Welcome to my blog!

For some time I’ve been aware that being able to share wealth creation breakthroughs and issues really helps encourage students! It helps you feel part of a very special community (which you are!) – a community that isn’t much evident in the outside world. The M for Mindset in TEM$ is the most important aspect of wealth creation, so keep yours positive, motivated, learning, and talking! Post your blog today!

Friday, June 27, 2008

You are in charge of what happens in your life.

Gandhi said “Nobody can hurt me without my permission.”

He could equally have said “Nothing happens to me without my permission.”

It really takes a new awareness to see the truth in this. We are conditioned to think that many things in life happen “to” us. We seldom see that we created them that way – without realizing it.
We have the lives we have built for ourselves. It often feels like they just happened, rather than that we set out to build them. That’s because we build them unconsciously – we aren’t aware of doing it. Why? Because we are programmed in a certain way and we just do things without thinking about them.

I know people who are programmed to believe, from the experience of their own childhood, beliefs like this one: “women like me end up bringing up our children alone”. That’s their programming. So that’s what they do. And that’s what their daughters do. Others can see that they choose the kind of marriages that are not likely to last. And that they do not pull out all the stops to save those marriages or reconcile. Why not? Because it does not occur to them. Their childhood conditioning led them to expect the marriage to end. And that is what they created. And they do not know that they created this. They think “it just happened”.

That’s just one example. We all hold ideas about money, success, love, meaning, truth. Many of these we are unaware of – just like in the previous example. They were taught to us as children. They are still reinforced today. Some are good … some of these things hold families together, create positive homes, happy hopeful futures. Others keep us stuck, endlessly repeating actions that do us no good.

What creates our conditioning? Our parents. Our teachers. Our churches. Mass media. Public opinion.

We should be aware that some of this conditioning is paid for to make others profits. Financial institutions. Lenders of money. Sellers of ‘investments’. All these companies pay money for advertising and public relations that shapes our thoughts towards what is good for their profits. If we are unaware of the power and pervasiveness of their influence, then we do not know how much of our actions are unconsciously shaped towards their ends, not ours.

This explains high debt levels. Steep mortgages. The consumer culture. The belief that spending money makes us happy. And that material things will fulfil our dreams. Which keeps us tied to a job, stuck in a trap.

The good news is that although our beliefs are often unconscious and always very powerful, once we see what they are, we can easily change them. This is what we do during Kaizen Wealth. We swap limited beliefs for empowering beliefs that work for us in a big way!

The next Kaizen Wealth Transformational Weekend, takes place on the 30 – 31 August – if you’d like to enquire further, phone my office on 012 542 4560

Forgive, let go, move on.

Nelson Mandela said he chose to forgive because otherwise he was giving too much power to the people who had already taken 27 years of his life.

He wasn't prepared to give them one more year. Or one more day. Not even one more minute. And we can understand that - but what is harder for us to understand is that it was up to him - it was his decision.

It was not about being bigger than them, or turning the other cheek. It was about reclaiming his life. Mandela knew what it was like to be in prison, your every move controlled by others. And he wasn't prepared to voluntarily enter a new prison on his release - the prison of hatred, grudges, regrets, resentment.

However, it's easier to complain and do nothing. It takes discipline to develop this strength. And it takes a decision - a commitment on your part - to begin with.

Mandela used his past to learn and move on. We can do the same. We too are often imprisoned by regrets and resentments. What he saw is that these regrets are themselves a prison. By fixating on them, we give away the key to our future. Then we become bitter and small. How likely are we to find happiness that way?

The wonderful thing is that no matter how many years have gone by, you can change your attitude in seconds. Make the decision to let go and move on . make sure that you have removed all internal resisters to this decision ... and you will change your life overnight! This is what we learn during Kaizen Wealth Transformational Weekend.

The next Kaizen Wealth Transformational Weekend, takes place on the 30 - 31 August - if you'd like to enquire further, phone my office on 012 542 4560

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Lessons in Wealth from Flying a Helicopter

This week I am sharing with you lessons I have learned from an unusual tutor – my helicopter. Not that you need to be able to fly to learn! Whatever you do, as a hobby or as a career, at home or at work, even on the road or in the garden, you can see the laws of the Universe in operation.
In my case, I learn a lot from my helicopter!
  • - Perhaps because it is a pleasurable hobby so I’m relaxed and in a receptive mood.
  • - Perhaps because I must concentrate to fly – so I am focused.
  • - Maybe also because there is a ritual you have to follow to fly safely, and that gets your mind into a contemplative, somewhat meditative state.

