Nelson Mandela said he chose to forgive because otherwise he was giving too much power to the people who had already taken 27 years of his life.
He wasn't prepared to give them one more year. Or one more day. Not even one more minute. And we can understand that - but what is harder for us to understand is that it was up to him - it was his decision.
It was not about being bigger than them, or turning the other cheek. It was about reclaiming his life. Mandela knew what it was like to be in prison, your every move controlled by others. And he wasn't prepared to voluntarily enter a new prison on his release - the prison of hatred, grudges, regrets, resentment.
However, it's easier to complain and do nothing. It takes discipline to develop this strength. And it takes a decision - a commitment on your part - to begin with.
Mandela used his past to learn and move on. We can do the same. We too are often imprisoned by regrets and resentments. What he saw is that these regrets are themselves a prison. By fixating on them, we give away the key to our future. Then we become bitter and small. How likely are we to find happiness that way?
The wonderful thing is that no matter how many years have gone by, you can change your attitude in seconds. Make the decision to let go and move on . make sure that you have removed all internal resisters to this decision ... and you will change your life overnight! This is what we learn during Kaizen Wealth Transformational Weekend.
The next Kaizen Wealth Transformational Weekend, takes place on the 30 - 31 August - if you'd like to enquire further, phone my office on 012 542 4560
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