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Friday, September 14, 2007

The Formula For Riches is an amazing tool by Henrico Hanekom

I write this story as an ordinary person.

Nonetheless, after only a few months on the Dr Hannes Dreyer Wealth Creators Mentoring Course course I'm already achieving the extra-ordinary.

I'll be honest, at first I thought that the Formula for Riches was a gimmick and I did not really believe that it was necessary for me to know it in order to achieve success. But when I took a closer look at the formula I realized the truth in it and hence it is a major part of my life.

Growth is one of the things that I've come to learn is very important, through the Formula for Riches. Most of the changes that I am currently experiencing are internal - my perceptions, ideas, beliefs and attitudes.

I know that these internal changes will soon externalize and manifest in the physical world.

You can ask me anytime of the day to write out the formula and I'll do that. I know it off by heart.

But also captured in this formula is an important factor called “Re” (Responsibility). I had to take responsibility for my financial future because just knowing the formula is not enough. I realized that I have to actually take the responsibility, take action and apply the formula to the financial decisions I make.

One of the most powerful moments in my life was when I clicked that my current financial situation is my very own doing, so it is only ME who can change the outcome. My initial thoughts were denial, I ignored the facts and somehow believed that my current financial situation ... just is the way it is.

After Hannes taught me about taking responsibility through utilizing the formula, many things have changed in my life. And I use the word “life” because for me finance is an important part of my life because I see it as a means to an end, one of my goals being abundance in all areas of my life. Hence, the “Re” part of the formula.

As a businessman, I had a fatal perception of risk. I though the more risk I take, the richer I will get. Needless to say, this has only made other people and institutions rich.

The Formula for Riches is helping me see exactly what risk is doing to my investments and I've learnt the importance of being able to calculate risk before making a decision.

I also found an amazing tool in the Formula for Riches that is helping me in all aspects of my life. The tool is the "nm" symbol in the formula and it stands for time and effort or productivity.

Just think about this, guys like Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and Richard Branson only have 24 hours in their day, just like you and me. They must be very effective and productive to achieve what they do. I need to make the best of the time that I have because according to the formula, it will exponentially affect the outcome and growth on my surplus. This is something that I think about daily and I keep on working at being more effective, using my time and energy wisely.

The value I've got from Hannes’s courses is not measurable in monetary terms. I read the free e-book before I decided to acquire some of the courses. I was amazed at what I learnt even through a free document from Hannes Dreyer. I then knew that my surplus would be well spent on further material.

The thing that I appreciate the most about the way that the material is presented is the fact that it is real-life stuff. I know that Hannes won't teach anything that he has not applied in his own life. This helps me to trust the information I'm learning and make it my own.

I can recommend the course to anybody who is brave enough to take responsibility for their own financial future!

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