Welcome to my blog!

For some time I’ve been aware that being able to share wealth creation breakthroughs and issues really helps encourage students! It helps you feel part of a very special community (which you are!) – a community that isn’t much evident in the outside world. The M for Mindset in TEM$ is the most important aspect of wealth creation, so keep yours positive, motivated, learning, and talking! Post your blog today!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Self-Motivation Strategies - How to Get Motivated, Quickly and Easily.

Wealth Creators know how to motivate themselves consistently.

Getting the motivation to do something – whether it’s a trip to the kitchen or to pursue your dream career – seems easy enough, but few can sustain the motivation to follow-through consistently.

There’s always too much to do. The task is too big. Tomorrow’s a better day to get started. Right? There are a million reasons we don’t act, but almost always the consequences of our inaction are guilt and regret.

You’ll be glad to discover that you can stop that vicious cycle of inaction and regret and become the self-motivated person you always wanted to be!

Here are some excellent tips on how to motivate yourself, evenwhen you’ve hit a setback, are in a slump, or haven’t even begun to figure out what you want from life:

1. Focus. Focus on just one goal at a time. Even if you’re working toward improving several areas of your life, focus on each goal separately.This helps to keep you from feeling overwhelmed and prevents you from giving up before you get started. Flush out everything else from your mind, and keep your energies focused on the one goal.

  • Develop a tunnel vision focus to tune out unimportant tasks and distractions.
2. Envision results. Remembering why you’re inspired in the first place will refresh your motivation towards attaining your goal.
  • Think of how your life will be changed and improved once you achieve this goal.
3. Apply the Kaizen Principle and start small. Determine the tasks necessary to reach your goal. Now divide these tasks into a series of smaller tasks. Continue this process until you’ve obtained tasks that you know you can accomplish. It’s like bite-size chunks. When the chunks are small enough, you know you won’t be biting off more than you can chew at one time!
  • Attaining many small goals on your way to the big goal keeps you happy and motivated with constant successes.
4. Network. Talk to friends, coworkers, and experts in the area you seek to master. Get them to share tips, advice and experiences they’ve had that can help you to reach your goal. Surrounding yourself with people who have the same goals – or have already attained them – will inspire you to act.
5. Tell people about your goals. By telling people about your goal, you are making a pact that you will follow-through. Tell your friends, family and coworkers to energize your motivation.
6. Dedicate daily time. Dedicate a certain amount of time each day specifically to furthering this goal. Investing time in attaining your goal every day will keep it in your mind as positive action.

  • Positive action propels success and diminishes doubts and regret.
7. Research. Research industry or topic books, blogs and forums. Anything you do to make yourself more knowledgeable about your goal can inspire you to act.
8. Reward yourself. When you accomplish a step or a positive outcome in your goal plan, reward yourself with a nice dinner or something that will make you feel special.
9. Learn from your mistakes. First, recognize that you will make mistakes and accept this. Second, take the opportunity to learn what to do (or not to do) the next time.
  • Analyzing how to fix the error will push you forward with greater confidence.
10. Replace negativity with positive thoughts and actions. We all encounter those negative thoughts that tell us to give up, but knowing how to counteract them will keep you on track toward your goal. Your mindset and attitude determine the positive or negative outcome of any situation. Keep those positive thoughts and actions coming and success will surely follow.
  • Negativity is not reality unless you make it so.

Self-motivation begins with the end in mind, and the only person who can get you there is you! By using this combination of tips and techniques, you can motivate yourself to take action toward your goals. You’ll be proud of yourself for doing something positive to make your life better. Plus, you’ll develop a mindset that will serve you well into the future for achieving more and more of what you want out of life!

Monday, December 29, 2008

5 Ways to Deal with Negative People

No matter what our occupation, we all come in contact with negative, difficult people from time to time. Our primal instinct is to fight back, defend ourselves, and react to their negativity with some of our own. However, we are not animals who are led by instincts. We are human beings with the ability to control our responses.
  • To fight anger with anger merely depletes our own energy and brings us down to the same level.
Why are people difficult?