The other day I stepped out onto the helipad, at the airport, in the beautiful still winter morning, and my plan was to fly.

  1. I was not wondering whether I could fly...
  2. Whether I’d be lucky enough to fly...
  3. Whether I was special enough to have been born with the talent to fly...

I knew that there was a close to 100% chance that I would successfully fly, simply because ...

  • I pay attention to the weather and choose the right conditions;
  • I am a helicopter pilot - I have been trained to fly;
  • I follow a set of safety and startup procedures that allows me to lift the helicopter off the ground and guide it through the air;
  • I follow a schedule of maintenance to ensure that all parts of the helicopter are in good condition;
  • I fill up with more than enough of the fuel I need, which is Jet A1 fuel - the right kind for a turbine engine.

As I prepared to fly, I was thinking about wealth creation which, like flying, is something anyone can do if they have the right training and follow the right procedures. I thought about the 20 or so steps that come before I can lift off. If I omit one, I either do not lift off at all, or I take a risk.

  1. I inspect the helicopter from the outside
  2. I inspect it from the inside
  3. I switch on the battery
  4. I switch on the generator
  5. I switch on the booster pump
  6. I press a timer and wait for 30 seconds before I switch on the starter
  7. During these 30 seconds I inspect all the warning lights to see if they are in working condition – by activating nine different warning bulbs. If a light comes on when I test it by pressing it gently, I know the warning light and therefore the system it indicates, is working
  8. After the 30 second period is up, I flick the starter switch on. Immediately a green light comes on – at the same time the blades start moving – first very slowly but gradually they build up speed
  9. Two to three seconds after the green starter light goes on, a yellow light – for the igniters - comes on
  10. Within eight seconds I hear the igniters ignite – it sounds like that “whump” you get if you throw petrol on a fire!
  11. Once the igniters fire up, the yellow light goes off – signaling that the process was successful. In the meantime the green startup light is still on
  12. I wait for the revs to go up to 14 000 – at that point the green light goes off
  13. Within 90 seconds the blades become synchronized with the turbine and I can physically see, feel and hear when this happens
  14. I slowly push up the fuel lever – pumping more and more fuel into the turbine
  15. As soon as I touch the fuel lever, a big red light comes on
  16. As I slowly push the fuel lever up, I make sure the tail pipe temperature (T4) does not increase by more than 30 degrees
  17. The turbine and blade speed pick up as I slowly push the fuel lever up
  18. At 33 000 revs the governor kicks in and the red light goes off
  19. The main rotor blades are turning at 360 revs per minute (RPM) and the tail rotor blades are turning at 2000 RPM
  20. All the temperature metres are in the green
  21. All warning lights are out
  22. It is safe on the outside
  23. The friction on the collective is still on – BUT I AM READY TO FLY!

Sounds like a lot. But any pilots out there will know this is all simple procedure. Routine.
And you know what? So is wealth creation!

Once you are trained and have put in the TEM$ (the Time, Energy Mindset and some money ($) to educate yourself) – to fit in with the requirements of the law of understanding, then you know that you have educated yourself and learned what you need to know.

· I KNOW I can fly because I learned. Simple.
· It’s not LUCK because I do it over and over and over, and so do all the other pilots and Wealth Creators – because they follow a system.
· It’s not TALENT - for the same reason.

What has all of that got to do with wealth creation?

Wealth creation is not about brilliance, talent, drive, luck or education. It’s about repeating a proven set of steps (a system) in the correct order, without missing one out, every time.
Just like flying, I know it’s not luck, it’s choosing the right moment to take certain actions (for instance, is now the right time to invest in property?)

It’s also following a set of instructions without taking short cuts. (The Formula for Riches™)

And it’s having the training (mentally, physically and emotionally) to know what to do, when to do it and HOW to do it

Of course, most of all, it’s WANTING to.

I love to fly because it makes me feel happy and free. That’s what I like about wealth too.

How about you?

As always - committed to your success

Dr Hannes Dreyer
Wealth Mentor

PS - The interest rates are up. The petrol price is up – and we are again on holiday. This time I am writing this from Marloth Park next to the Kruger National Park.

