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Thursday, July 31, 2008
See the good in others – they are our mirrors
I’m not suggesting a permanent state of low self-esteem! Just that when we see the familiar signs of runaway ego, we apply the brakes! And very often we see those warning signs in others – their reaction to us, or ours to them.
So if we see the bad in others, we know we are due for a “humility correction”. This is a remedy which we can apply ourselves, by going through the exercise of looking within for a fault of the same stature as the one we are observing in someone else. Almost always we will find one, and often it will be something we dislike more than the quality that is bothering us in someone else!
Or, it may be precisely the same fault – which suggests that we dislike it because it is “too close to home”.
Seeing the good in others, no matter who they are, is the best way to become great ourselves. Because at the polar opposite of an overblown ego, is true greatness. Excessive ego does not create greatness. The great are inevitably humble. Look at Mandela. Look at Tutu. Look at Gandhi.
The spin-off from this exercise is a great improvement in our relationships and interactions. We spread positive energy, and it comes back to us.
Have a wonderful, positive week!
Friday, July 25, 2008
You’re human – forgive yourself. Everyone’s human – see it
And that’s okay.
If you put someone on a pedestal, you could also say that you lower yourself in comparison. You dig yourself a pit and stand there, looking up.
Is that healthy?
If you’re idolizing someone, anyone, then you’re denigrating yourself. If you cannot see them in all their humanity, then you are making a mistake that is not good for you.
You are undoubtedly better informed, more talented, or in some respect superior to the person you so greatly admire. If you can see that, he or she can shrink back to human proportions – and you can stop dwarfing yourself.
That person may have attracted your admiration for good reason, but I can assure you that he or she is not perfect and there will be some way in which you are their equal - or better.
So be nicer to yourself. Focus less on your bad points and maybe you’ll notice your good ones.
Focus less on the great deeds of others and you’ll stop overlooking what you have accomplished and what you are worth.
Because the fact of the matter is, if you do not value yourself, you cannot progress in life. You cannot be all you want to be and are capable of being.
It’s also unpleasant to watch someone on a high pedestal crash down – which eventually must happen. And then you tend to “throw the baby out with the bathwater” – the failing that you see now clouds everything else. The good gets lost in the crash.
Don’t idolize, don’t denigrate. Yourself or others. We are all equal. Those who have achieved are a reminder to us of what we can be and do. Those who have not are a reminder to us of life’s challenges and our own fallibility.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Free Yourself From Debt In Less Than 8 Years
1.) Get rid of all your debt in less than five years
2.) Life changing events
New posts on my blog
Don’t give up
What Goethe saw nearly 200 years ago
Look after this very moment as if it were gold, and all future ones will take care of themselves
Abundance is a natural law of the Universe
Interesting article on why most people work hard, and get nowhere
A short history of consumer credit
1.) Get rid of all your debt in less than five years
Let me tell you a story!
“In 1984 my life was going well, as I saw it.
I was happily married to Tanja. I had bought her a house. I had bought myself a nice new car. I had put new wooden garage doors on. I was the top-selling Old Mutual salesman in my branch, which was Rustenburg. Tanja was a magistrate. We were a two income family, doing nicely. For a boy who sometimes went to school without shoes, and who failed his matric (Gr 12), I was doing more than nicely – I was doing brilliantly.
You could say we were solidly middle class. We had the cars, the house, the income, the lifestyle.
We also had the mortgage, the debt, the car payment plans. But we didn’t worry ...
Like I said ... middle class.
We felt secure. Like the middle class do. And that house of ours was central to our feeling of security.
As a good salesman I was in a strong position. I knew I could easily bring in enough to pay for all of this, every month.
Until something changed.
One of my clients, who had been buying policies from me for two years, was ready to sign for a new one. We’d discussed his needs, agreed on a product, worked out the figures, and all we needed to do was write out the policy. But before we could do that, a colleague of mine from the same branch knocked on his door and offered to do it for him.
“Did Hannes send you?” the client asked.
“Yes” was his answer.
So, knowing that the client thought he was there on my behalf, my colleague stole the sale. And got the commission.
I was more than a little angry, as you can imagine. I was not going to be stolen from like that. I told my boss what had happened but he was not prepared to reverse the commission. Nor was his boss.
The client was just as angry at being duped. He came with me to the police station and signed an affidavit. I took it to my manager.
I was called into the manager’s office.
Confident that justice would finally be done, I marched in.
He told me to tell the client I had been wrong – or hand over my car keys AND my house keys and leave, because I was fired as of that minute.
