Welcome to my blog!

For some time I’ve been aware that being able to share wealth creation breakthroughs and issues really helps encourage students! It helps you feel part of a very special community (which you are!) – a community that isn’t much evident in the outside world. The M for Mindset in TEM$ is the most important aspect of wealth creation, so keep yours positive, motivated, learning, and talking! Post your blog today!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

$79 320.37 Net profit on the first day – starting two new Internet Businesses.

The results are in, and verified by four independent people who witness the whole process of how I took a student by the hand and in the presence of 19 people showed him how to start and market two brand new Internet businesses on one day with NO financial Risk and NO MONEY.

Summary of the day

Although both are international businesses we received the money in South African Rand.

To convert rand into dollars we used an exchange rate of R8.079 for a dollar or 0.123782 dollar for a rand

The verified figures are before Income tax.

19 students witness the process and four of them visited my house to verify the results at the end of the 24 hours period (16h30 on the 9th June 2009)

My lucky student was not aware that he would start the first business – so it was a complete surprise to him – yet the business was profitable within the first day.

The total income for Business 1 for the day was R127 500.00 ($15 782.21) and the expenses was R22 423.32 ($2 775.60).

I structured it for him so that it cost him nothing. The basic principle was he only had to pay the expenses after he received the money in his bank account.

The verified results for business 1 = $13 006.60 or R105 076.68 NET PROFIT
The verified results for business 2 = $66 157.77 or R534 470.00 NET PROFIT
Total NET PROFIT on the FIRST DAY* for the two business = $79 164.37 or R639 546.68
(* 24 hour period from the moment my student started building the website using only the Build A Web Beginners Course techniques to build the website)

I deliberately did not mention the names of the businesses or the websites in any of my blog postings and the reasons for this are:
  • I recorded the day in front of 19 people, who will testify that what they saw was true.
  • I have the recordings to prove what my student and I have done.
  • I recorded the reaction (and disbelief) of the four students yesterday on video when they verified the financials and bank accounts at the deadline of the 24 hours in my office –

I am planning to write a small e-book on how I took one student by the hand and by applying the principles of a Wealth Creator helped him to implement what I have been teaching over the last four years in my Wealth Creators Mentoring Course to my students. - So in essence it is a practical and real life demonstration to proof, that if you apply the principles you can become a wealth creator. (for those of you who do not know I took up a personal challenge about four years ago where I invested less than 79 South African Cents and turn it into more than R10 000 000.00 (ten million rand) in less than two and a half years – by applying the Wealth Creators Principles to the 79 cents investment –

As soon as the e-book is available I will give it away for FREE. In this book you will learn:

  • The two different money making marketing strategies I have used. – My student did not use money to make money.
  • Two ways to build a data base without spending money.
  • How to build and qualify a super profitable list.
  • How we build a qualified database of only 477 people over a two month period to start business two and made $66 157.77 or R532 470.00 NET PROFIT on the first day.
  • How to create massive value.
  • What product and services we have used.
  • What marketing strategies we have used
  • How we developed the products of business two over a two month period, (while I was away in Dubai and Turkey for the best part of a month)
  • How I helped him to developed a new business, product and marketing strategy in less than two days – making more than $13 006.60 or R105 076.68 NET PROFIT in less than a day.
  • Links to the two online businesses - websites - we have build.
  • Proof of income.
  • I will answer some of the questions, I have received on my blog. I am going to create a page where you can ask me more questions so that I can include some of them in the e-book as well. Maybe that will help more people to break their shackles of self limitation and unbelief so that they too can have a life of abundance.

I wanted to test and get good and bad comments on my blog from the believers and non believers.

I made an insider’s video of the happenings at my office during the closing minutes of the second business challenge. (You can get for it for FREE by completing the subscription form at the bottom of this page)

Things were a bit hectic and I was seriously sidetracked by the lady that handled the camera for a while because I used the sexiest lady in the world. But when I looked at the video clip this morning I realized that I was flabbergasted by her beauty because the quality is really bad – but at least you will get the picture – (and she is in the video for about 3 seconds)

To reserve a copy of your e-book or to watch the video go to
http://kaizen-wealth.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=592 and scroll down to the bottom of the page.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Final Results are in

The verified results for business 1 = $13 006.60 or R105 076.68 NET PROFIT
The verified results for business 2 = $66 157.77 or R532 470.00 NET PROFIT

Total NET PROFIT on the FIRST DAY for the two businesses

= US $79 164.37 or R 639 546.68

Will give you a better update later today on my blog

Monday, June 8, 2009

$41 310.39 Net profit (Business two) - with two hours to go before the 24 hour deadline

Business two stands at $ 41 310.39
Business one = $ 11 369.01
Total = $52 679.40

Two people who “witness” the startup of the two new businesses yesterday will come and inspect the financial statements – I will try to get their comments on video and maybe I will post it somewhere – if I do I will let you know.