When people act negatively, it’s a reflection of what’s going on inside them. It’s not about you; it’s about them. It may be a complicated, troubled past or something as simple as a bad day that makes a person angry.
  • People who are bored and unhappy with their own lives will seek out conflict to boost their egos.
Our ego then responds by thinking, “I have to be right. If I don’t respond, I’m conceding defeat.” Then we find ourselves engaged in a conflict that hurts us emotionally, mentally, and maybe even physically.

Ways Wealth Creators Deal with Difficult People

Here are some ways to deal with these difficult people. They may not all be easy (heck, none of them are easy!), but they will give you some peace of mind that you’re doing the right thing.

1. Wait before responding. Our first instinct is to immediately react and retaliate. However, reacting to another individual’s negativity usually only eggs them on. You may even realize that a response is not even needed. Maybe the other person was merely venting and needs to simply be ignored because the attack was not personal at all.

  • If you spend some time cooling off before you respond, you can gain perspective on the situation.If necessary, remove yourself from the room when confronted with a difficult person. Go for a walk outside or walk up a flight of stairs to vent your frustrations.
2. Stop rehashing the situation. This is especially a problem in office job situations where gossip spreads like wildfire. There will always be someone ready to listen to bad things about another. This is a waste of your time and energy.Drop the subject and move on.

  • The longer you dwell on the situation and talk about it with others, the more negative and angry you’ll become. Take the high road and step away from those who are gossiping or speak up and tell others you don’t want to listen to it.
3. Express your feelings. If you simply need to get your emotions off your chest, try writing a letter. Vent all your thoughts, feelings, and hurt onto the piece of paper. Let it all out until there’s nothing left to say. Then crumple up the paper and throw it away. As you do, imagine your negative feelings being thrown away with it.
  • Don’t let your partner or spouse prevent you from speaking your mind. A true partnership is one in which the ideas and thoughts of each partner are heard.
4. Put yourself in their shoes. This can be very difficult, but study the individual who’s hurting you. What’s going on his life right now? Maybe he’s having family issues or a health crisis.

  • Try to look at the situation as an objective observer detached from the situation. This can help give you some compassion for the difficult person in your life.
  • Prayer or meditation can help you stay calm and see a situation differently. Consider the difficulties this other person might be facing in life and think about how you would handle a similar situation.
5. Respond positively. This may not always be possible and certainly won’t be easy. After looking over the situation and trying to understand where the other person was coming from, find something positive to say about him.
  • Remember the phrase, “Kill ‘em with kindness”? Very often responding calmly and with a friendly tone will diffuse a difficult situation.
Negative people are everywhere. Don’t let them take your happiness away or affect your mood. Teach these difficult people by leading a good example, by responding calmly, and by showing kindness.

As a result, you’ll bring more happiness to others and find that you feel a greater happiness yourself.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

5 Simple Brainstorming Techniques to become a Wealth Creator

It happens to all of us. We reach that dead end where we simply run out of fresh ideas and we helplessly fumble for solutions that have escaped us. What can we do to get the creative juices flowing again?

One of the best strategies to resolve this dilemma is to use a brainstorming session. The basic technique is easy as 1-2-3:

1. Think of many ideas in a short period of time.
2. Jot them all down.
3. Go back and evaluate each idea's possibilities.

These brainstorming sessions can be invaluable when trying to come up with fresh, outside the box, ideas so we can work towards an effective solution to a difficult challenge.

Here are five tips to help you make the most of your brainstorming sessions:

1. Get outside input. Instead of going at it alone, get some help. Gather a few of the most creative people you know for a group brainstorming session. After all, two (or three or four) heads are better than one. These other participants may come up with some great ideas that may never have occurred to you otherwise.

• Let people have fun brainstorming. Relaxed people generally feel more creative, so encourage your group to pace, recline in their chairs, or turn it into a game – whatever they need to do to enable the flow of ideas.

2. Write down all of your ideas. Even if you come up with some wild ideas, write them down anyway. They may be more viable than you think! Some of the greatest breakthroughs in history came from ideas that were considered as pretty outlandish at first. Write it all down and revisit it later.

• This is a time for gathering ideas, not for shooting ideas down. Avoid discouraging participants in your group because they won’t participate as freely and they might keep the perfect solution to themselves.

