Today’s tip is a cautionary one. As I write, the interest rate has been raised 4 times in a row and the Reserve Bank is talking of another hike in a month’s time.
Inflation is beyond the “acceptable” limit and South Africans are allocating approximately three quarters of their after tax income in the form of dept repayments.
Bottlenecks at banks and the Deeds Office due to strike action and new legislation are leading to the kinds of delays that many people simply cannot survive financially. The kind of people who are relying on the sale of their house to resolve debt problems, for example.
At times like these you need to make sure you are not over-extended.
During boom times, like we’re been having in South Africa the past few years, everyone’s an investor. Everyone’s bulletproof. Everyone can defy the rules and make money. Everyone has brilliant vision, brilliant instincts.
Everyone is suddenly a property investor and investment expert.
The problem is, everyone also has short memories.
We forget that the wheel turns and lately it happens to have been on the upturn; which is why we’ve been doing well.
But we are not aware of this ... instead we think we’ve done well because of our own brilliance, talents, vision, etc. We do not realize that luck has played a far higher role in all this than we think.
When the wheel turns downward (and though the signs are already there, we cannot say for sure when it will happen, only that it WILL happen) and our fortunes go with it, we are bewildered.
We’re not doing anything differently! It’s just inflation; U.S. debt; the oil price; etc. Suddenly it is no longer our responsibility, the way success was! Suddenly we’re victims; and true to form, we start complaining around the braai.
Meanwhile, this is the point at which the real Wealth Creators come into their own.
While others were over-extending themselves in terms of borrowing; buying “investments” in a hurry because “there was no time to lose!”; and walking a tightrope between solvency and crashing, because “I will double my money in six months’ time” ...
... Wealth Creators were being far more cautious. They were eliminating their debts; getting cash-flush; and doing worst-case scenarios on all the ridiculously overpriced “investments” and “bargains” that came their way.
They overrode the hype and the fear of losing out, and stuck to the figures.
If the figures did not make sense, they did not buy. This takes some mental strength and discipline ... it is hard to go against the crowd.
People like these can weather interest increases because they’ve planned for them; their debts are low or non-existent, and their investments are cash flow positive right from the start.
Welcome to my blog!
For some time I’ve been aware that being able to share wealth creation breakthroughs and issues really helps encourage students! It helps you feel part of a very special community (which you are!) – a community that isn’t much evident in the outside world. The M for Mindset in TEM$ is the most important aspect of wealth creation, so keep yours positive, motivated, learning, and talking! Post your blog today!
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
It was a Saturday like any other, except we were booked on one of Hannes Dreyer’s workshops. We knew that today we would be stretched but what we did not know was how much.
During the day we found out that the workshop would be followed by a ‘firewalk’. I instantly thought ‘you must be joking’, there is no way that I will willingly be walking over coals. I consoled myself with the knowledge that it would be my choice and that there would be no coercion. But I was intrigued and everyone was saying just keep an open mind. So to prove how open my mind was my partner and I joined the lecture and took part in the ‘arrow breaking exercise’. On arrival at the fire my mind was still made up, no way was I going to do that! But Tanya and Hannes encouraged us to join in and celebrate with the other people who were courageously taking on the coals. I thought those people are so brave I must support and celebrate with them and so we did.
As we were clapping and enjoying other people’s victory something started happening to me. I started thinking is it possible? It seems like it as others are doing it. If I were to do it I would have a great victory over fear. Hannes was adamant, “If you are fearful, don’t walk”. Then my partner turned around to me and said, I am going to walk. I did not even have a chance to answer and before I knew it she had done it. Well, I thought this is simply another goal to be achieved. As I stood in front of those coals, I had a moment where focus was stronger than fear and my desire to do something extraordinary became so strong that I simply did it.
Once I had, I thought I am not sure that this was real, so I had better do it again in case. So we did.
This was something that I had to do for myself and nobody else. Since that walk I feel as if I have woken from a long sleep. I see things so much clearer. In particular I see so many possibilities for us to achieve our dreams.