I was paying for the car but it was officially a car allowance and therefore theirs. And they were standing surety for my house, so, like the car, while the bond was all mine, the asset was not!
And I only realized it at that very moment!
Well, I went from hero to zero in 10 seconds. Maybe 5.
They had me over a barrel and they knew it. In the short term, it worked because I had to back down.
In the long term, it was a mistake on their part, because in a flash I saw how they worked, and I never went back to my state of “ignorant bliss”. And I try to make sure that I liberate as many other people as I can!
It was the end of me being a donkey in harness, reaping them great profits, and minding my business. I determined that night, firstly, to get back at them in the most positive way I could: get free of them; and secondly, to make sure I could never be controlled again.
How could I do that?
By making sure that nobody could take my car, my house, or anything else. And the only way to make sure of that was to eliminate my debt.
They were controlling me through my debt.
It was my debt that gave me the illusion of wealth, but overnight that would have vanished once I lost my job.
And they encouraged the debt! We were advised to drive the smartest car we could afford to make a good impression.
And I, until that moment, had thought nothing of it.
So when my boss did that, he exposed the game to me.”
And this is the game, in short:
Employers have a vested interest in keeping their employees in debt. I saw it at that moment! The person in debt has to keep his job or he loses his house, car, etc!
So do advertisers, banks, retailers, the media, even the educational system.
It’s not a conspiracy – it’s worse. It’s a system. Our entire economy is based on it! So every element plays its part:
Our parents pass along the habits – but just in case they remember when it was not normal to live on credit, society has taught us not to value the wisdom of older people anymore – and it’s a short step from there to the neglect of the elderly.
The educational system perpetuates the myths that keep us in debt. Why? Ask yourself who sponsors them? Who do they serve? Increasingly, it’s private enterprise.
Merchants want you to want things, whether or not you need them, and they want you to buy them now, whether or not you can afford them.
The media’s role is to deliver a captive audience to its advertisers so it’s not in their interest to teach the truth - or disgruntled advertisers simply withdraw their money. Most of what they give you is distraction and entertainment even if they call it the news.
Governments, since being persuaded to stop spending money on looking after their people, are partners in fleecing the population.
And then of course banks and other financial institutions make big profits on lending us money.
Everyone in the system has something to lose if we find out the truth. Worse still, even we collude in our own slavery because we prefer ignorant bliss to change! (That’s what Kaizen Wealth™ is all about!)
Do you know that the word mortgage comes from the Old French words mort, "dead," and gage, "pledge." It literally means death pledge. Apparently it was called that because of the doubtfulness of whether the debt would ever be repaid!
How about we start calling a mortgage a death pledge! Might make people think!
What did I do? I took the steps that liberated me, and that I share with you in my Warriors Debt Eradication Seminar
Now is a great time for you to attend, and find out how to live a life of abundance!
Wealth insight: your debt is tying you to your job and servicing it is taking up all your energy – this is wage slavery. Be debt free - with even your bond paid up – it can happen much quicker than you think.
Attend my next Warriors Against Debt Seminar!
Please visit my new warriors agains debt website en tell me what you think
As always - committed to your success
Dr Hannes DreyerWealth Mentor
2. Live Events and Public Talks
**NEW** – Warriors Against Debt Seminar
Get completely out of debt (including your home mortgage) in just 5 to 8 years - and start building real wealth from the first month
Johannesburg – Centurion - Cape Town
For more information
For bookings
THE LAST LIVE - Property Investments in an Uncertain Market - SEMINAR
Cape Town
For more information and bookings
or phone my office (012) 542 4560
Quantum Leap Your Life To Quantum Wealth
Midrand – Centurion - Cape Town
For more information and bookings
or phone my office (012) 542 4560
Kaizen Wealth™ Transformational Weekend
Pretoria - August 30 – 31
Cape Town - October 4 - 5
For more information and bookings phone (012) 542 4560
"The Wealth Insights" is Published by Dr Hannes Dreyer,South Africa s number one wealth mentor
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Don’t give up
George W. Bush publicly supports the oil industry and trashes the environment, but did you know that at home he chose to build and live in an environmentally friendly, solar heated, water recycling household? So privately his beliefs appear to be at odds with what he believes he must do in his public position. It seems his job depends on it.
There are many people working for corporations that are damaging ordinary people and the world, who don’t believe in what they’re doing but are tied to their paycheque, and so no matter what they personally believe, they will oppose the well-meaning efforts of those of us who are trying to make things better in the world. This can make changes seem slow and heavy going.
