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For some time I’ve been aware that being able to share wealth creation breakthroughs and issues really helps encourage students! It helps you feel part of a very special community (which you are!) – a community that isn’t much evident in the outside world. The M for Mindset in TEM$ is the most important aspect of wealth creation, so keep yours positive, motivated, learning, and talking! Post your blog today!

Monday, June 8, 2009

$11 369.01 Net Profit in 24 hours

The first business made $11 369.01 net profit during the first 24 hours.

The second business stands at $12 291.44 with 5 hours to go.

Total = $30 660.45


FKotze said...

That is brilliant! But where did the other $7000 came from?

john and adri said...

well done! it is amazing almost unbelievable to see so much made in such a short time.I hope we too can make even just a quarter of this in the same time with our new bussiness.
What we also would like to know is the type of bussiness was created and which other ideas can work.
Something else I am wondering is, it may be coincedence or is the second bussiness linked to the advanced course that we are subscribing to at the moment. I see that the 24 hour period for bussiness 2 ends at the same time this offer expires. good marketing if this is the case. It just proves what is possible if you know how to do it and plan your marketing.

Johan van Schalkwyk said...

Incredible, what else can one say. Well done!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hallo Hannes, hokaai - is dit $113691.01 (ses syfers) of $11 369,01 of iets (5 syfers)

Johann Verster

john and adri said...

Just a comment on the figures provided on the last updat.
Header says R113691.01
First bussiness figures - R11369.01
second bussiness figures - R12291.44
The total of bussiness 1 + 2 is also not R30 360.45
but R23 660.45

Good luck

john and adri said...

sorry that was supposed to be $ and not R. Typo error on my side


roman said...

First time I ever post a comment on any blog but this is just incredible. Don't easily get excited but this "anchor point of mine" is telling me something :-)Well done and really looking forward to hear more!

Just to point out a typo in header ... or is that $113691.01 the goal for this time tomorrow?? :-)

Glad to see that at least the 1 cent corresponds to that of my guestimate!

Leon said...

I did not realize that this was possible! Hannes told me that we will start one business, and it came to a surprize to me yesturday when we had to start the second business as well.

I have never seen something like this before! It is all a mindset change and Hannes clarified the process yesterday (7 June) during the workshop of how this is done. I am 100% sure that I will be able to replicate this by myself, provided I follow the process he taught us in the workshop!


Werner Wichmann said...

I would like to know how much time was spent in building the list?

As from my personal online experience it takes time to build a good qualified customer list and cannot be done in 24 hours. At least not without a substantial money investment.

Anonymous said...

john and adri,

The numbers are in USD not in Rands. If you convert it I think $11369.01 is more like R90'000...

Chiquita van Rooyen said...

Hi Hannes, ten spyte van my opgewondenheid oor die advanced kurses wat voorle, is daar steeds daai ou stemmetjie wat wil weet of ek ook die ding sal kan doen. Ek gaan dit my alles gee en glo vas ek gaan nie teleurgesteld staan nie. Hierdie sukses is van kardinale belang vir my persoonlik sowel as finansieel. Julle vordering is amazing, dis fantasties. Hou so aan!

ABCOM International said...

Indrukwekkende bedrae... maar hoe kry jy dit in 'n Suid Afrikaanse bank rekening. Die laaste keer wat ek 'n oorsese tjek wou deponeer moes ek behoorlik deur hoops spring, en 'n geldige paspoort he om dit te kon deponeer in my rekening. Bank het aangeneem dis deel van my toegelate jaarlikes drempel vir oorsese reise wat ek terug gebring het.

Hoe bewerk julle hierdie in betalings?

Riaan said...

Hallo Hannes.
"Excelent". Geen resessie vir jou nie. 2 vrae, (1) Hoe begin jy om 'n mail list te bou? en (2) Wat is die produk?

Anonymous said...

Just subscribed to BAW Advanced course. Very keen to get going and achieve similar or better results. Did anyone doubt that it could be done? Not me. When Hannes says it can be done. It can.

Dave McFarlane

Pieter said...

Seems like I am wasting my time. I have a list of 12,000 people and just cannot earn more than R30,000 per month. You guys do it in one weekend. Amazing stuff.

Chris Venter said...

Hallo Hannes & Leon

What an experience to have seen you both in action yesterday.

To the rest of the world out there. You missed out.

I have seen before my own eyes how two new businesses was started and they are profitable already.

It just proves that we have a wonderful mentor and he is an expert in his field.

I am going to copy what I have seen and learned to also make money from my own internet business.

Thanks again for sharing this experience with me.

pieter enslin said...

Hi Hannes

Lyk te goed om waar te wees. Ek het besluit om te waag en sien wat gebeur. Ek het vertroue in dit wat jy aanbied op grond van my ervaring met jou ander kursusse.

Anonymous said...

Hi Hannes
Ek het ongelukkig die uinodiging om die proses eerstehands mee te maak misgloop - was weg vir die naweek. Dit is net "ongelooflik"! en ek het vanoggend een ding geweet - ek moet die Advanced kursus doen en ek gaan deel wees van jou volgende uitnodiging. Ek het nie die kapitaal vanoggend gehad nie, maar die dryf om dit te realiseer het ñ blink plan by my laat pos vat en ek het die geld teen 10:33 gehad!
Ek sien met opgewondenheid uit na die verwikkelinge en het ook ñ klomp vra soos die ander bloggers.

DavidJ said...

Hannes and Leon. I just cannot believe it. I am too embarrassed to tell you what my estimate was. WHY do we limit ourselves in life? I am so glad to find a true mentorship programme and helpmate in my life. I am in it boots and all.

Steven said...

Ha ha, only hit me today in the car that Noel is Leon. I see in the comments that the cat's out of the bag already ... Well done guys! I'm guessing one of the businesses is the BAW course, is the other one the internet marketing course? If so, how do you split the proceeds between the 2 businesses? Oh well, pretty irrelevant I suppose. Would have loved to have been there for the workshop ... hope we get to see the DVD? Looking forward to BETA testing your Advanced and Internet Marketing courses - payment's in :-)

Koos Bierman said...

Hallo Hannes
Weens onvoorsiene finansiele omstandighede kon ek nie Sondag se proses bywoon nie alhoewel ek slegs een kilometer van julle af gesit het. Ek was die hele dag dikbek en omgekrap omdat ek die spesiale geleentheid gemis het. Ek is nou meer vasberade om 'n sukses te maak van die internet besigheid. Die twyfel wat ek gehad het aangaande internet besighede is nou iets van die verlede. Hannes ek het volle vertroue in jou as mentor. Sien uit om met die gevorderede kursus te begin. Ek wil ook graag weet soos sommige ander bloggers wat was die besighede wat begin is en hoe is bepaal watter produkte of dienste om te bemark? Sal ek na voltooing van die gevorderde kursus instaat wees om dieselfde resultate te kan behaal soos julle Sondag? Sien uit na die opname van Sondag en jou antwoorde op die vrae en opmerkings van die ander bloggers. Vriendelike Groete en sterkte

eddie said...