Thank you Tanya and Hannes for the encouragement and creating an environment safe enough for us to break though our self imposed barriers
During the day we found out that the workshop would be followed by a ‘firewalk’. I instantly thought ‘you must be joking’, there is no way that I will willingly be walking over coals. I consoled myself with the knowledge that it would be my choice and that there would be no coercion. But I was intrigued and everyone was saying just keep an open mind. So to prove how open my mind was my partner and I joined the lecture and took part in the ‘arrow breaking exercise’. On arrival at the fire my mind was still made up, no way was I going to do that! But Tanya and Hannes encouraged us to join in and celebrate with the other people who were courageously taking on the coals. I thought those people are so brave I must support and celebrate with them and so we did.
As we were clapping and enjoying other people’s victory something started happening to me. I started thinking is it possible? It seems like it as others are doing it. If I were to do it I would have a great victory over fear. Hannes was adamant, “If you are fearful, don’t walk”. Then my partner turned around to me and said, I am going to walk. I did not even have a chance to answer and before I knew it she had done it. Well, I thought this is simply another goal to be achieved. As I stood in front of those coals, I had a moment where focus was stronger than fear and my desire to do something extraordinary became so strong that I simply did it.
Once I had, I thought I am not sure that this was real, so I had better do it again in case. So we did.
This was something that I had to do for myself and nobody else. Since that walk I feel as if I have woken from a long sleep. I see things so much clearer. In particular I see so many possibilities for us to achieve our dreams.
Thank you Tanya and Hannes for the encouragement and creating an environment safe enough for us to break though our self imposed barriers
Friday, June 22, 2007
Questions relating Property Investment
I started a separate blog dealing only with property investments. If you have any questions please visit and ask or post your questions there please.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
I am on week 23 with the mentorship challenge and on day 27 of the kaizen challenge.
My story is not of great financial gain at this stage but of wealth creation.
I am for the first time in my life understanding the difference between greed and financial gain.
Since I started with the mentorship program and especially the Kaizen challenge I changed as a person. I am not short tempered as before. I have goals for every day and I challenge myself to change every day (constant change).
My family can also see the difference and I have a wonderful wife and sons that does this course with me and together we can only grow stronger. I now understand what it means to look at a glass as half full and not half empty.
I still have a lot to learn and can not wait to get every week’s lesson.
Hannes what I really respect of you is that you always give glory to God in all your achievements.
I am also now focused on all I can be to glory of God.
My story is not of great financial gain at this stage but of wealth creation.
I am for the first time in my life understanding the difference between greed and financial gain.
Since I started with the mentorship program and especially the Kaizen challenge I changed as a person. I am not short tempered as before. I have goals for every day and I challenge myself to change every day (constant change).
My family can also see the difference and I have a wonderful wife and sons that does this course with me and together we can only grow stronger. I now understand what it means to look at a glass as half full and not half empty.
I still have a lot to learn and can not wait to get every week’s lesson.
Hannes what I really respect of you is that you always give glory to God in all your achievements.
I am also now focused on all I can be to glory of God.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
I firewalked last Saturday evening - this is the second time I have walked and it was a different experience from the first time.
I wanted to walk across the coals again as I wanted to know if I could do it again. One of my fears about walking again was that I wouldn't take it seriously, as the previously I walked six times across the coals and had one little blister on my toe - at that time, I don't really remember feeling the heat or thinking that the coals were hot.
This time, the first time I crossed the coals, I got blisters on the insteps of both feet - I could smell that burnt smell - I am not sure if it was as a result of not wiping my feet when I got to the grass or if I didn't take the coals heat seriously enough.
I walked a second time as I have the "if you fall off a horse, get straight back on" type of mentality i.e. to overcome the fear - I didn't feel the burn the second time around - I don't know if it was cause I wiped the coals off of my feet the second time I walked.
However, I had two little "lightbulb" moments in the lesson before the walk. The first was when Hannes said "Who would be prepared to come up and snap the arrow for R1 million?" - although I raised my hand, I was surprised how many people didn't - we all want to be wealthy yet we won't get out of our comfort zones to do something that is relatively easy, that would make us a lot more wealthy than we were before the offer and in a very short space of time - got to learn to make that shift and get out of my comfort zone a lot more quickly - not worry what others will think!
The second was the rules of the fire walk which was a metaphor for me in achieving my goals. Focus on what you doing, don't run, don't jump, don't jump out, don't just stand there (i.e. don't do nothing) as you will get burnt - once you have committed just walk deliberately and with purpose and you will get there quite easily.
