Many people who are still in the conventional work system, employed by companies, now see their careers as important ways to express their individuality and to make their mark on the world.
This is another attitude towards work that has been nurtured by employers and their industrial psychologists.
Of course, many other people work simply because they have to ... though by following wealth creation principles, more and more of them are planning to become independent of a job, with all the uncertainty that goes with it.
Woman and the marketplace.
Interestingly enough, the rise of women in the marketplace has had a big effect too.
Fewer workers believe that hard work pays off now, for example, or that hard work is really a virtue.
One of the main differences is that women are less accepting of long hours as a necessary aspect of work, because women still run the home and do most of the work of bringing up children.
They know that life’s most important work happens outside official working hours.
So they don’t “buy” the values that a predominantly male workforce did.
Women make up about half of the workforce now. So their requirements are starting to have an effect.
A recent study showed that many women would rather have more time off than more money, so they can do those jobs that really matter, like keeping the family healthy, happy and together.
Strangely enough, not many women sign up for my courses.
Yet, with their deeper understanding of the importance of real wealth versus money, and the greater incentives for them to become financially independent so they can spend more time with their children, I’d say they have even more to gain than men.
Perhaps at the moment they are just too busy to be able to think.
Some of them describe each day of their lives as a race that they have to run, without a break.
The question then – What can I do to help woman become Wealth Creators?
Your answers will be appreciated.
Start with something easy that will solve an immediate need like a plan on how to draw up a monthly budget. Then get them interested in your other fantastic products.
My wife and I don't have children yet but what I do know is that this is very close to her heart. How about sending out a financial tip as how to buy your childrens close tax free...or something along those lines...
Although the lessons was signed up in my husbands name, I am the one working through it and discussing it with him. We are benifitting from it hugely.
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