Last year in November I post a blog saying that I have learned how to legally print money – you can read the blog by going to
Noel an internet programmer and lecturer on Entrepreneurship posted a snooty remark basically challenging me – here is the last part of his comment
“….I would like to urge anybody that are interested in Internet marketing and Internet businesses to not waste their time and money in ventures like these, since I am living proof due about 30 trials within 3 years and with nothing new, that I am aware of, on the Internet that can be tried! I think that I tried it all! If you want extra cash, rather work for your money, book overtime, but do not fall for things like "work from home" or "Internet Riches" or whatever they call it. You will do better at a restaurant waitering job after hours. And remember, this comes from an experienced programmer who happened to have 8 hours a week available, and the technical knowledge to try and test a lot of ideas out there.
Now I challenge anybody out there with real guts in them to proof me wrong. Remember my experience, however I am willing to try one more time to make sure I did not miss anything, but only if the person can guarantee that I will not spend more than 8 hours per week (Typically a Saturday, since I work during the rest of the week) and that I can totally replace my income with at least R25000pm in less than one year from the time I start with the venture. In this same year I must be able to repay all of my debt which is mostly a mortgage of slightly more than R500'000. This would proof that one can become financially free if they are like me with debt and an income to replace. If this is achieved then it would proof me wrong, and I will accept it, and it will help other people to know how REALLY to do business on the Internet."
I took Noel up on his challenge in March this year (It took me some time to discover who Noel really was,–he used an alias.)
Since then we have turned one of his existing businesses around from a complete failure to a thriving success.
So on Sunday I want to show him how to start an Internet Business – using the Formula For Riches and the build a web basic course to begin a new internet business.
- He is going to build a brand new Internet site (business) in less than 1 hour.
- The goal is to make at least R65,000 on the same day that he started the Internet Business.
- His Risk will be ZERO (he will apply the FFR)
- He will use only the Build A Web basic course info, to build his website in less than an hour.
- His total list – (Database) is less than 2500 – which he has build during the last two months while he turned his existing business around.
To follow his progress and to see if he is going to make it go to
More Dr Hannes, Kan ek aanneem dat die werkswinkel iewers in Pretoria sal wees en dus ons Kapenaars uitsluit?
Sterkte met die proses. Ek was een van die studente wat die eerste BAW basiese kursus gedoen het en het dit BAIE leersaam gevind! Nou wag ek, my vrou, en dogter vir die gevorderde kursus. Ons kan nie wag om 'n internet besigheid te begin nie en natuurlik moet ons 'n ekstra inkomste daaruit verdien.
Johannes Pienaar
That is an incredible challenge! I await eagerly the outcome, while we may observe the process. As Noel put it, most of us are having a tough time and this real live encouragement and example is most welcome and needed.
Thank you Noel & Hannes!
I tried to register for this, but it is not taking my e-mail adress. Maybe as I enlisted previously, but are too unskilled to even do the basics. I sit trapped in a situation where I don't have enough time to even get up to date with all my banking work, but like Noel I desire to reach that stage of quitting the bank as they steal my life and even now I don't have the time to respond to your message. They expect from you more than any human being can supply. What about arranging a day like that again over a weekend where the really computer illiterate like myself can come through and see how it is done and then to ask your help when we get stuck? The frustration of not getting it done is bigger than the effort to travel the 500 km to Pretoria and pay for such a course. Would like to bring my brother with and make him enlist for your whole mentorship course as well. He was recently retrenched from ABSA legal, and must start something new and can also profit from such a course. Regards. Koos Botha - Rykmansvreugde (previously called Armoedsvlakte - Vryburg). Don't know what a URL is?
Dr Dreyer
I have taken up your challenge to build a web. I took money that I do not have for such purposes and I have been working with a friend to change my limiting beliefs. I have changed certain beliefs, but is now challenged again to believe what you are saying. My situation is past critical and I would hate to have been given valse hope by you! I have to pay money to my creditors end this business day and I need R18000, but my account is overdrawn with R6000. I have tried convensional business, but find it challenging to do everyting and keep the ship afloat! What you are telling me is that by end of 24 hours I could have enough money to pay all creditors???? Can I believe all that is written or is it like the secular media that you have to find out for yourself how they have been telling lies? I really want to believe you, because you have proven to me that I could do something that I thought was very difficult and you showed me its not! I've been putting you off for more that TWO years! How can I get this done in a day? Will you also help me????? Ive been told I 'm destined for wealth! Will you help me?????