Hannes, thanks once again for sharing your knowledge with me.
Jennifer Hudson
Just a few comments from my side.
First of all congratulation! There are very few people who have done EIGHT fire walks in their lives. In fact there are very few who actually did one fire walk.
We attract what we concentrate on. “One of my fears about walking again was that I wouldn't take it seriously” This thought has manifest when you walked the first time – therefore the blisters.
The second time you walked your intent was not to hurt yourself – you paid attention – and you walk without burning or even feeling the heat.
Will I get burned?
Many thousands of people from all around the world have walked on hot coals without any injury and so many are so successful you might be tempted to become very casual about the whole thing.
BIG mistake! I know from personal experience the times when I have not respected the fire have been the times when I have been burned. (in fact I also picked up a small blister on Saturday evening – but please don’t tell anyone) They may only have been minor burns, but none the less they helped me to focus and realize I was playing with fire.
Anyone who chooses to walk does so for one reason and one reason only ... BECAUSE THEY WANT TO … when you attend my firewalking events, I don’t care whether you walk or not, the choice is yours and one you alone have to take responsibility for. All I care about is that you make the decision that makes you feel most relaxed. You will know…
In a survey conducted by F.I.R.E of people who had been burned, there appeared to be one thing they all had in common.. THEY KNEW THEY WERE GOING TO BURN before they stepped onto the coals.
The lesson we can draw from these responses is a good one for life: if you do something and your heart is not in it, you will get burned. If your heart is in it, your potential is extended.
I wanted to walk across the coals again as I wanted to know if I could do it again. One of my fears about walking again was that I wouldn't take it seriously, as the previously I walked six times across the coals and had one little blister on my toe - at that time, I don't really remember feeling the heat or thinking that the coals were hot.
This time, the first time I crossed the coals, I got blisters on the insteps of both feet - I could smell that burnt smell - I am not sure if it was as a result of not wiping my feet when I got to the grass or if I didn't take the coals heat seriously enough.
I walked a second time as I have the "if you fall off a horse, get straight back on" type of mentality i.e. to overcome the fear - I didn't feel the burn the second time around - I don't know if it was cause I wiped the coals off of my feet the second time I walked.
However, I had two little "lightbulb" moments in the lesson before the walk. The first was when Hannes said "Who would be prepared to come up and snap the arrow for R1 million?" - although I raised my hand, I was surprised how many people didn't - we all want to be wealthy yet we won't get out of our comfort zones to do something that is relatively easy, that would make us a lot more wealthy than we were before the offer and in a very short space of time - got to learn to make that shift and get out of my comfort zone a lot more quickly - not worry what others will think!
The second was the rules of the fire walk which was a metaphor for me in achieving my goals. Focus on what you doing, don't run, don't jump, don't jump out, don't just stand there (i.e. don't do nothing) as you will get burnt - once you have committed just walk deliberately and with purpose and you will get there quite easily.
Hannes, thanks once again for sharing your knowledge with me.
Jennifer Hudson
Just a few comments from my side.
First of all congratulation! There are very few people who have done EIGHT fire walks in their lives. In fact there are very few who actually did one fire walk.
We attract what we concentrate on. “One of my fears about walking again was that I wouldn't take it seriously” This thought has manifest when you walked the first time – therefore the blisters.
The second time you walked your intent was not to hurt yourself – you paid attention – and you walk without burning or even feeling the heat.
Will I get burned?
Many thousands of people from all around the world have walked on hot coals without any injury and so many are so successful you might be tempted to become very casual about the whole thing.
BIG mistake! I know from personal experience the times when I have not respected the fire have been the times when I have been burned. (in fact I also picked up a small blister on Saturday evening – but please don’t tell anyone) They may only have been minor burns, but none the less they helped me to focus and realize I was playing with fire.
Anyone who chooses to walk does so for one reason and one reason only ... BECAUSE THEY WANT TO … when you attend my firewalking events, I don’t care whether you walk or not, the choice is yours and one you alone have to take responsibility for. All I care about is that you make the decision that makes you feel most relaxed. You will know…
In a survey conducted by F.I.R.E of people who had been burned, there appeared to be one thing they all had in common.. THEY KNEW THEY WERE GOING TO BURN before they stepped onto the coals.
