Because otherwise your life is more of the same. Today is much the same as yesterday and tomorrow will be much like today. Because you are approaching it in the same way. You are playing to your strengths and your weak areas just get weaker.
But Wealth Creators want to make positive changes that help them reach their dreams! And I have found personally that one of the best ways to do this is to get stronger in my weak areas.
Let me give you an example:
Nearly three years ago I started my challenge - to make R10 million in less than 5 years with an investment of less than R1000 (UPDATE: I made around R1 million net income in Year 1, and R2 million net income in Year 2, not including the capital valuation of my businesses, and I have invested only 79c!)
One of my decisions when I began this challenge was to do a lot of writing in English (I made a commitment to write the mentorship lessons at http://www.hannesderyer.co.za/).
Sounds simple, doesn't it?
Actually, no. English is my second language and I always avoided it in the past. And I do not consider myself to be a good writer. I find writing difficult and spelling almost impossible.
Let me tell you a secret – making R10 million is nothing, when you know how to do it. But WRITING! In ENGLISH! Now that was a REAL challenge!
I wrote the first 100 or so mentorship lessons which range from 4 – 15+ pages, one a week. Then I found a professional writer to help me polish it and all my writing from then on.
Not because my own writing was not working ... it was! No, the reason was simplyDuring this time my own writing has improved, or so I am told. My confidence in English has grown tremendously. I know that I can take some pride in what I have achieved. One of my goals has been achieved. A goal that was a big one, for me.
because I believe in the Kaizen principle – constant and never-ending
And so my own journey of wealth creation has progressed.
I cannot tell you how wonderful I feel about this!
And you can feel this way too!
So if you are experiencing any of these feelings ...
Trapped, stuck, bored, on a treadmill, insecure about the future or your job, disappointed about not getting closer to your goals ...
You can replace them with these wonderful feelings!
Successful, getting somewhere, achieving what you want to, getting to your goals, happy, full of positive feelings!
And you can do all this just by choosing a weak area in your life and focusing on it so that it becomes strong! If you want quick results, choose something small to begin with. Like writing a bit every day if writing is your weak spot. Bigger things, like relationships and wealth creation, take longer, though even there you should start to see the signs of improvement from quite early on, even if in small ways to begin with.
You need to know that working on your weak areas will be a bit uncomfortable at first – like exercising when you are not yet fit. You could feel some aches and pains! In fact, it’s a good sign.
A final word: in a world in which so many of us are trapped into living lives not of our own choosing, mostly without even knowing it, giving yourself positive experiences of power in your life is very, very important.
By doing this you give yourself a vision of how you can reclaim your own dreams and your own future. It really matters! You can go to www.kaizenchallenge.co.za for more on these positive daily experiences, if you like.
1 comment:
Hello Hannes,
I am just about at the end of the Kaizen Challenge and I find that I understand exactly what you are saying here. At first I felt that I was battling my way through the challenge and then realised that changing one's mindset is not always a sudden revelation but sometimes like turning a big ship. You turn the tiller and don't really notice your change in direction till something alerts you to the fact that you have turned 180 degrees. Having been stuck in a rut for over 20 years, I was fortunate enough to have attended one of your free seminars over a year ago. Man, has my life changed! Thank you. I have found a few weaknesses that I need to work on but at least I recognise them now and I am not scared to work on them.
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