3. Be creative and try something different. If you can’t see a solution right away, think of the problem from a fresh perspective. Look at it from a different viewpoint and maybe a new solution will present itself. Traditional solutions don’t have to be the only way to solve problems, and getting creative may get the ball rolling towards the ideal solution!

• Many successful entrepreneurs have a talent for observing people's wants and needs. Then they find or invent a creative new solution. Watch the world around you and don’t be afraid to experiment with new ideas or unusual solutions.

4. Try combining ideas. Whether you’re brainstorming on your own or as part of a group, you may need to mash different ideas together. Sometimes great ideas are born as twins – in the course of a brainstorming session you might come up with two halves of a perfect solution. Don’t be afraid to look at the results in an unconventional way.

• Some people have started their own businesses by combining their love of baking with their love of dogs to produce their own brand of doggie treats. It’s not a conventional pairing, but it's one that works!

5. Ask questions. This works especially well in group brainstorming sessions. Encourage plenty of questions about everyone's ideas. Questions can lead to a basic idea being fleshed out into a workable solution, and that, of course, is what a brainstorming session is all about!

• Ask questions, discuss, or even debate. Approaching solutions from different perspectives helps you see a larger and more accurate picture.

Acquiring problem solving skills makes our life so much easier! Use these techniques to brainstorm new ideas and solutions, and you'll discover new fountains flowing with ideas you never knew existed! Problems can become opportunities in disguise. You just may find yourself going from zero to hero in one short brainstorming session.

Try it – you'll like it!

To all your success

Dr Hannes Dreyer
Wealth Mentor

Friday, December 26, 2008

Learn How To Thrive (Part 2)

Wealth Insights: 2008-12-26

This week we are going to concentrate on the last quick tips on how to thrive.

Quiet your mind.

Take time to meditate daily and to slow down if only for a few minutes. Ten to fifteen minutes of meditation will relieve hours of stress and increase creativity and resourcefulness.

I record an instant meditation technique you can use to release and even prevent stress.

Here is the link to download the MP3 recording http://www.learn-to-invest-money.com/bagha-to-all.html

Get resourceful.

The festive season may be a good time to get resourceful.

If it is possible find a place where you can have uninterrupted time... Come up with at least 20 new ideas to grow your income, create new results and improve your life.

You cannot leave your spot until you have twenty. All ideas are good ideas so no editing!

Now take your list of 20 or more unique ideas and pick the three to five most powerful and leveraged ones to put into action.

Pick these three to five based on: ease of implementation, rate of return and speed of return.

Early in the New Year, I plan to teach you how to start a successful Internet Business. If you want to learn how to run a successful Internet business please complete the questionnaire if you haven’t done so already. You will find it at:http://warriorsagainstdebt.com/survey001/view.php?id=1

Make a daily gratitude list.

Focusing on all the good, the gifts and God in your life, puts you in the right frame of mind, which will attract and create more good, more gifts and you will understand God loves you always and unconditionally.

Dr John Demartini wrote a wonderful book called the Gratitude Effect. I will strongly advise that you read his book and then follow his advice.

Change your attitude.

Realize that everything that's happened in your life thus far is here to serve you, teach you and help you grow. If it were not for your experiences you would not be you. Find the lessons in your past results and learn how to apply them to create the kind of life that you want.

Forgive yourself for anything you could have done better and apply the lesson to move forward and create a better future.

Apply the FFR in everything that you do.

Apply the FFR in all seven areas of Kaizen Wealth. They are Financial, Vocational, Mental, Family, Social, Physical and Spiritual.

Not only will you decrease your risks in all areas of life (and therefore minimize your stress levels) but you will also exponentially increase your personal and financial growth.

To learn more about this amazing formula you can go to http://www.learn-to-invest-money.com

A special gift.

Lastly I want to share a delightful video with you. I hope you will enjoy it as much as I did.
Here is the link:http://www.theinterviewwithgod.com/popup-frame.html

Best wishes

From the Wealth Creation Team we wish you a happy festive season and a very happy and prosperous new year.

To all your success.