The lesson we can draw from these responses is a good one for life: if you do something and your heart is not in it, you will get burned. If your heart is in it, your potential is extended.
THE BOX CANNOT BE SEEN FROM THE INSIDE by Lourens Janse van Rensburg
The Himalayans speak of a place called "Shambhala" (Shangri-La).
The Celts speak of a place called "Tir-na-nog" (pronounced "tee-nah-noogh").
Places full of wonder, which can be found only by those who already know the way.
They can never be found by one who does not already know where it is.
One might pass right beside it without seeing it.
The Capitalists speak of a place called "The-Outside-Of-The-Box".
This too, is a place full of wonder, which can only be found by those who already know the way.
This too, can never be found by one who does not already know where it is.
Many pass right beside it without seeing it, every day.
Like an ancient sage, seemingly speaking in contradictions: "The answer is hidden in the question...", "The answer lies within you..." Thus says Hannes Dreyer to his students: "Think outside the box...", "The answer is in your hand..."
And the student quietly replies: "Yes, Mentor", but everything inside him screams: "I AM THINKING AS HARD AS I CAN, BUT I DON`T SEE THIS BOX!!! HOW CAN I THINK OUTSIDE OF SOMETHING THAT DOESN`T EXIST???"
Imagine two parallel mirrors, facing each other -- the reflection of one is bounced back to the other, and back again to itself, back and forth ad infinitum. Looking into them, it seems as if one can see into infinity.
Imagine a baby born and raised inside a room like this, with mirrors on all walls, never allowed to leave the mirrored room. The baby thinks he can see into infinity in all directions. But no matter how far he stares into the distance, he can never see more than the objects beside him in the room, reflected a million times.
Like Jim Carrey’s character in "The Truman Show", people born and raised inside The Box cannot comprehend anything outside of it.
Yet they always have that nagging feeling that there must be more to life than just this...Consider this:One cannot see a mirror by looking at it from the front. One can only see the objects reflected in it.The mirror is not invisible, but un-seeable.The mirror itself can only be seen from the back!!!The Box is lined with mirrors on all sides. People inside it are convinced they can see into infinity, oblivious to the concept of the outside.
But some are crazy enough to listen to others even crazier.
They listen to people crazy enough to stand on the street corners shouting out about the place called The-Outside-of-The-Box.
They are crazy enough to believe these crazier-than-thou`s.
Then one day, when they cannot sleep in the middle of the night, when they brush their teeth in the morning, when they are on their way to work, they get struck by enlightenment, as if by lightning.
And they instantly realize: like a mirror, The Box can only be seen from the outside!!!From the inside, it is un-seeable!!!They step out of it, and they look upon The Box, and the people trapped inside.They realize something more: from the outside, The Box is not only visible, but also transparent!!!
The Box is not a room with mirrors on the walls. In fact it has no walls, only mirrors. One-way mirrors, so one can see in from the outside.The people inside are not trapped by the walls at all -- there are no walls.They are only trapped by the illusion created by the mirrors.They are only trapped by the shallowness of their own imaginations.They only need a tool to smash the mirrors, the will to do it, and the courage to step through to the outside.
If you have the will, Hannes Dreyer provides you with the tool, and helps you to gather the courage.
A good friend once asked me a riddle: "What has a great volume, and can hold many things inside, yet it does not posess an outside?"
I replied: "I don`t know, my friend. Please tell me."
He said: "The universe!"
I smiled back: "Just because your mind cannot imagine the outside of the universe, does not mean that it has no outside!"
My friend did not understand what I said, as if I spoke in a strange and unknown tongue.
To find Shangri-La, travel with someone who knows the way.To find Tir-na-nog, travel with someone who has already completed the journey.To find The-Outside-Of-The-Box, travel with Hannes Dreyer...
The Celts speak of a place called "Tir-na-nog" (pronounced "tee-nah-noogh").
Places full of wonder, which can be found only by those who already know the way.
They can never be found by one who does not already know where it is.
One might pass right beside it without seeing it.
The Capitalists speak of a place called "The-Outside-Of-The-Box".
This too, is a place full of wonder, which can only be found by those who already know the way.
This too, can never be found by one who does not already know where it is.
Many pass right beside it without seeing it, every day.
