www.kaizen-wealth.com/new-wealth-challenge.html you say your target is R 24 000 in a 24 hour period! I entered the competition to win a free BAW Advanced Course and based my estimation on this figure, yet on your blog the figure differs significantly. Thought I just let you know! The figures are blowing me away!

Anonymous said...

Unbelievable!! Please give me the web address so that i can see what this business is! Charl T

Unknown said...

Hallo Hannes

Soos wat vorige persone gevra het, kan ons asb die website sien wat julle gemaak het. Dit maak dit net soveel makliker vir ons om te verstaan waarmee julle besig is.

Louis said...

I must say I just can't believe this. What do one say to something like this. It sound to good to be true unless you had some help with a list of names from somewhere that you could market to. If this was done without any previous list then I would give anything to know how you guys do it. I have been looking into making money online for 2 years now and nothing seemed close to this easy. Noel, I hope you digest all this with everything you have. Not many people get a chance to learn hands-on from the master himself. He really is one of a kind!

Unknown said...

Hannes jy maak 'n mens moedeloos, ek en my vrou het nou al soveel kerusse en seminare saam met jou gedoen, daar was Kaizen en die mentoring program en om ook nie van al die dinge rondom property te praat nie. Is nou al twee jaar saam met jou besig en kon nog nie 'n sent maak uit alles wat ek geleer het nie. Hie kom julle in een middag en maak meer as wat ek amper in 'n maand bymekaar kan maak.Hoe de H#L doen jy dit?....wat mis ek?....wat doen ek verkeerd?, jy het dit nou maar net in jou. Sien uit na die colgende update

Anonymous said...

1 South African rand = 0.123782 U.S. dollars
1 US Dollar = R 8.079

Hi Hannes and Noel

2009060615h15 $ 6375 * 8.079 = R 51 503.14 You’ve exceeded my prediction of R 49 500 already !
2009060713h30 $ 2812 * 8.079 = R 22 718.14

Congratulations and I’m sharing your excitement. Go ! Go ! Go !

Peter Burkimsher

Anonymous said...

please send us a link for the site so we can see it!

Al Smithee said...

Hi all,
Things are apparently going well - I was going to wish you "good luck", but luck doesn't seem to have very much to do with it - you guys Rock!
Looking forward to phase 2 of your course.
Best wishes,

Quick-Release said...

Hi Hannes
Ek is nou sommer lekker jaloers op die student waarmee jy vandag werk. Wens dit was ek! My skatting van julle inkomste van die dag was meer as die beoogde R24 000, maar julle is al verby dit ook!
Kan nie wag om met die Advanced BAW te begin nie, as dit die tipe van sukses is wat ek kan verwag.

Sien julle DV by die Debt Eradication Seminar in die Kaap op 9 Julie

john and adri walker said...

well done, I knew it could be done.
Will there be any other info available to those who could not be there today apart from the amount earned.I mean how it was achieved, what bussinesses were created etc;
we are very eager to learn more and to start our own bussiness.

Good luck further

John and Adri walker

Nico Hurter said...

Hallo Hannes,
Dit klink te goed om waar te wees!!!Hierdie soort van inkomste het ek nie verwag nie. Ek het gedink so R 6,500 sal haalbaar wees. Dit wys jou net, Inetrnet bemarking is `n medium wat grootliks onderskat word. Ek is bereid om vir jou kennis en ondervinding te betaal. Nico Hurter

Corne said...

Sjoe ,maar julle vorder fluks....alhoewel ek nog nie weet wat se besigheid julle doen nie laat julle my tog dink aan die woorde van Frank Caines: "Only he who can see the invisible can do the impossible"
Sterkte en ek dink julle gaan net net oor die R24 000-00 maak..

Deon said...

Dag Hannes, ek dink werklik dit is wonderlik dat jy bereid is om so baie terug te ploeg uit die gawes wat jy van die Here ontvang het. Ek het die build-a-web beta fase saam jou gedoen en lees ook road to riches. Ek het nooit in my lewe gedink mens kan $6000 in enkele ure maak nie. Ek het nog baie leiding nodig om daar te kom, maar ek glo ek sal nog. Ek kon nie vandag se seminaar bywoon nie. Is daar 'n moontlikheid dat ons wat dit nie kon maak nie ook toegang sal kan kry tot die materiaal?

Groete en Goddelike seen
Deon van Rensburg

Kobus van Staden said...

Hallo Hannes,

Hoe vorder die uitdaging. Ek sien daar is nog nie weer 'n vorderingsverslag gegee nie?

Unknown said...

Hannes this is absolutely amazing. Are you willing to share this also with your students waiting for the second course on web building? Kobus

Wayne Kaminsky said...

hi... hows it going. Waiting for that 18h00 post...

Anonymous said...

I would be interested in seeing the web site he created and at least some description of how you are achieving such remarkable results.

Anonymous said...

It is now 21:00. I have missed the 18:00 feed back and am excitedly expecting the 21:00 feed back. Hope you are winning
Trevor Farley

Ernest Esterhuizen said...

This is mind blowing and unbelievable. My adrenalin is flowing and I am looking forward to an exciting journey with Dr Dreyer.

Timothy Bourne said...

Hi Hannes, your dreams and goal for fellow man are amazing. I know that soon I will be right up there and helping others to fulfill there dreams and goals!

Anonymous said...

Bullshit! Why doesn't Dr. Dreyer give us the websites url so that we can see what he is doing? Where is the verification of the so-called profits? I have been analysing his websites for sometime now and he keeps on selling the same basic concept feeding of peoples' desire to earn money with almost no effort. I am not convinced at all!

christel said...

I still do not think this is true. Numbers and people saying nice things about a project with no prove to show for it does give it any weight. I think this is a sham.