I firewalked last Saturday evening - this is the second time I have walked and it was a different experience from the first time.
I wanted to walk across the coals again as I wanted to know if I could do it again. One of my fears about walking again was that I wouldn't take it seriously, as the previously I walked six times across the coals and had one little blister on my toe - at that time, I don't really remember feeling the heat or thinking that the coals were hot.
This time, the first time I crossed the coals, I got blisters on the insteps of both feet - I could smell that burnt smell - I am not sure if it was as a result of not wiping my feet when I got to the grass or if I didn't take the coals heat seriously enough.
I walked a second time as I have the "if you fall off a horse, get straight back on" type of mentality i.e. to overcome the fear - I didn't feel the burn the second time around - I don't know if it was cause I wiped the coals off of my feet the second time I walked.
However, I had two little "lightbulb" moments in the lesson before the walk. The first was when Hannes said "Who would be prepared to come up and snap the arrow for R1 million?" - although I raised my hand, I was surprised how many people didn't - we all want to be wealthy yet we won't get out of our comfort zones to do something that is relatively easy, that would make us a lot more wealthy than we were before the offer and in a very short space of time - got to learn to make that shift and get out of my comfort zone a lot more quickly - not worry what others will think!
The second was the rules of the fire walk which was a metaphor for me in achieving my goals. Focus on what you doing, don't run, don't jump, don't jump out, don't just stand there (i.e. don't do nothing) as you will get burnt - once you have committed just walk deliberately and with purpose and you will get there quite easily.
Hannes, thanks once again for sharing your knowledge with me.
Jennifer Hudson
Just a few comments from my side.
First of all congratulation! There are very few people who have done EIGHT fire walks in their lives. In fact there are very few who actually did one fire walk.
We attract what we concentrate on. “One of my fears about walking again was that I wouldn't take it seriously” This thought has manifest when you walked the first time – therefore the blisters.
The second time you walked your intent was not to hurt yourself – you paid attention – and you walk without burning or even feeling the heat.
Will I get burned?
Many thousands of people from all around the world have walked on hot coals without any injury and so many are so successful you might be tempted to become very casual about the whole thing.
BIG mistake! I know from personal experience the times when I have not respected the fire have been the times when I have been burned. (in fact I also picked up a small blister on Saturday evening – but please don’t tell anyone) They may only have been minor burns, but none the less they helped me to focus and realize I was playing with fire.
Anyone who chooses to walk does so for one reason and one reason only ... BECAUSE THEY WANT TO … when you attend my firewalking events, I don’t care whether you walk or not, the choice is yours and one you alone have to take responsibility for. All I care about is that you make the decision that makes you feel most relaxed. You will know…
In a survey conducted by F.I.R.E of people who had been burned, there appeared to be one thing they all had in common.. THEY KNEW THEY WERE GOING TO BURN before they stepped onto the coals.
The lesson we can draw from these responses is a good one for life: if you do something and your heart is not in it, you will get burned. If your heart is in it, your potential is extended.
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