Robert Noad
Ek kan nie wag om dit te sien nie, en die uitdrukking op sy gesig... priceless!
I'm awaiting to see this. A lot of people including myself are in debt, and can really benefit from this. If I may ask, is this open to all of us to make use of it to generate cash for ourselves?
Dag Hannes, Ek het ook die basiese kursus gedoen en was baie tevrede. Ek sal graag die gevorderde kursus wil doen, maar kan dit eenvoudig nie nou bekostig nie. Ek wil 'n voorstel maak, bied die kursus vir sommige van ons aan en deel dan in die winste wat die besigheid sal genereer. Jy word dan 'n slapende vennoot met 'n sekere persentasie aandeel. Indien jy die voorstel verwerp, sal ons later die kursus kan doen?
Gert Potgieter.
Hi Hannes, It seems like there are a lot of people out here with very limiting beliefs? They are looking for someone to blame because of their conditioning! It is so easy to place the responsibility on someone else and tell you that they don’t believe that your system works when its quite clearly does! I have followed your teachings for the past two & half years and applied what I have learnt and all I can say is “WOW”. It really upsets me when people have this “I know it all attitude” but are not willing to take ANY responsibility for when it goes wrong. Why don’t they put in the time and effort to MAKE it work and stop blaming the world? Hannes I know you will prove all the sceptics wrong so go for it, I have seen you do it many times. I’m sure there will still be an excuse why u can do it and not them, but do it anyway. Thanks from my side.
Kind regards,
Des Werner
Is dit nie maar n geval waar n mens met wonderlike "beloftes" gelok word en deel uitmaak van die basiese "gratis" proses om net later uit te vind jy moet n sekere groot bedrag betaal indien jy meer wil weet nie?
Ek het al sulke dinge probeer, maar elke keer net voordat jy dink jy gaan die slaagpunt bereik, dan kom jy voor n deur waarvoor jy geld moet uithaal voordat jy verdere inligting kry.....Dus word die geelwortel net elke keer so voor jou neus gehou en al wie geld maak is ntuurlik die aanbieder! Wonder maar net of dit nie een van hierdie soort programme is nie?
This is possible - wish I could have been the "student" selected!!
Will follow this with great interest. All the best to achieve the goal set.
Hi Hannes, I am thrilled that you have such an opportunity at hand and will be even more thrilled to see and hear how Sunday's lesson went. I myself would love to Build a Web business so I am also very interested in the outcome from my own personal perspective. Regards Lindsey Dallas - Orr
You have taught me amongst other things that to succeed is to believe, or is it to believe is to succeed? The trick is to to put disbelief asside even if only for a short time until success finds you, and 24hrs is a very short time. I didn't have the cost of the couse, but I believe it is mine to have and more, so I am using the banks money for now and will pay it back after 24hrs I am sure.
Looking forward to Sunday!
Best regards
Rob Nicol
Hi Hannes
Thank you once again for the opportunity to be part of another amazing lesson from yourself.I have completed the first build a web course (fantastic)But am still lost when it comes to making money on the web.I would love to be part of the challenge on sunday to learn in person from you.I unfortunately do not have the money available for the you know with six children it is not easy to keep ends meeting and i realy need this now but will definetely be part of the feedback on the challenge.Thanks again i am sure you will meet and exceed the goal.My estimate is set on around R45 000. good luck
John and adri walker
Hi Hannes
Thank you once again for the opportunity to be part of another amazing lesson from yourself.I have completed the first build a web course (fantastic)But am still lost when it comes to making money on the web.I would love to be part of the challenge on sunday learn in person from you.I unfortunately do not have the money available for the you know with six children it is not easy to keep ends meeting and i realy need this now but will definetely be part of the feedback on the challenge.Thanks again i am sure you will meet and exceed the goal.My estimate is set on around R45 000. good luck
John and adri walker
Hi Hannes, I did enrol for the free course but have had difficulty with the videos. Cannot download and when trying to view over the internet I cannot get an understanding due to my firstly limited knowlege and secondly my modem (56K) very slow. I know the fault is mine but cannot get going. I have read and live your teachings but have not moved up very much. Regards John
Hi Hannes.