Dr Hannes Dreyer
Wealth Mentor

PS If you missed the first 5 tips go to http://www.learn-to-invest-money.com/WI-2008-12-19.html
Just a reminder – our office is closed till the 5th January 2009.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Learn How To Thrive (Part 1)

Wealth Insights: 2008-12-19

Apply these quick, easy-to-apply tips on how to thrive – (even in bad economic situations).

Clearly define what inspires you. (What is your Intent?)

There's a big difference between taking action out of inspiration versus desperation.
From a recent survey that I have done most people who wanted to learn how to make money on the Internet wanted to do so out of desperation, but from personal experience I can tell you that unless you take action out of inspiration instead of desperation – it is not going to work.

Use this festive season as an opportunity to define what inspires you. Once you know what it is then take the action to create your life around it.

Feed your mind.

What's your constant mental diet?

Do you indulge your mind with scary stuff like reading newspapers and spending hours in front of the TV watching the news or are you reading good books, attending more positive seminars, watching uplifting DVDs and listening to powerful CDs?

Focus on what you want.

Focus on what you want instead of what you do not want, most people focus on what they don’t want - like not being broke and then they do not understand why it is that they are always broke.

Learn how to control your focus and you will take control of your destiny. The reason why this is true is because energy flows where attention goes.

If you do not get the results that you want in your life simply evaluate what you focus on and then realign your focus with your wants.

Strengthen your vitality.

Your physical health and vitality have a tremendous impact on your performance as well as your mental and emotional fitness.

Exercise releases stress as well as strengthen your body and mind.

What are you doing to increase or maintain your physical strength?

Make an inventory your friends.

Surround yourself with optimists, go getters, friends and people who do not dwell on the negative. Your friends should inspire and energizes you.

Get rid of all those "energy vampires" that surround you – especially during the festive season because as you know doom and gloom attracts more doom and gloom.

I hope you and your family will have a wonderful and peaceful festive season, and at all time please protect yourself mentally emotionally and physically.

To all your success.

Dr Hannes Dreyer
Wealth Mentor

Do you know what the true secret for wealth is?

Wealth Insights: 2008-12-05

Isn’t it strange fat that much of the financial information that comes our way we accept without the shadow of a doubt – even though that information is not independent, not impartial, but instead is designed to influence us.

Yet on the other hand when we encounter ‘a different story’, we are deeply suspicious and do not give it a chance. If a new idea goes against what we are accustomed to (conditioned to) than we are unlikely to accept it.

Now here’s an example of how easily we trust and how society is set up to make us feel 100% confident in certain authority figures – rightly or wrongly.

Remember former U.S. Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan? The darling of the financial world? The man who, being responsible for the effect of his policies on the whole of this giant economy, surely understood everything he was doing?

Well just recently he told the U.S. Congress that he was “shocked” at the breakdown in US credit markets. He admitted that he was “partially” wrong to resist regulation of some securities.
Greenspan told congress that “this crisis . . . has turned out to be much broader than anything I could have imagined.”

So the man the entire economy followed because he was so knowledgeable, so expert – did not have the imagination to envisage the effects of some of his policies.

How wise was it to give him so much power? And not to ask questions years ago? The word “bubble” was applied to the US housing market years ago – when the boom was really only still building – yet all the experts were deaf to such warnings. Now everyone’s paying.

The lesson?

Nobody, but nobody, no matter his reputation, no matter his aura, no matter his rank – should be taken as the ultimate unquestionable authority.

To hand responsibility for anything to anyone else is to take a massive risk that you – not they – are going to pay for.

Okay, you cannot control the way your country is set up to run their financial policies. But in your personal life, you can make your own decisions.

The bank will give you a loan for a too-big house? Or you can sidestep the NCA’s 30% rule by buying an additional property in a trust or a Pty instead of your own name.


The question is - Will you take it, just because they will give it?

What will it do to you?

What risks will you face?

Who will help you if you get into difficulties?

There is always a positive in every negative. In this case, it’s the chance to learn a lesson, hopefully not at first hand, and so lessen your dependence and thus your risk.Before you make your next investment - first learn how to apply the Formula For Riches.

It is the true secret of wealth!

To all your success.

Dr Hannes Dreyer
Wealth Mentor

For more information on products and seminars by the Hannes Dreyer Group go to http://www.learn-to-invest-money.com/HDGroup.html