Like an ancient sage, seemingly speaking in contradictions: "The answer is hidden in the question...", "The answer lies within you..." Thus says Hannes Dreyer to his students: "Think outside the box...", "The answer is in your hand..."
And the student quietly replies: "Yes, Mentor", but everything inside him screams: "I AM THINKING AS HARD AS I CAN, BUT I DON`T SEE THIS BOX!!! HOW CAN I THINK OUTSIDE OF SOMETHING THAT DOESN`T EXIST???"
Imagine two parallel mirrors, facing each other -- the reflection of one is bounced back to the other, and back again to itself, back and forth ad infinitum. Looking into them, it seems as if one can see into infinity.
Imagine a baby born and raised inside a room like this, with mirrors on all walls, never allowed to leave the mirrored room. The baby thinks he can see into infinity in all directions. But no matter how far he stares into the distance, he can never see more than the objects beside him in the room, reflected a million times.
Like Jim Carrey’s character in "The Truman Show", people born and raised inside The Box cannot comprehend anything outside of it.
Yet they always have that nagging feeling that there must be more to life than just this...Consider this:One cannot see a mirror by looking at it from the front. One can only see the objects reflected in it.The mirror is not invisible, but un-seeable.The mirror itself can only be seen from the back!!!The Box is lined with mirrors on all sides. People inside it are convinced they can see into infinity, oblivious to the concept of the outside.
But some are crazy enough to listen to others even crazier.
They listen to people crazy enough to stand on the street corners shouting out about the place called The-Outside-of-The-Box.
They are crazy enough to believe these crazier-than-thou`s.
Then one day, when they cannot sleep in the middle of the night, when they brush their teeth in the morning, when they are on their way to work, they get struck by enlightenment, as if by lightning.
And they instantly realize: like a mirror, The Box can only be seen from the outside!!!From the inside, it is un-seeable!!!They step out of it, and they look upon The Box, and the people trapped inside.They realize something more: from the outside, The Box is not only visible, but also transparent!!!
The Box is not a room with mirrors on the walls. In fact it has no walls, only mirrors. One-way mirrors, so one can see in from the outside.The people inside are not trapped by the walls at all -- there are no walls.They are only trapped by the illusion created by the mirrors.They are only trapped by the shallowness of their own imaginations.They only need a tool to smash the mirrors, the will to do it, and the courage to step through to the outside.
If you have the will, Hannes Dreyer provides you with the tool, and helps you to gather the courage.
A good friend once asked me a riddle: "What has a great volume, and can hold many things inside, yet it does not posess an outside?"
I replied: "I don`t know, my friend. Please tell me."
He said: "The universe!"
I smiled back: "Just because your mind cannot imagine the outside of the universe, does not mean that it has no outside!"
My friend did not understand what I said, as if I spoke in a strange and unknown tongue.
To find Shangri-La, travel with someone who knows the way.To find Tir-na-nog, travel with someone who has already completed the journey.To find The-Outside-Of-The-Box, travel with Hannes Dreyer...
Monday, June 18, 2007
Gletwyn's success story
Hi Hannes,
Here is a little success story:
I have been on the mentorship program for a little over a year now and looking back there has been considerable change in my attitude. I have been rather good at reviewing my goals on a daily basis and sometime even twice daily - memorized too. Anyway one of my hobbies is spearfishing and freediving. I have set up my website: and as I plan to mentor spearfishing and freediving I needed some credibility.
I just got that credibility recently - the EP spearfishing team including myself and two mates won the nationals last year as well as this year.
Great stuff! But it went one step further when two of us were selected for the springbok team - I was one. This is great for my mentoships in diving. I partly attribute your goals and wheel of life system to my success - as you said the ground may shake a bit below ones feet and it does - various things happen that are synergistic to ones overall goals.
So I am off to Spain in July to participate in a qualifier event where the top 12 teams go to world championships in 2008.
Besides that my wheel of life is certainly more balanced and I have much greater insight into investments so far and each week I enthusiastically read the lessons and see how I can apply them.
Keep well
Gletwyn Rubidge
Here is a little success story:
I have been on the mentorship program for a little over a year now and looking back there has been considerable change in my attitude. I have been rather good at reviewing my goals on a daily basis and sometime even twice daily - memorized too. Anyway one of my hobbies is spearfishing and freediving. I have set up my website: and as I plan to mentor spearfishing and freediving I needed some credibility.