Take heart by knowing firstly that they are not as dense or as stupid as they seem – it’s just a matter of having a job to do – and secondly, the truth will prevail. Because it is the truth. There’s a saying, “Nature always bats last” and you could say the same for truth – it always has the last word.
Opposition goes through these stages:
- they ignore you
- they laugh at you
- they perceive you as a threat and they try and clamp down on you and put you out of business
- they accept the truth, take all the credit and say it was their idea all along.
“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”
If what you are doing is the right thing for yourself, for others, and for the world, then take courage and keep going. Remember you may have inner resisters (see Kaizen Wealth for more on these) and that can make you your own worst enemy. But if this should happen, don’t despair, there are ways – easy ways – to eradicate this kind of obstacle!
On the one hand there is a “gestation period” – like pregnancy – during which results take time to develop, before there is anything to be seen on the surface. On the other hand, progress may seem to be very slow but what you don’t know is that momentum is building up and one day you look around and see how far you’ve come. Don’t make the biggest mistake of all – giving up too soon.
Have a great week and keep going!
What Goethe saw nearly 200 years ago
He saw this tendency as early as the 19th Century, when he grew concerned that the speed of life (railways, steamships etc.) made communication so rapid that people lost the art of simplicity.
They became over-educated and yet increasingly mediocre.
The pace of life led to a dislocation between themselves and the outside world. The result was that people got “stirred up” too early in life and “carried away” by the “whirl of the times”.
His point was that being stirred up and carried away in a whirl meant you lost yourself in the process. More information, more communication, yet greater mediocrity. We can see this danger in the Information Age – a flood of information, yet less and less wisdom, vision, understanding.
Goethe saw that speed was becoming more and more important and that it was dizzying and disorienting. Being caught up and carried away means you are not in control – you are being swept along by forces you do not see or understand.
· More speed – less thought.
· More speed – less reflection.
· More speed – less conscious direction in life.
· More speed – less balance.
Quality suffers in every area of life. Something we can relate to in our throw-away, mass-produced-in-China world.
“No-one knows himself any longer” he said. Learning does not advance you anymore because the world overtakes the speed at which you can learn and by the time you’ve learned how something works, it’s changed. So you lose yourself. Then what tends to happen is you get out of touch and isolated. You feel as if you are not at home in the world.
He also thought that because of this, anyone who digs deep within will find out that he is only “half a being” who sees less and is blinder than he thought.
How much faster is the world whirling now that it did in 1825? Goethe could not possibly have imagined the pace at which we live our lives today – yet, and this is true of great thinkers – he saw it long before anyone else did.
And because things happen faster today, his words are even more true today than they were when he wrote them.
Wealth Insight
Take the time to reach back to the truths he saw back then, which was a message for the modern world, perhaps we can begin to know ourselves again. Which is a crucial aspect of becoming a successful Wealth Creator.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Look after this very moment as if it were gold, and all future ones will take care of themselves
It is strange but true that it is often the people who know they’re going to die who really do the most living! Given a year to live, they suddenly they decide not to put their lives on hold one more day. They do the things they always wanted to but kept putting off. We’ve all heard stories like this.
These people get more living done than many a person who lives a full lifespan. And more importantly, they live with more joy, more fulfilment, more richness.
Often it’s also the people who lose something important who then live life to the full. I was told once by a blind man that going blind was the best thing that happened to him. Up till then he had not been a happy man. After going blind he decided to live life to its fullest, and he did.
Many people who’ve gone through a misfortune will say later that they are grateful for what they received because it helped them to see that they were wasting their lives on greed, dissatisfaction, bitterness, lethargy, etc. They replaced these negative emotions with gratefulness, joy, peace, tranquillity, love and appreciation.
Those of us fortunate enough to be blessed with good health and all our faculties are the ones who tend to waste them. Make the decision now to live this moment to its fullest, and you will see – live this day as you mean to live all your days – financially, in terms of happiness, relationships, health etc. – and you will see, tomorrow will take care of itself!
Make today a ‘model day’ and soon all your days will be that way. Take care of today and tomorrow will take care of itself!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Abundance is a natural law of the Universe
Profusion is manifested in everything.
The millions and millions of trees and flowers and plants and animals and the vast scheme of reproduction where the process of creating and recreating is forever going on, all indicates the lavishness with which Nature has made provision for man.
In my garden stands a palm tree (Cocos plomosa) – it produces in access of 5000 seeds per year. I bought the house seven years ago and each and every year it produces more than 5000 seeds.