$11 369.01 Net Profit in 24 hours

The first business made $11 369.01 net profit during the first 24 hours.

The second business stands at $12 291.44 with 5 hours to go.

Total = $30 660.45

Update on the first two businesses

Business 1 = $10,440.64 Net Profit so far (two hours to go for the 24 hour period)
Business 2 = $8,8113.29 Net Profit so far (7.5 hours to go for the 24 hour period)

TOTAL = $19253.93 Net Profit

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Update To our Challenge

The second Internet Business is registered.

The Website is up and running, it took us longer than expected, but that is part of any business – you plan to do something in 37 minutes and then it takes forever.

We have just send an e-mail to a database of about 300 clients to inform them about the business.

Total income from business 1 = $10248 before cost. Hopefully I will be able to report on Business two’s income by tomorrow at ten.

Second Update to Challenge

The total income at the moment before costs is USD $6375.

We will post the testimonials as soon as we get time to do so.

Remember the next update is: 18:00

We would appreciate your comments...

First Update

We have launched the first business for the day. Total income at the moment before cost: USD $2812

The next update will be around 15:15

Your comments will be appreciated!

The Internet Business Challenge has started

My Goal for today.
  • Practical real life training – process of applying the principles of a Wealth Creator when starting a new business and or investment.
  • Teach, mentor and coach a student on how to start a advice and information product business.
  • Start a Internet Business with Zero risk.
  • Making at least $10,000 within the first day.
  • Teach him how to apply the principles of a Wealth Creator, to create money on demand.
  • Just for fun help him to start a second business – later today (he does not know this yet, so it will be a surprise for him – I can’t wait to see his face when he realizes it)
  • Second Business also Zero Risk.
  • Make more than $14000 with the second business within a 24 hour period (1 day)
In total show him how to make $24,000 for the day, without taking any financial risk, by applying the principles of a Wealth Creator when developing an Internet Business.

Will make several updates today on this blog – reporting on his moneymaking – that is, IF HE IS MAKING MONEY or not, even then I will update this blog, with a RED face.

The first update will be around 13h00 during our lunch break

The second update around 15h30, then 18h00 and 21h00

Tomorrow I will make several updates – till the 24 hours (1 day challenge) is over.

Hope this will be an eye opening and learning experience.

I have invited at least 10 students, to monitor and witness this challenge, so we will have some feedback from them as well.

To all your success – and specifically the lucky student who is going to start two new Internet businesses today.(The condition of the challenge is that the student rocks up, that we have Internet connection and that there are no power cuts in Pretoria where the training will take placeJ).

Friday, June 5, 2009

I am taking up a new business challenge.

One of my students will start a brand new Internet Business with ZERO risk – build a website in less than an hour (what we teach in the Build A Web course) and make at least R24,000.00 within the first 24 hours with my assistance.

Last year in November I post a blog saying that I have learned how to legally print money – you can read the blog by going to http://hannesdreyer.blogspot.com/2008/11/pssst-dont-tell-anyone.html

Noel an internet programmer and lecturer on Entrepreneurship posted a snooty remark basically challenging me – here is the last part of his comment

“….I would like to urge anybody that are interested in Internet marketing and Internet businesses to not waste their time and money in ventures like these, since I am living proof due about 30 trials within 3 years and with nothing new, that I am aware of, on the Internet that can be tried! I think that I tried it all! If you want extra cash, rather work for your money, book overtime, but do not fall for things like "work from home" or "Internet Riches" or whatever they call it. You will do better at a restaurant waitering job after hours. And remember, this comes from an experienced programmer who happened to have 8 hours a week available, and the technical knowledge to try and test a lot of ideas out there.

Now I challenge anybody out there with real guts in them to proof me wrong. Remember my experience, however I am willing to try one more time to make sure I did not miss anything, but only if the person can guarantee that I will not spend more than 8 hours per week (Typically a Saturday, since I work during the rest of the week) and that I can totally replace my income with at least R25000pm in less than one year from the time I start with the venture. In this same year I must be able to repay all of my debt which is mostly a mortgage of slightly more than R500'000. This would proof that one can become financially free if they are like me with debt and an income to replace. If this is achieved then it would proof me wrong, and I will accept it, and it will help other people to know how REALLY to do business on the Internet."

I took Noel up on his challenge in March this year (It took me some time to discover who Noel really was,–he used an alias.)

Since then we have turned one of his existing businesses around from a complete failure to a thriving success.

So on Sunday I want to show him how to start an Internet Business – using the Formula For Riches and the build a web basic course to begin a new internet business.

  • He is going to build a brand new Internet site (business) in less than 1 hour.
  • The goal is to make at least R65,000 on the same day that he started the Internet Business.
  • His Risk will be ZERO (he will apply the FFR)
  • He will use only the Build A Web basic course info, to build his website in less than an hour.
  • His total list – (Database) is less than 2500 – which he has build during the last two months while he turned his existing business around.

To follow his progress and to see if he is going to make it go to