I just got that credibility recently - the EP spearfishing team including myself and two mates won the nationals last year as well as this year.
Great stuff! But it went one step further when two of us were selected for the springbok team - I was one. This is great for my mentoships in diving. I partly attribute your goals and wheel of life system to my success - as you said the ground may shake a bit below ones feet and it does - various things happen that are synergistic to ones overall goals.
So I am off to Spain in July to participate in a qualifier event where the top 12 teams go to world championships in 2008.
Besides that my wheel of life is certainly more balanced and I have much greater insight into investments so far and each week I enthusiastically read the lessons and see how I can apply them.
Keep well
Gletwyn Rubidge
Friday, June 15, 2007
Improve your cashflow right now by thousands of Rands!
Introducing the Quick Cash Flow Improvement Program
* Would you like to find out how to improve your cashflow by thousands of Rands IMMEDIATELY? (This figure is typical for a normal person with an average amount of debt!)
This could easily mean R3000 MORE in your pocket every month!
* Would you like to know how to save over half a million Rands in interest?
(A normal person can easily do this when they know how!)
* Would you like to know how you could build capital of at least R25 million over the next 20 years? ]
(Again, this figure is completely achievable for a normal person who finds out how!)
Best of all, would you like to know all this NOW – for FREE? By spending just 5 minutes on our Quick Cashflow Improvement Program?
How does the Quick Cash Flow Improvement Program work?
It is so easy to use – it will take just a few minutes to find out where you stand and how to improve your life!
You simply put in how much you owe currently on your bond, car, credit card, overdraft and any other debt.
Within seconds you will find out...
how you can improve your monthly cash flow (Cash Flow Improver) by thousands!
how much personal debt you can eliminate (Debt Elimination Plan)
how much capital you can build if you follow my proven, powerful wealth creation principles (Capital Builder)
This program is free for a very limited period and the analysis will cost you nothing if you do it now! You will know within seconds how much you can improve your financial position by!.
Who can benefit?
Homeowners with other debts too, such as cars, credit cards, overdrafts, instalment plans.
You must be a member of Dr Hannes Dreyer’s Wealth Creators Club
Only members of Dr Hannes Dreyer’s Wealth Creators Club have access to this program. Register now, free and without obligation, at!
So what’s the catch when you join?
Registration is free and there is no obligation. As a member of this club, you will receive free, valuable wealth creation guidance, tips, tools, and information – worth a great deal of money. These are of incalculable value to people who are interested in becoming Wealth Creators, escaping “wage slavery” and enjoying the fruits of financial freedom! Once you see what is possible with the Quick Cash Flow Improvement Program, this information can help you create wealth faster than you ever thought was possible!
Dramatically improve your life – right now!
So sign up at, then click on the link at the bottom of this article, and find out in minutes how to improve your cashflow and your entire financial future!
Please note! This offer is limited to the testing stage only and may end at any time, without notification! The program is so powerful, exciting, and life-changing that I expect a flood of interest and in this case, I may close off the offer very quickly! There really is no time to waste, so sign up for the club now at and then click on ...
Quick Cash Flow Improvement Program
Enjoy what I have no doubt is going to be a revelation!
* Would you like to find out how to improve your cashflow by thousands of Rands IMMEDIATELY? (This figure is typical for a normal person with an average amount of debt!)
This could easily mean R3000 MORE in your pocket every month!
* Would you like to know how to save over half a million Rands in interest?
(A normal person can easily do this when they know how!)
* Would you like to know how you could build capital of at least R25 million over the next 20 years? ]
(Again, this figure is completely achievable for a normal person who finds out how!)
Best of all, would you like to know all this NOW – for FREE? By spending just 5 minutes on our Quick Cashflow Improvement Program?
How does the Quick Cash Flow Improvement Program work?
It is so easy to use – it will take just a few minutes to find out where you stand and how to improve your life!
You simply put in how much you owe currently on your bond, car, credit card, overdraft and any other debt.
Within seconds you will find out...
how you can improve your monthly cash flow (Cash Flow Improver) by thousands!
how much personal debt you can eliminate (Debt Elimination Plan)
how much capital you can build if you follow my proven, powerful wealth creation principles (Capital Builder)
This program is free for a very limited period and the analysis will cost you nothing if you do it now! You will know within seconds how much you can improve your financial position by!.