Over the last four months we have increased our passive income in our property portfolio by R10 875.00 and we have signed another contract that will push it up further to R34 625.00. In my next Property Investment Seminar I will show you for the first time how I have used the Zagger principle in the current economy to lower our risk by increasing our passive income. Make sure you book your ticket now!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

The Poor Go With The Flow


1.) The Poor Go With The Flow
2.) Life changing events

1.) The Poor Go With The Flow.

As I write, I am sitting on a sand dune above Bloubergstrand. Yesterday a cold front swept through the country, and when we left Pretoria it was raining. A great black thundercloud rolled over quite early in the morning, and we had thunder and lightning, the kind we expect in a typical summer Highveld thunderstorm. We enjoyed the unexpected contrast with the usual golden, dreamy, dry stillness of the winter veld.

Today as I look along the beach I see two kilometres of perfection. It’s still. It’s warm. The sea is lapping almost at my feet. When I look up, I see the famous picture of Table Mountain in front of me. I’ve seen a thousand calendars with this picture on it ... I’m sure you have too. It’s the Fairest Cape putting on a show. I wish you could see it. Next time I’ll take my camera and I’ll send you a picture! Or perhaps you’ll be here too, or somewhere just as lovely, because you know how to use the Formula for Riches™ to make your money work for you – and so you can take time off, lots of it, to really live and love your life.

For now, though, I’m not sharing this with anyone. You’d think there would be lots of people out here enjoying a magical day. It’s 10am. It’s balmy. I look up the beach. I look down it. But no. There is not a single soul out but me. I have it all to myself. This is not unusual. I am often playing while others work a 9 to 5 shift, feeling chained to their jobs when they’d rather be kite-surfing or sailing out here.

Tanja and our daughter Lara are now walking down the beach towards me. They’re going shopping just now, and then who knows, maybe we’ll take a drive out to a wine farm to enjoy the perfect weather and the breathtaking Cape winelands scenery. Maybe we’ll have a picnic with a little wine and cheese under the oak trees in front of a Cape Dutch homestead. Or a meal in an award-winning French restaurant in Franschhoek. We’ll see what we feel like.

Just so you know, though it is a gorgeous day, it’s quiet an ordinary one for me. By which I mean, I spend a lot of time enjoying beautiful places during what is usually called “working hours”. Because I can. Because I use the Formula for Riches™ to make my money work for me around the clock. And this has set me free.

In the meantime, I’m looking forward to teaching people how to invest in property at a seminar planned for Cape Town.

“Why property?” you may ask. “Why now? When the headlines say we can expect a huge fall in capital values?”

Well I’m not going to go into it too much right now (I do that in my Property Seminars) but let me just leave you with one thought. I’m watching the waves roll in and out at my feet. I see that they come and they go.

Like fashions...

Like investment bubbles...

Like booms and busts...

Like interest rate cycles...

And I know that most people will change what they do and how they invest based on whether the tide is taking them in or out. They go with the flow.

The reason I am here enjoying the beach and they are not, is because I don’t go with the flow – or not the flow of popular opinion and “expert projections” anyway. I go by the numbers. My properties bring me money, positive cash flow, in good times and in bad. Whether the tide is in, or whether it’s out ... the money comes in anyway. That’s why I’m here, walking barefoot on a beach at 10 o’clock on a Thursday morning.

Have a great week!

As always - committed to your success

Dr Hannes Dreyer
Wealth Mentor

P.S. Do you know that the average South African is has a debt ratio of more than 83% of income? It went up from 77% last month. I am planning a seminar on how to pay off your debt in less than 7 – 8 years, WITHOUT making any more money than you do right now. Please visit my blog (http://hannesdreyer.blogspot.com/) to tell me if you would be interested.

P.P.S. The MOST IMPORTANT THING YOU CAN DO RIGHT NOW for your future is to attend my next Quantum Leap Yourself To Quantum Wealth F-R-E-E Seminar. By applying the principles of Kaizen Wealth™ as explained in the seminar you will have a real advantage in life.

2. Live Events and Public Talks

NEW - Property Investments in an Uncertain Market

For more information and bookings
or phone my office (012) 542 4560


Quantum Leap Your Life To Quantum Wealth
Midrand – Centurion - Cape Town

For more information and bookings
or phone my office (012) 542 4560

Kaizen Wealth™ Transformational Weekend
Pretoria - August 30 – 31

For more information and bookings phone (012) 542 4560