Ek sien self uit om die uitslag van more te sien. Ek het ook die eerste groep Webbuilding gedoen en wil graag met die internet besigheid begin. Kostes ontbreek op die stadium om voort te gaan. Ek glo ek gaan dit nog kry en met jul hulp 'n sukses daarvan maak. Het al te veel ander gelde spandeer op die verkeerde ouens.
Wens net ek het verlede jaar al van jul gehoor.
Sien uit na more se uitslag.
Ralmarie van Rooyen
Goeiemore Hannes
Ja, ek glo daar is soveel mense wat 'n baie groot behoefte het aan 'n groter inkomste. Ek glo ook die internet kan daardie behoefte aanspreek. Maar dit kan slegs gebeur met die regte leiding. Daar is soveel inligting op die net en mens lei soms aan "information overload". Die inligting raak net so oorweldigend baie, dat dit amper 'n hopelose taak is.
Ek sien baie uit na die Advanced Course, want as dit net so maklik is om hierdie nuwe kennis aan te leer, gaan ek beslis gou 'n miljoener wees!!!
Nadat ek met al die skuldeisers afgehandel het, sal ek weer rustig kan slaap. Wat 'n vooruitsig.
Geniet jul praktiese sessie en ek sien uit daarna om die uitslag te sien.
I am following your Build A Web and Sunday challenge with keen interest. I've been an Internet Marketer for quite some time and I interested to see if you address the "real" challenges with Internet Marketing. These include how to select a profitable niche where there are keen buyers, how to get traffic to your site (not just the normal article marketing etc. route. I am also interested to see how you are going to help people choose the business model most suited to them ie. digital products marketing, drop ship sales sites, affiliate marekting etc. Will this be covered and is it in the "paid for" advanced course. What makes your product different to the other ones on the net? I think that you have a good bumber of people that follow you and it is important to make sure that they understand this is like any other business. You can't put a show in the middle of nowhere and expect to get rich. You must do all the basics of business right.
Hi Doc
How can I tap into this INTERNET BUSINESS without a dime to my name?
Katlego Mohlajoa
I am an avid follower of your invaluable lessons. I am quite excited to see the results here. We have tried an internet business before, but spent more than we ever saw in returns! Will be great to finally get it right! Thank you...
Ek het sopas die epos ontvang dat hy meer as R 600 000 wins gemaak het voor tax in 24 uur...........................................................
Ek is skoon naar so geskok is ek... Hoe is dit moontlik................
Hi Hannes
Thank u agaian for the Beta 1 lessons, unfortunately due financial constraints and debts sitting on my neck , not a chance to breath was not able to take up the challenge u presented to me , but would wait patiently for the Beta 2 lessond to begin as indicated by u that it would start on the 10th June 2009 but dtill to date have not received any lessons from u , and by the way how was turkey and thank,s God u came back safe, my the lord protect you and give u more days of life. Hopingg to hear from you soon. Thank U
David Mosimane
Hi Hannes
I recently heard about your challenge and I thought that it is impossible. Even after the results were released I am still sceptical. In order to build a cash generating website, you need to do a lot of other stuff that cannot be achieved in 24 hours. Let me give you a proper and realistic challenge. "I will pay for whatever course material required to copy the achievments of your last challenge, study it and build the two "cash websites". Lets be very realistic and make the deadline 7 days."
Would this challenge be achievable? Do you think that you can do it with the methods that you sell to the general public?
I am trying to connect to the free website build page. It says password will be sent to email address. Nothing comes through. As I have used my email address I cannot request a password again... So, how do i get my password sent to me again in order to be able to sign on to the FREE website build site?
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