Who can benefit?
Homeowners with other debts too, such as cars, credit cards, overdrafts, instalment plans.
You must be a member of Dr Hannes Dreyer’s Wealth Creators Club
Only members of Dr Hannes Dreyer’s Wealth Creators Club have access to this program. Register now, free and without obligation, at!
So what’s the catch when you join?
Registration is free and there is no obligation. As a member of this club, you will receive free, valuable wealth creation guidance, tips, tools, and information – worth a great deal of money. These are of incalculable value to people who are interested in becoming Wealth Creators, escaping “wage slavery” and enjoying the fruits of financial freedom! Once you see what is possible with the Quick Cash Flow Improvement Program, this information can help you create wealth faster than you ever thought was possible!
Dramatically improve your life – right now!
So sign up at, then click on the link at the bottom of this article, and find out in minutes how to improve your cashflow and your entire financial future!
Please note! This offer is limited to the testing stage only and may end at any time, without notification! The program is so powerful, exciting, and life-changing that I expect a flood of interest and in this case, I may close off the offer very quickly! There really is no time to waste, so sign up for the club now at and then click on ...
Quick Cash Flow Improvement Program
Enjoy what I have no doubt is going to be a revelation!
Monday, June 11, 2007
Another miracle or just the result of the Powermorphing Process?
My wife and I attended the Powermorphing course on 24+25/02/2007.
Very inspiring to say the least!!!
On our return on Monday our phone rang from a natural healing (naturopath) office telling my wife to come to their office for an appointment!! Amazing - they were booked full for months!!!
We were very happy to say the least because I was home that day from work.
Good things will start to happen!
Francois + Wilna Basson
PS I find the Kaizen Challenge very interesting!! Just keep at it!!
My wife and I attended the Powermorphing course on 24+25/02/2007.
Very inspiring to say the least!!!
On our return on Monday our phone rang from a natural healing (naturopath) office telling my wife to come to their office for an appointment!! Amazing - they were booked full for months!!!
We were very happy to say the least because I was home that day from work.
Good things will start to happen!
Francois + Wilna Basson
PS I find the Kaizen Challenge very interesting!! Just keep at it!!
Fire Walking Experience by Paul Blows
Lighting the flame within
It is now 2 weeks after my fire walking experience on 25 May 2007. After reading day 18 of the Kaizen challenge I decided to stop procrastinating and write my story about my experience.
I attended Hannes’s sales and business development course held in Pretoria on Saturday the 25 May. I was aware that Hannes had fire walking sessions but was not aware that there was going to be on that night.
As I was out of town and had nothing to do the evening I decided I would stay. Keeping an open mind I said I would see what the night has installed for me. After the day’s workshop, we all gathered around the fire. It was a very icy evening (close to zero degrees). The fire was warm and looking around and chatting to the others I could sense expectation levels rising.
We attended the mental break through seminar in the auditorium and Hannes showed us that we could break arrows with our necks! Not yet convinced, I too stood in the queue waiting for my turn. Watching each of the others break theirs, my anxiety levels started to rise. When it was my turn, Hannes joked that I would have difficulty as an auditor. And yes, I did. “auditor” are too logical and mind logical mind tried to take over the situation and the arrow only quivered!!!!
I then blanked my mind and GREAT my arrow broke too. Overly exited I rather went looking for the pieces to prove to myself it did break forgetting to get my hug from Hannes!!!
The arrow awoke something in me. The place I usually feel nervous…that chasm in your chest/stomach – it felt it was no longer there! The butterflies, the turning in my stomach was replaced with … well a warmth!!
It felt like a flame or fire had been lit. A source of energy had been awoken in my stomach. We walked down the fire from the auditorium. I felt like I was walking on springs. I had an extra spring in my step, more confidence holding my broken arrow in my left and a complete one in my right to show those at home.
After placing my new trophies in the car, I made my way to the fire. And there along side it was a bed of hot coals laid out on the grass. The evening continued and people started walking across the coals.
I continued in the circle till the “flame” inside me reached my throat and could feel its warmth in my shoulders. This energy fuelled me to walk across the coals and before I knew it I was on the other side!!!! What a rush !!! A release of energy took place. I transformation within me…I was a new ME!!!