Embedded in each seed is the intent to become a grown palm tree , so in the right environment and given the right conditions one tree can produce more than 45 000 trees in 7 years.
Seeking 20% growth means you’re limiting yourself.
Man works in percentages. If our money grows at 20% per year we are happy - BUT a percentage is a portion of the whole. We are limiting our thoughts and because we limit our thoughts we limit the outcome.
The Universe does not do this. The palm tree in my garden produces more than 5000 seeds from one plant. That is 5000 times more than one - or a 500000% growth in one year.
Nature does not think this is impossible, so why should we?
Surely if nature can do it out of supposedly limited resources (soil, water, air, etc), following certain strict rules (e.g. photosynthesis), then we can take our own resources (talent, mind, energy, experience), follow certain rules (e.g. the Formula for Riches™ and get the same kind of growth! Why not?
This possibility is not a way-out fantasy - nature proves it can be done! The limiting factor is our own mindset that pegs us at 20% growth because that’s a “familiar” or “comfortable” or “realistic” figure.
The Kaizen Wealth Transformational Program incorporates the universal laws – laws of inwards investing – cause and effect - attraction – abundance (multiplication) - growth – dynamic balance – gratitude and the law of unconditional giving into a mental process.
To prove the outcome of The Amazing Formula For Wealth Creation™ I am applying one of the techniques you will learn in The Kaizen Wealth Transformational Program called Powermorphing™. In this challenge (started in December 2004) I prove that these universal laws are also applicable when it comes to making money.
I started off with an investment of less than 12 cents. This 12 cents grew to more than $185 478 in the first year because I applied the Amazing Formula For Wealth Creation™. This represents a growth of 185 478 times the initial investment or 18 547 800% growth on my investment over a one year period.
In less than two and a half years the investment value of the 12 cents was more than $1,428,000.00
This challenge is documented and is available for any Hannes Dreyer Wealth Creators Mentorship Programme student to see at http://www.hannesdreyer.co.za.
Why not get 18 547 800% growth yourself?
Friday, July 4, 2008
If you haven’t taken action, you haven’t learned the lesson.
In 1984 I paid R2700.00 which was a fortune in those days, and especially for someone like me, at the time a not-very-successful salesman, to attend a one day course run by Alan Pease.
Before I committed to the course I did two things:
1. I researched who he was and found that yes; he was a highly successful salesman who did have a lot of valuable techniques to teach me. (In other words, I did my homework.)
2. I made up my mind to take two weeks of leave afterwards purely to practise the techniques, apply them, and make them my own.
Oh yes – I also borrowed the money to pay for the course. So there’s a third thing …
3. I was committed to the new me I was paying so much to create. From before I even began.
What happened? It went according to plan. I took what I learned and I turned myself from a mediocre salesman into one of the top 0,1% in the world.
Going to the course was just the beginning. Reading this is just the beginning.
It is not WHAT you do that is going to determine your success in whatever you pursue in life but HOW you do it.
The results of the real HOW are always the same – they are guaranteed on condition you follow them. The HOW is always based on Universal Principles. And these Universal principles are timeless, country-less and it is not a respecter of persons.
This simply means if you apply the HOW – no matter who or what you are – YOU WILL GET THE RESULTS.
Kaizen Wealth™ is based on the HOW – if you follow the Kaizen Wealth Transformational System - whether it is in investing in property or developing yourself or starting a business or perhaps working on improving a relationship – the results are always guaranteed.
The next Kaizen Wealth Transformational Weekend, takes place on the 30 – 31 August – if you’d like to enquire further, phone my office on 012 542 4560
“Be the change you want to see in the world.”
The Kaizen Wealth Personal Development Program teaches us that we have the power of the universe within us, with the ability to make a massive difference, but only when we ARE that difference, when we live it day to day down to our fingertips. And we can’t do that until we have taken a quantum leap, a shift at our sub-cellular, sub-molecular level. Which is easy to do when we just know how, and that’s what I teach in the Kaizen Wealth Transformational Weekend.
It’s a waste of time trying to change anything else in the world or our lives until we’ve changed ourselves. Everything else is just futile and does no good, long term.
No matter how well intentioned or how much effort you put into it.
The good news is that it takes much less effort to change ourselves than it does to try and change the world – and it accomplishes far, far more!
Wealth Insight
Stop trying to change the world, change yourself instead and then you’ll change the world!
The next Kaizen Wealth Transformational Weekend, takes place on the 30 – 31 August – if you’d like to enquire further, phone my office on 012 542 4560
As always - committed to your success
Dr Hannes Dreyer
Wealth Mentor