I did not believe what had just happened and about 10 minutes later there I was again over the coals. The second time I hesitated at the start and felt the heat of the coals for a split second. And then I was a two time FIRE WALKER!!!
Immense levels of energy was released and on my drive back to Johannesburg I felt a great power within me.
I have explained to many people what I experience that weekend almost tow weeks ago and I can still see their disbelief. They feel I was hypnotised or it was some sort of trick.
What I have come to realise is that walking across the flames breaks those self imposed limitations as Hannes mentions. But also you come to know the real YOU. I did not burn my feet walking but I did burn. I burned within, deep with me, and it resulted in a new me on the other side of the coals.
I see the world and people differently now, as if my eyes were burned across the coals! I see the limitations others (friends, family, and colleagues) place on themselves and can see that not to long ago I did the same.
I recommend walking across those flames to anyone and everyone so you to can experience the NEW YOU that is already in you, waiting to be awakened.
It is now 2 weeks after my fire walking experience on 25 May 2007. After reading day 18 of the Kaizen challenge I decided to stop procrastinating and write my story about my experience.
I attended Hannes’s sales and business development course held in Pretoria on Saturday the 25 May. I was aware that Hannes had fire walking sessions but was not aware that there was going to be on that night.
As I was out of town and had nothing to do the evening I decided I would stay. Keeping an open mind I said I would see what the night has installed for me. After the day’s workshop, we all gathered around the fire. It was a very icy evening (close to zero degrees). The fire was warm and looking around and chatting to the others I could sense expectation levels rising.
We attended the mental break through seminar in the auditorium and Hannes showed us that we could break arrows with our necks! Not yet convinced, I too stood in the queue waiting for my turn. Watching each of the others break theirs, my anxiety levels started to rise. When it was my turn, Hannes joked that I would have difficulty as an auditor. And yes, I did. “auditor” are too logical and mind logical mind tried to take over the situation and the arrow only quivered!!!!
I then blanked my mind and GREAT my arrow broke too. Overly exited I rather went looking for the pieces to prove to myself it did break forgetting to get my hug from Hannes!!!
The arrow awoke something in me. The place I usually feel nervous…that chasm in your chest/stomach – it felt it was no longer there! The butterflies, the turning in my stomach was replaced with … well a warmth!!
It felt like a flame or fire had been lit. A source of energy had been awoken in my stomach. We walked down the fire from the auditorium. I felt like I was walking on springs. I had an extra spring in my step, more confidence holding my broken arrow in my left and a complete one in my right to show those at home.
After placing my new trophies in the car, I made my way to the fire. And there along side it was a bed of hot coals laid out on the grass. The evening continued and people started walking across the coals.
I continued in the circle till the “flame” inside me reached my throat and could feel its warmth in my shoulders. This energy fuelled me to walk across the coals and before I knew it I was on the other side!!!! What a rush !!! A release of energy took place. I transformation within me…I was a new ME!!!
I did not believe what had just happened and about 10 minutes later there I was again over the coals. The second time I hesitated at the start and felt the heat of the coals for a split second. And then I was a two time FIRE WALKER!!!
Immense levels of energy was released and on my drive back to Johannesburg I felt a great power within me.
I have explained to many people what I experience that weekend almost tow weeks ago and I can still see their disbelief. They feel I was hypnotised or it was some sort of trick.
What I have come to realise is that walking across the flames breaks those self imposed limitations as Hannes mentions. But also you come to know the real YOU. I did not burn my feet walking but I did burn. I burned within, deep with me, and it resulted in a new me on the other side of the coals.
I see the world and people differently now, as if my eyes were burned across the coals! I see the limitations others (friends, family, and colleagues) place on themselves and can see that not to long ago I did the same.
I recommend walking across those flames to anyone and everyone so you to can experience the NEW YOU that is already in you, waiting to be awakened.
Changes to the Mentoring Program
Last week I changed the feedback on the assignments form. In the Mentoring Course my students receive weekly assignments. I changed the way I reply to their assignments.
Tested the new system this morning. I am happy with the results. This will surly improve the value of the course.
Tested the new system this morning. I am happy with the results. This will surly improve the value of the course.
My first try
I decided this morning I need a BLOG Maybe I can share some ideas and what I am doing with my students on a daily basis.
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